
Grand-nephew - who is this? Grandson of brother or sister

Once upon a time, for many centuries, every family knew its ancestors several generations ago. Each of them was remembered by name, they did not cease to honor the memory of those who had left this life, and they necessarily told the story of the family to the babies born, new members of the family. Today, unfortunately, such traditions are irrelevant. Perhaps someone considers this unfashionable, someone - optional for study, someone simply for many reasons can not learn almost nothing about their ancestors. And the result of such family illiteracy is complete ignorance and misunderstanding of who owes whom to whom, how to properly name their relatives and what kind of kinship relations are between members of the same family.

You can try to understand one point of such relations and understand, grand-nephew - who is this?

These days

The family is a certain unit of modern society. The important values ​​of the institution of the family are needed by every person, because without them, all life becomes scarce, incomprehensible and inferior. In order not to be mistaken in the correct name of all, without exception, numerous members of a large family, you should first understand kinship between them.

grand-nephew is who

Yes, unfortunately, in the modern world, very few people know and understand the issue of who belongs to whom and to whom in the same family. And families are different, with a diametrically opposite concept of family values. And the number of people is also different. If the family is small - children, parents, grandparents - then everything is clear. But if it’s huge, then it is very easy to get confused. After all, there are times when an aunt is about a quarter of a century younger than her nephew, and a granddaughter is ten years older than her grandmother. But this, of course, is possible if the relatives are cousins ​​or second cousins.

Family ties

Kinship to an outsider for such a family will seem terribly confusing and incomprehensible. But family members can easily figure out what's what.

The relationship between relatives in any family, regardless of the number of its members, is a kind of building blocks with which it is quite possible to build strong interpersonal relationships.

Family ties are some kind of bonds that form a certain closed community of people. It is these relationships that exist between relatives that underlie the inheritance and family legislation. It is they who can determine with great accuracy the majority of aspects in the life of modern people.

Do I need to know and why?

We have decided on the concept of family ties. But do they have their own types and do modern people need to know them? What is it for?

Literally 100-150 years ago, families were large, there were no less than three or four heirs. In one house, as a rule, several different generations of relatives lived at the same time, both close and distant.

family ties

Remember how in the film “For family reasons” the character of Lev Durov said: “And where, tell me, now find such large tables? What is it ... And where are such large families? ”

Always, no matter what worldview or financial situation in the family, people of the same kind are united precisely by kinship. After all, all their concerns, values, experiences or needs were absolutely similar. Even the well-known expression “looks like two drops of water” meant that two people from the same family, whom they compare with each other, for example, an aunt and a niece, the next of kin.

Who are you, grand-nephew?

Everything seems to be very clear with parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. And the question of who owes whom to whom does not arise. A little more complicated with the definition of relatives, a little further in degree of kinship.

grand cousin nephew

For example, a grand-nephew. Who will it be? How to understand: is it a close relative or a distant one?

The grand-nephew is a child born from the nephews of a sister or brother. Thus, if a sister or brother of a person who is interested in this issue has a son, then for him, that is, who is interested, he will be a native nephew. When the son has his own little son, then this little one is the same mysterious grandchild. It’s not difficult to understand who and how it turns out (such a line of kinship). After all, the grand-nephew is the grandson of a sister or brother interested.

Jumping stairs

So, since we have come to the denominator in the question that the grandson of a sister or brother is a great-grand nephew, we can easily determine who such a grand-grand cousin is. Here, at first glance, it’s a little more complicated, and you can get confused with the habit. But only at first.

who am I a grand-nephew of

If a brother or sister is second-cousin to a person who is interested in this issue, then his nephew acquires a significant cousin value. If a brother or sister is a fourth cousin, then the nephew will be a second cousin. That is, if I may say so, it is always one step lower than the relatives of the person who is interested in who he is the grandson of.

And who am I for him?

Now, an interested person may have a new question: who am I a grand-nephew of? We will try not to get confused by answering the question.

Since the previous difficulties seemed to be all resolved, no contradictory explanations should arise with this. So, the grand-nephew is a child born to the sister's or brother’s own nephew. Thus, if a sister or brother has their own children, then for an interested person they will be grand-nephews when a sister or brother becomes a grandmother or grandfather. We repeat once again: who is the grand-nephew? This is the grandson of a sister or brother. Accordingly, the subject is a cousin of grandfather.

grandson of brother

The inverse relation can be defined as follows: if one person is the grandchildren of the nephews of another, then this other, in turn, is a cousin of the grandfather in relation to the first.

About brothers and sisters

A direct relative of a brother or sister is a grand-nephew. They always say that when they want to say that this, for example, is the grandson of a sister. Otherwise, you can determine kinship - this is the child of the native nephew of a person who is interested in kinship. And if there is a brother in the family? In this situation, the grandchild will be the brother's grandson.

Thus, if an interested person has a brother or sister, and they, in turn, have sons, then for an interested person they will be native nephews, and when they get their own babies, they will be grand-nephews and grandchildren of a sister or brother.

No matter which side you approach, the line of kinship in any family, regardless of the number of relatives, will be exactly the same.

Logic or habit?

If we turn to the old Logic, we can confidently say that the grand-nephew is rightly called a cousin. Then mutually inverse relations will simultaneously have a certain degree of kinship between people (that is, a cousin in this situation), and a specific indication of the difference in generations (granddaughter-grandfather).

grandson of a sister

But historically it turned out exactly as it is written above: in these names they specifically indicate:

  • kinship and its degree: cousin's nephew;
  • generational difference: grandchild - two generations younger.

After all, whatever one may say, there is no such thing as a “cousin grandson” in Russian.It is precisely because of such a difficult at first glance situation that such kind of relationship denotes with a certain “shift” in the names: grand-nephew - cousin; granddaughter cousin nephew - second cousin grandfather.

Of course, the first time you can get confused. But these are our relatives. And from whether we call them correctly, our love for them will not become less.

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