
The most dangerous road in the world: description, name, history and interesting facts

The most dangerous road in the world is the place where not only driving experience, but also composure is expected from a person sitting at the wheel. There are tracks on which drivers and passengers can find their death at the slightest error. The rating of roads on which it is better not to drive is regularly compiled by reputable European publications. What tracks are included in this list at the moment?

The most dangerous road in the world: a leader

The Bolivian Death Road, located in the province of Jungas, has remained the recognized leader on this list for many years. Statistics say that every year the most dangerous road in the world takes the lives of two hundred or three hundred people. Why is it even difficult for experienced motorists to decide to use it?

the most dangerous road in the world

The "Road of Death", which the local population also calls the "Devil's Road" is dangerous primarily because of the elevation that ranges from 4600 to 1200 meters. The situation is improving or worsening depending on weather conditions. A short rain is enough for the track to turn into a stone-clay mess. Also it is impossible not to note the terrible condition of the road surface, the lack of fences and frequent fogs that adversely affect the visibility, which already leaves much to be desired.

What else can scare the most dangerous road in the world? Of course, its width, which is not more than 3.5 meters. This way is extremely difficult to use for truck drivers. There are places where trucks almost "hang over the abyss." Of course, here it is impossible to perform such maneuvers as a U-turn.

A track that does not forgive mistakes

The most dangerous road in the world is described above, but there are other routes that should be avoided by inexperienced drivers. "Track, not forgiving mistakes" appeared only a few decades ago. It was created by the inhabitants of the Chinese village of Golian, who were forced to use an even more dangerous stone staircase in order to get out into the outside world. The construction of Guoliang Road took five years, the length of the path was 1200 m. Some people involved in the construction died in the process.

10 most dangerous roads in the world

The "road that does not forgive mistakes" looks like a narrow tunnel. Even two cars are difficult to part without hitting each other. It is not surprising that the inhabitants of the village prefer to use two-wheeled vehicles or even hike. Among other things, the danger to travelers is rockfall. It is strongly not recommended to choose this path for people suffering from claustrophobia.

Skippers Canyon (New Zealand)

Calling the five most dangerous roads in the world, it is impossible to ignore the New Zealand Skipper Canyon. The length of the route slightly exceeds 25 km, it is located on a steep cliff. The road has been functioning for more than 140 years, the possibility of increasing it is not even considered. It is curious that car rental companies do not allow their vehicles to be used on this road, since insurance here officially expires.

top most dangerous roads in the world

The track was created in the 19th century, its builders could not even imagine that it would be needed by car drivers, not by people with carts whose width does not go beyond a meter. Only first-class drivers are able to leave here.

Magic Meadows (Pakistan)

Listing the most dangerous mountain roads in the world, one cannot forget about the famous highway of Pakistan.Locals gave it the beautiful name “Magic Meadows”, since travelers using this route have the opportunity to enjoy unforgettable views (3.3 km above sea level). The length of the site is over 16 km, but the local population does not use cars, preferring motorcycles and bicycles. Most often, the inhabitants of the nearby village of Tato are interested in the trail, but tourists who like the thrill also drop in here.

top 10 most dangerous roads in the world

The track is famous all over the world for surface instability, and buses, cars, are regularly falling here. Interestingly, for several centuries of the existence of “Magic Meadows”, no one has repaired the road. It is officially not allowed to use this way for motorists whose vehicles do not have all-wheel drive. The track is not only winding, but also extremely narrow, the slightest mistake can cost the driver and passengers life.

Taroko Gorge (Taiwan)

The list, which includes the 10 most dangerous roads in the world, will not be complete without this place. Taroko Gorge, located in Taiwan, will not appeal even to tourists who like a roller coaster. The height of the road is more than three meters, there are road signs, markings. What makes the path so dangerous that it is entered in all sorts of warning ratings?

the five most dangerous roads in the world

First of all, the problem is a constant change of direction, which requires increased attention from drivers. It is also worth noting a limited review, which often causes automobile accidents. Finally, travelers using the road will be able to see warning signs indicating the likelihood of a collapse.

"Road to nowhere"

Top of the most dangerous roads in the world includes the "Road to Nowhere", as it was called by the locals. An indelible impression on the guests of Alaska can make a snowy Dalton highway. Superstitious people can get scared when they already learn that the length of the route is 666 km. Using the road, the motorist will not see anything outside the window except desolation and snow. A strong wind also creates a frightening atmosphere, which raises icy fragments and stones into the air, sometimes breaking the windows of a car.

the most dangerous mountain roads in the world

Along the endless route there are only three villages, the total population of which does not go beyond 60 people. Obviously, tourists who encounter a car breakdown will have to spend a lot of time waiting for help. Therefore, the US authorities are telling travelers traveling to conquer the Dalton Highway, stock up on essentials and make sure that their vehicle is in good working order.

Dangerous place of Ecuador

Remembering the top 10 most dangerous roads in the world, one can not help but name the path to the volcano Cotopaxi in Ecuador. The length of the route is no more than 40 km, but it is highly recommended not to use it. There are no steep cliffs, there are no landslides, but there are other problems.

First of all, one should not forget that Kotopakhi is an active volcano. The last eruption took place in the second half of 2015. But a much greater danger is the likelihood of flooding. The terrain features are such that even minor precipitation becomes dangerous for motorists. Every year, dozens of people die on this highway, almost all cases are connected with the flood.

Other dangerous roads

Guests of Nepal should avoid the Karnali Highway, which is 250 km long. Each year, it becomes the place of death of several dozen people. The main problem is the surface of the track, which is in a terrible state. The local population uses off-road vehicles or (in extreme cases) motorcycles. There are no fences, the threat is not only rockfalls and landslides, but also oncoming vehicles.

The Egyptian highway Luxor al-Hurghada is not the most dangerous road in the world, but it is still worth avoiding it.Often, travelers meet gangsters here, and terrorist attacks happen. The Italian Stelvio Pass is also dangerous, the track has long been in need of repair.

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