
Reconstruction is an ambiguous term

As you know, nothing ever happens in our lives. This may seem too sad to someone, but it is. Even if you build the strongest buildings and roads, sooner or later time will take its toll, and they will become dilapidated and will require repair. If you do not perform the required maintenance on time, then they will simply become worthless. This process is called reconstruction. Reconstruction of the highway, some structure, as well as any old battle that has come to pass - all these are processes based on the restoration of some outdated physical, historical aspects. You will learn about all this from this article.

reconstruction is

Reconstruction of buildings

The situation with an obsolete building can be resolved in two ways. It can either be demolished in order to build a new one, or it can be reconstructed. The reconstruction of the house consists primarily in the repair, during which a whole range of work will be carried out. With this repair you can improve the general condition of the building. And people can continue to live in it.

house reconstruction

Reconstruction process

All the nuances of this process are very complex. They become even more difficult if the reconstruction of the house should be carried out especially carefully for the reason that this building is a monument of architecture. Since in this case the structure should remain in the same form as it existed before, which means that it is extremely undesirable to change anything.

reconstruction of buildings

The reconstruction of buildings includes two main points. To strengthen the foundation and load-bearing walls, work is being done to strengthen the load-bearing structures. But the implementation of the most complete overhaul (this means fixing or completely replacing absolutely all communication systems) concerns the internal state of the house. It is possible that during the reconstruction a complete change and re-equipment of the living quarters will be needed, but only without a special change in appearance. Just in this case, we can say that there is a restoration of the object with historical and cultural value. But if, along with the restoration, an additional construction of individual elements to the building (as well as in it) is also carried out, then it can be argued that this building does not carry special historical importance and value, but it is impossible to save the house without carrying out these works.

Beginning of work

It is necessary to inspect the premises before starting work. It is important to do this, so that before starting work, you can absolutely completely determine the participation of the necessary specialists. The entire examination result must be recorded in a special document. It is on the basis of it that a conclusion is issued with a complete list, which lists all the structural elements of the building under examination, as well as, importantly, the degree of its wear. Moreover, according to the conclusion of this list, one can judge whether reconstruction is necessary at all, whether it is advisable to carry out it in a given time period. Then the design documentation is prepared. Reconstruction is an important process, therefore, all documents should indicate the name of work, deadlines, as well as the need for redevelopment and replacement. At the same time, only with the presence of an approved project work package will you be able to proceed with their implementation. The documents themselves are coordinated by the relevant authorities. Government agencies must give approval to your reconstruction plan.

reconstruction plan

House restoration in the private sector

In the event that your personal private house is dilapidated over time, it must be reconstructed.This type of activity involves the direction of work on the modification and improvement of the building. It should also be noted that some types of work will need to be confirmed before starting, having received permission to restore a private house.

highway reconstruction

Reconstruction is not easy

It is important to understand that reconstruction, overhaul and redevelopment are completely different processes. Redevelopment is a change in the configuration of a house, the transfer of walls, window frames, doorways, various manipulations with them. Overhaul is a replacement of obsolete materials that were used in the construction of the building, with new ones. This is a complex of construction and installation works, the purpose of which is to improve the technical parameters and characteristics of the house, as well as living conditions.

Reconstruction is a complete change in the parameters and technical characteristics of a building. In this case, add-ons of new floors, the addition of updated engineering systems, the addition of new communications, the construction of extensions directly to the main unit are carried out. But the load-bearing structures themselves should not be replaced completely, but only be repaired. The basic principle is the addition of new premises while maintaining the foundations of the previous building structure.

Unusual aspect of reconstruction

There are hobbies that are quite popular today. This is the so-called historical reconstruction. This is a simulation of battles, battles that took place ever in the past and now cause considerable interest. Recreating those days that have gone a long way in history is an interesting and exciting affair. To show this or that event of the past to a wide circle of people, it is necessary to reproduce it exactly, as it was many centuries ago. An extremely important detail in this case is the observance of the maximum proximity to the truth. Each person in this action plays a role. Sometimes in the reconstructions of various events of the past, an amateur experiment can be used, inaccuracies are present.

highway reconstruction

Remember that even for historical reconstruction, you will need permission. If the action is carried out in rural areas, then documents for direct approval must be submitted to the district administration.

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