
Family relationship. Kinship scheme

In the modern world, we often forget about the dearest and closest people themselves. Moreover, many do not even know who owes whom to whom and how to properly name new relatives. That's what I want to talk about now. Family ties: who has whom and who should name their loved ones?

family relationship


Initially, I want to note that today there are two forms of kinship:

  • Blood.
  • Bloodless.

Relatives can be from the father or mother. This is blood. Anemic people are those who enter into kinship after marriage through a husband or wife. I would also like to note that earlier this list was larger. They also identified land-related or communal kinship, based on the management of a common economy, as well as spiritual, which was also called fictitious or artificial.

Close blood relatives

The most recognized by all is the blood kinship of the closest relatives. In this case, distinguish:

  • Mother and father - people who gave birth to a child.
  • Brothers, sisters - children born from the same father and mother.
  • Grandparents are parents of parents. Next come the great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers.

These are the closest blood relatives.

family ties who to whom

Other blood relatives

The kinship scheme is not limited to this. So, there are many more blood relatives who also have their correct names:

  • Cousins ​​are children born to a sister or brother of one of the parents. In ancient times, such people were called bro, or brother-in-law, as well as sister-in-law, or sister-in-law.
  • Second cousins ​​are grandchildren.
  • Nephews are the children of siblings, and grand-nephews are the grandchildren of a brother or sister. Also there is the concept of a great-cousin nephew, etc.

Blood relationship through brother

The kinship is very interesting if you lead it from the brothers. How, then, are relatives called properly?

  • The brother’s wife was called the brother.
  • The brother’s own son, in our opinion - a nephew, and in antiquity - a brother.
  • My brother’s own daughter, today is a niece, in the old days - bro.
  • The wife of a cousin was usually called a brother.

family ties of people

Acquired Relatives

Be sure to consider family ties (who owes whom to whom) after the wedding ceremony. This is the most common place for confusion.

  • The parents of the wife are called father-in-law and mother-in-law, the husband's parents are called the father-in-law and mother-in-law.
  • Parental couples of married children among themselves are called sosaty.
  • In relation to parents: the bride is the daughter-in-law for the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for the mother-in-law; groom - son-in-law for both the mother-in-law and the father-in-law.
  • The husband’s brother to the bride has a brother-in-law. If the brother has a wife, she is a prick, or yatrovka.
  • If the husband has a sister, she will be the sister-in-law to the bride.
  • In the case when the wife has a sister, she will be the sister-in-law to the groom, her husband - the sister-in-law. All men whose wives among themselves are in kinship are brothers-in-law.
  • The wife’s brother will be the brother-in-law. If a brother has a son, he is usually called Shurich.

It should be noted that the family ties of people are the most important element in the life of every family. Today, unfortunately, people are increasingly forgetting that the only people who will always help are relatives. That is why recently these names have been lost. After all, relatives are less and less communicating with each other. And, accordingly, they forget who owes whom to whom.

kinship scheme

Blood or just close relatives?

Family ties and relationships do not end there. There are many different situations in life that are also important to consider. For example, if a man’s marriage is repeated, and the children from the previous one remain.

  1. If a father remarries, his new wife is a stepmother. In a similar situation, however, if the children stayed with their mother, and she found a new man, the kids acquire a stepfather.
  2. Children among themselves in this case are called consolidated. Stepbrothers, sisters.
  3. In relation to children: a son who is not native is called a stepson, a step-daughter is a stepdaughter.

If we talk about adopted children, then they are considered named (named son or named daughter). The same applies to parents: named father or mother.

It should also be noted that a kinship also occurs if the parents do not live in an official marriage. They are popularly called a civil couple. Children in this case are considered to be relatives, they are not considered illegitimate. They have no special name.

family ties and relationships


Christian faith also implies the presence of godparents. Who are they? So, in the old days, mortality was much higher than in the modern world. And people, wanting to protect their children from poverty and wanderings, chose close relatives or good people who were the children of godparents. They underwent a special church rite and later bore responsibility for the life and fate of the child. Ideally, godparents should not only give children gifts, occasionally visiting them. Their main purpose is the spiritual education of children named before God, instilling in them the norms and dogmas of Christianity. If the parents were dying, godmothers were taken to their upbringing and maintenance of children, one of their godparents. In material terms, in this case, they were equally responsible for the child.

Today this is a bit forgotten, but the names of such relatives remained:

  • Godmothers and fathers are the spiritual parents of the child.
  • A godson or godson is a child whom an adult has christened before God.
  • There is also the concept of godparents and brothers, the children of godmothers of mother and father.
  • Kumovya (godfather, godfather) - blood and godparents among themselves.

kinship scheme complete

Other unaccounted family ties

We further consider family ties. The complete scheme may also include relatives in the cross. This is the name of the people who exchanged pectoral crosses during the baptism ceremony.

  • Men: cross brothers, cross brothers.
  • Women: twin, or cross sisters.

Wedding relationship

Few know, but a kinship also arises during the wedding of the young. And if everything is clear about parents, family and a young couple, then there are also indirect relatives.

  • Friend and boyar. Today they are also called witnesses. They play a role not only in the ceremony of marriage and weddings, but also at a wedding party.
  • Thousand. Today it is a host. Previously, the manager of the wedding, who was responsible for everything that happens. Most often it is the godfather or an adult relative.
  • The brothers of honor - men, friends of the groom who are engaged in the bottling of alcoholic drinks, monitor the order.

So, we have examined almost all family ties. Who, by whom? The diagram shows this too. In addition, you need to consider all the connections, both blood and non-blood.

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Alexey Lokteonov
Who is the son of the niece in relation to the son of the aunt?


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