
Release: what is it and how to use this term correctly

In modern Russian, there are many terms and concepts that are borrowed from other countries. And to know them all is simply not possible. So, in this article we will talk about a term such as release: what it is and how correctly this concept needs to be used in various situations.

release what is it


Initially, you need to understand what exactly will be discussed. So, release: what is it and how is this term deciphered correctly? The easiest way to determine and understand it is to look into the English-Russian dictionary. It is from the English language that this term is borrowed. In translation, the word release means “release,” “first publication,” “initial publication.” If we talk about our country, then on its territory the word "release" means a short message about the release of something new: a program, game, song or other product.

Press release

What is a press release?

Having understood how the word "release" is translated (what it is, discussed above), I want to go a little further, delve into this concept. What is the first association that many people have when mentioning this term? The word "press release." What is it? Again, the easiest way is to translate from English. It becomes clear that this is a press release. More specifically, a press release is a message about the release of a product in print. And to make this message as effective as possible, it must be compiled according to special rules. The main requirements for a press release: brevity, maximum information content and ease of perception. It must include the following items:

  • Headline. The most informative and interesting. It should cause a desire to read the text further.
  • The first paragraph, where the most basic information is briefly concentrated. Here the essence of the event (object) is stated. It takes a couple of sentences.
  • The main part, which provides more detailed information with important nuances.
  • Information about the company. Here you can find contact information, the largest and most diverse number of them (phone, e-mail, website address, legal address, etc.)

And, of course, the press release must be impeccable in terms of style, punctuation, and spelling. If you want the new brand to become recognizable, you will not manage to get by with a press release. They will have to be sent out regularly and to multiple publications (it is important to consider the audience and features of the newspaper or magazine).

release of new games

About event release

There is also such a thing as an event release. What is it? There is no particular difference here. This is an event message. It can be placed not only in the press (press release). People about the upcoming event can be informed in other ways. For example, messages at conferences, round tables, seminars, forums. In this case, the goal is the same: to tell people about the importance and necessity of this event. But if in the previous case the text is as important as possible, then the one who will voice this release can play a big role. The largest audience is gathered by those actions that are announced by the "stars" of show business or other recognizable personalities.

Game release

Gamers often expect new game releases. What is it? This is a message that the game is coming out. It becomes publicly available, it can be bought not only in test mode, but also in full mode. After the release of the release, the game no longer changes; all the nuances and features that users want to change are taken into account in the previous stages.

Music releases

There are also music releases in show business.However, for convenience there they are divided into many categories:

  • Album. About 10 songs by one artist.
  • A single is a single composition, which is obliged to interest the listener.
  • Soundtrack - musical design of the film, transmission.
  • Promo It comes out before the main release, a small run to study demand.
  • Demo is an unfinished album. Mostly released by new artists in order to attract investors and producers for the release of the full album. The desire to declare itself.

There are also other music releases, presented the most recognizable by an ordinary person.

event release

Post release

So, with the question: "Release - what is it?" figured out. But a couple of words I also want to say that there is a concept of post-release. So, this is a message that informs that the event has already taken place. It is formed in the same way as a press release. However, it must be supplemented by photographs.

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