
Regulated by this ... Definition

A synonym for the word "regulate" is the regulation. Also synonymous are words such as regulation, regulation, streamlining, regulation, leadership. Regulated - this is accounting or committing various legal actions according to the rules clearly regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Compliance with all the rules and regulations prescribed by law by legal and physical persons is mandatory.

regulated it

For entrepreneurs and individuals, the law provides for preferential accounting on a simplified system. Also, at the request of the authorities, there is a provision of regulated accounting or a report drawn up on a standard form. This report is regulated and binding with strict observance of all the rules prescribed in the legislative framework, binding on both sides of the transaction.

Documents for confirming transactions of enterprises

Regulated - this is an orderly, constant, regulated record of all documentation on the activities of the company, enterprise. All financial and business operations are accountable, documented. If you need to provide a specific document to government agencies, then it is provided on a special form established by a decree of the government of the Russian Federation. For interested persons submitting forms to government bodies, their provision is free of charge. If you need to provide documents to a private company of non-state significance, then there are sale accounting forms of a standard form.


Regulated - this is a unified form approved by the government and described in a specific decree. Forms of another type, as well as outdated, are strictly prohibited. For regulation of accounting, the main legislative document is Federal Law No. 402. Compliance with all regulatory legal acts, accounting regulations, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and other documents of federal significance is mandatory and is under state control.

Regulatory accounting has two meanings

synonym for the word regulateRegulated - this is tax accounting or reporting submitted by entrepreneurs to government agencies on forms approved by the government. Filing reports on an outdated form under Russian law means not submitting it at all. Thus, accounting is regulated, streamlined and regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, is controlled by the state, and the term itself has a double meaning.

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