
Cash receipt. A sample document and the rules for its preparation.

Many in life had to deal with such a document as a receipt on receipt of funds. Each one imagines her own way. However, for greater certainty, it is necessary to know the basic rules that must be taken into account when preparing such a paper.

Essence of the question

Before discussing any norms and rules, you must first understand what constitutes a receipt for receiving funds. Its sample may be different, and the essence of such a document is always the same.

receipt of funds sample

It is already in the name itself, which can conditionally be divided into 2 parts. The first is the title of the document, and the second explains the reason for writing it. As you know, a receipt is a paper with the personal signature of its originator, which confirms one or another fact. In this case, we mean the receipt of money. This explanation speaks of its target orientation. That is, one citizen confirms that the other handed him certain funds. So that in the future neither of the parties would have any doubts about this and a receipt will be drawn up on receipt of funds. A sample of it can not be found in any albums with unified forms or applications. This document is arbitrary in nature and completely depends on the circumstances for which it is being prepared.

Mandatory Rules

Any supporting document must be written so that there is not even a shadow of doubt about its veracity. Therefore, no matter how freely it was compiled, it is necessary that the following important points must be reflected in the text:

  1. Each of the parties must indicate passport data.
  2. The amount of money received is best indicated in the national currency of the country where the transfer itself occurs.
  3. If funds are given in debt, then you must immediately indicate the amount of interest charged for this. It all depends on the type of arrangement.

There is another circumstance, which sometimes includes a receipt on receipt of funds. The sample may contain information about witnesses who are present when receiving cash. In principle, this is not necessary. But in the event of a dispute, a third party will always be able to confirm the correctness of one of the parties. Sometimes a witness is confused with a guarantor. But this is not true. He merely states by his presence the fact of a perfect action.

Property Payment

A receipt confirming the transfer of money will never be superfluous. This is especially true for such serious issues as real estate transactions. This may be the purchase, sale or lease of a particular room. Most often in life there is a receipt in the receipt of money for an apartment.

receipt of money for an apartment

For example, the owner wants to sell his property. Usually, the buyer first makes an advance, and then after the final clearance gives the remaining amount. Of course, everything can be done on trust. But who can guarantee that a complete stranger will not want to deceive? What if he refuses that part of the money has already been received in the form of a down payment? If the apartment is already re-registered, then it’s too late to prove something. Without appropriate paper, even the court does not consider it necessary to intervene. In the same way it can happen with a rental. The owner, having received the next amount of money, may refuse this tomorrow and present to the tenant a claim for non-payment of housing.To avoid such conflicts, it is better to take care of a guarantee in advance for yourself.

Proper design

In order for a document that confirms the transfer of money to have legal force and could be a weighty argument in court, it is necessary to draw it up correctly.

money receipt form

The receipt form for the receipt of money should be approximately as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to remember that the one who receives the money writes such a receipt. He must do this in convenient conditions on a plain sheet of paper with his own hand. In printed form, a document can be prepared if one of the parties is a legal entity.
  2. First, the name of the document is written in a cent, and the place and date of its preparation are also specified.
  3. Next is the text where the very first lines indicate the full details of both parties (full name, passport details and registration address).
  4. The amount transferred (in figures with decoding in words) and the purpose of the payment are specified a little below.
  5. If the transferred funds are the final payment, then an addition in the form of a phrase that the parties do not have financial claims against each other will be useful.
  6. After the main text, the signatures of the parties with full transcripts must follow.

If the paper is composed in this way, then you can absolutely not worry about the outcome of the transaction.

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