
The republic is ... Types, types, features

The modern world is characterized by a significant expansion of freedom and opportunities of citizens compared with previous centuries. Today, there are practically no countries left on the planet where local residents would not have the right to choose and be elected to government bodies. In this regard, it makes sense to consider the concept of "republic", to reveal all its nuances and get the most useful information.


The republic is a form of government, which is characterized by the fact that all the main organs of the country are either elected for a specified period of time, or are formed by national institutions (parliament, for example), and citizens are endowed with political and personal rights. A distinctive feature of this form is that the head of the republic is elected, not appointed. That is, we are not talking about any transfer of power by inheritance. At the same time, sovereignty is the property of the whole people, and the rights of each person are respected, and their personal opinion is taken into account as much as possible.republic is


In fact, a republic is a combination of certain signs:

  • the presence of a sole leader, which may be played by the president, parliament, cabinet of ministers. At the same time, the main function of the president can be considered to lead the executive branch of government (although not all republics are characterized by this). Parliament is a full representative of the legislature;
  • All representatives of parliament or the Supreme Council, as well as the president, have a strictly defined period of time for the performance of their duties. Simply put, they are chosen for a strictly regulated term;
  • the head of the country certainly bears full legal responsibility for all his actions or inaction at certain points;
  • on the basis of the Constitution, the president has the right in some situations to speak on behalf of the whole people;
  • government is based on the principle of separation of absolutely all branches of government.

republic as a form of government

It is important to point out such a significant point: the republic is not a synonym for the word “democracy”, because even in countries with the monarch at the head, democratic institutions are very widespread. Another thing is that in the republic there are much more opportunities for the development of democratic values ​​and their introduction to the masses.


The republic, as a form of government, has a clear gradation depending on how the state power works, and which of the subjects of legal relations (meaning the parliament or the president) is endowed with great powers. Therefore, we can distinguish the following types of republics:

  • parliamentary. In it, the parliament forms the composition of the government, and the post of prime minister is occupied by a person who is in the ranks of the party that won the election;
  • presidential. In this case, the president is the coordinator of relations between all branches of power, is considered the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and has the full right to represent the country in the international arena. He also forms the cabinet of ministers and may submit draft laws for consideration by parliament;
  • mixed. Such a republic is a combination of the strong power of the president and the powerful influence of parliament;
  • theocratic.

Republic concept


In addition to the above types, there are also:

  1. The Soviet Republic (in it the basis is the Soviets - representative bodies of power).
  2. People's Republic. It is understood that such a state acts solely to satisfy the interests of the majority of its population (they are also called communist).
  3. Democratic Republic. All citizens in it are equal in rights.By and large - an ideal state system.
  4. Islamic Republic - the clergy is at the head. The key role is played by the religion of public servants. The prime minister is appointed by the president. Ministers, on the other hand, hold their posts by agreement of the country's top officials.
  5. Federal Republic. It provides for a certain separation of powers between republican and federal authorities.

head of republic

In conclusion, we note that the republic as form of government currently tends to have a fairly tight rapprochement of its various types. Dry statistics tell us all that on our huge planet out of 190 available states, 140 officially position themselves as republics.

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