
Dangerous professions: list, training requirements

Dangerous professions attract extreme lovers and people who agree to risk their lives for the sake of high wages. Often, such professions are paid high, but sometimes the money does not quite correspond to the degree of risk. First of all, this applies to the countries of the post-Soviet space. It is worth noting that the most dangerous professions in the world and the same professions in Russia are different. We will talk about this today in our article.

Risk is a noble cause

dangerous professionsDanger always, above all, attracts boys. As a child, they dream of being stuntmen, trainers and pilots. But not only the male sex works in a dangerous field. Some dangerous professions are available for the weak half of humanity. Studies were conducted, and as a result, a list of such professions was compiled. To begin with, we will show what the most dangerous professions exist, according to the international community:

  • sappers;
  • fishermen
  • lifeguards;
  • electricians high voltage;
  • climbers in industry;
  • oil industry workers;
  • trainers;
  • miners;
  • firefighters;
  • lumberjacks;
  • police officers.

We specifically did not make a rating presentation, as people's opinions differ on the degree of risk in a particular profession. Therefore, we just listed them all. Speaking of Russia, here is a list of professions considered dangerous, as follows:

  • miners;
  • firefighters;
  • Drivers
  • anglers;
  • builders.

The difference from the world list is due to the presence of different working conditions. For example, if in the world a driver is not considered a dangerous profession, then due to the poor condition of roads in Russia, such activity becomes dangerous, especially in winter and in mountainous areas. We will not talk about all professions. But I want to dwell in more detail on those that, in our opinion, stand out from the others.

Dangerous occupations

the most dangerous professionsThis kind of employment refers more often to people who work in industrial enterprises, construction projects and the like. These are dangerous and harmful professions that are not always properly evaluated and paid.

  • An electrician. People in this profession are in constant danger. Statistics show how high the mortality rate of people who deal with current. One mistake can cost a person life. Especially when dealing with high voltage gears. A person who is admitted to such work must have appropriate professional skills and pass a safety exam.
  • Builder. Now more and more high-rise buildings are being built in cities, and the work of people who do this is associated with great risk. There are many different occupations in this area. These are crane operators, and plasterers, and painters. Each of them risks their lives, since building at a height is in any case fraught with danger. It is important for these people not to have problems with the vestibular apparatus and not to be afraid of heights.

Military professions

list of professionsMany people believe that this particular type of activity includes the most dangerous professions. These include the work of all who wear uniforms. One of the requirements for such classes is that a person had to undergo military training, that is, to serve in the army. Therefore, mainly men work in this area.

  • Sapper. This is probably one of the most dangerous jobs, both in war and in peacetime. No wonder there is a saying that the sapper makes a mistake only once. He has no second chance. People in this profession must have a stable psyche and high professional training.
  • Fireman.Studying the statistics of mortality, we can conclude that firefighters die often enough. We all know how important the help of the fire brigade is, especially in high-rise buildings. Sometimes people are trapped by fire and smoke, and only firefighters can save them. Basically, it is a fireman who dies saving someone. Such people should have good physical fitness and first aid knowledge.
  • Policeman. Always working with criminal activity is associated with danger. Skirmishes and chases are not only in the movies, but also in reality. Protecting the rule of law, these people constantly risk their lives. And statistics show that many of them die in the performance of their duties. A stable psyche and a clean reputation are mandatory requirements for hiring. After all, a man with a weapon can not only save, but also cause harm.

Extreme professions

working professionsThe list of professions of this type is not long. We include stuntmen and climbers to them. As for stuntmen, the profession itself is closely associated with risk, and these people are well aware of what they are going to. What a simple person or actor cannot do or is afraid to do will be a stuntman. After all, he is trained in this. And speaking of climbers, as a profession, and not a hobby, we mean industrial ones. These are people who are engaged in decorating houses, washing glass in high-rise buildings and the like.

Work with natural resources

dangerous and harmful professionsHere we include occupations with hazardous working conditions associated with resources. First of all, it is, of course, the miners. It was always a dangerous occupation, but recently, deaths among miners are so frequent that this activity can be called the most dangerous in the world. The risk of being littered underground exists for the miner every time he sinks into the mine. Such people should have excellent health and not be afraid of a confined space. After all, they have to work the entire shift at a depth of tens of meters underground.

Oil rig drillers and lumberjacks are also constantly at risk. The former deal with combustible materials, and the latter can be littered with tree felling. Physical and vocational training is very important for such activities.

Work with animals

occupations with dangerous working conditionsDangerous professions can be associated not only with fire, current, or depth. Working with animals sometimes carries more risk than the work of a policeman, for example. After all, animals are different. One of these professions is considered a trainer. We always see the result of hard training of animals in a circus or zoo. But we do not see the process itself. And he is very dangerous, because you can never predict how the animal will behave in a particular situation. Those who want to become a trainer should be very fond of animals and be strong in spirit. After all, animals feel when they are afraid.

Another unusual profession is a wrestler with crocodiles. This is an entertaining program for tourists, but it is not a game for a wrestler. Often there are cases of serious injuries and even deaths among representatives of this profession.

All professions are important.

In the end, I want to say that both working professions and those associated with natural resources or animals are necessary and important. Not everyone can become a cop or stuntman. Each type of activity has its own requirements and training. The most important thing is caution, attention and a sober mind. Whatever dangerous profession you choose, any of them requires concentration and does not tolerate neglect of safety.

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