
The most expensive beer: Antarctic Nail Ale (Australia)

When it comes to expensive alcohol, the first thing that comes to mind is, of course, wine. After it, connoisseurs of quality strong drinks recall whiskey, brandy and some brand of cognac. Beer in the minds of many is not associated with high prices, and at best is associated with the type of imported bottles on the shelves of specialized stores. But most often, talking about beer is associated with democratic youth parties and football.

But in the beer market in this regard there is something to amaze the imagination. Non-standard solutions of craft breweries mainly translate into breathtaking amounts on price tags, the justification of which is obvious only to the most devoted and solvent fans of this drink.

What types of beer are the most expensive? What is so high in their composition? What brand of drink is it said to be the most expensive beer in the world?

Rating of elite beer brands

Researchers have compiled a list of "Top 10: the most expensive beer in the world":

  • 10th place: Pabst Blue Ribbon 1844 (China). A bottle of beer (720 ml, 6%) costs $ 44. In the USA, PBR 1844 is one of the cheapest varieties. It's all about the difference in the preparation technologies of the standard PBR and PBR 1844, one of which is restricted in China. The author of the idea of ​​creating a drink is brewer Alan Kornhauser, who decided to mix American hops and German caramel malt. The finished product is released in fancy wine bottles. The author sought to create a drink that can compete with brandy and wines.
  • On the 9th place: Tutankhamun Ale (Great Britain). Real ancient Egyptian beer, the price of which is $ 75 (bottle capacity - 500 ml, drink strength - 6%). An archaeologist from the University of Cambridge in 1990, digging up the tomb of Queen Nefertiti, came across a brewing room with preserved samples of beer. After a while, the scientist managed to read the recipe. Together with brewer Jim Merington (Scotland), they made a drink according to the recipe in ancient Egyptian scripts. The first bottle of beer was sold for a record price: $ 7,686. But after some time, production stopped, the price of products fell.
  • 8th place: BrewDog Sink the Bismarc (Scotland). Leading beer in the world by fortress. The price of the bottle is $ 80 (275 ml, 41%). The Scottish brewery BrewDog on the strength of the drink almost broke the record of the German brand Schorschbrdu. The secret is a four times larger portion of hops, quadruple distillation and freezing. The result was an expensive drink, the most bitter in taste of all the varieties known in the world and the most “drunk” (four times faster than ordinary beer, it will send anyone under the table, if you do not be careful).
  • In 7th place: Sapporo Space Bareley (Japan). $ 20 per bottle (330 ml, 5.5%). Beer is remarkable in that it is brewed from experimental cosmic grain. There is a Russian counterpart (4pines Vostok Space Beer), also available for $ 20;

a bottle of beer

  • On the 6th place: Samuel Adams Utopias (USA). A bottle costs $ 150 (700 ml, 29%). It is bottled in copper bottles, which makes it look like cognac from the Second World War. Includes all traditional ingredients. Herbal flavor is created by adding four types of noble hops. Aged in barrels for six months, the taste of tasters is defined as "fiery." It has a phenomenal aroma and aftertaste. Experts believe that this beer should be drunk on special occasions.
  • 5th place: Crown Ambassador Reserve Lager (Australia). Price ranges: $ 90 - $ 800 per bottle (750 ml, 9.2%). The creators sought to brew beer, capable of replacing wine. It has an exquisite taste, has a fancy design of bottles, completed with corduroy packaging. Throughout the year he wanders in oak barrels. Taste connoisseurs is defined as rich and elegant.

aussie ale

  • In 4th place: Schorschbrdu Schorschbock 57 (Germany). A 330 ml bottle costs $ 257, a fortress of 57.5%. It is considered the strongest beer in the world. Fans comment on the taste as very strong, with hints of walnut and raisins and a slight smoky aftertaste.

The most expensive beer: leading brands

  • Experts give Carlsberg Jacobsen Vintage No. 1 (Denmark) the 3rd place. The exclusive, released in 2008, is sold exclusively in Denmark. It is a huge success. The number of bottles is limited (only 600 pieces are produced). The drink is dark brown, made using the best varieties of caramel and hops and aged in French and Swedish wine barrels. The taste combines the sensation of malt, caramel, dried fruit and a light smoky aftertaste. Cost of a bottle (375 ml, 10.5%): $ 400.
  • The 2nd place is rightfully occupied by BrewDog End of History (Scotland). The taste combines the sensation of nettle and juniper berries. It has an exclusive package: each bottle is placed in a scarecrow of a small animal - martens, squirrels, hare, petting. It is stated that animals at different times died under the wheels of a car. Despite the excellent quality of the drink, not all beer lovers find such a design solution successful and are ready to buy it. Many people share the opinion that it is good that only 12 bottles of this beer were produced, otherwise how many animals would manufacturers have to kill? Cost of a bottle (330 ml, 55%): $ 765.

Antarctic Nail Ale

This brand is No. 1 in the ranking. The cost of a bottle (500 ml, 10%) ranges from $ 800 - $ 1815. The most expensive beer in the world is made in Australia. Its author is Neil Breving. It was originally conceived to save animals. All profits from its sale went to the Marine Fauna Protection Society.

beer price

Why so expensive? The trick is that the purest melt glaciers of Antarctica were used in the beverage industry. A real piece of Antarctic ice was melted on the island of Tasmania and brought to Perth. You won’t find such water anywhere else. The number of bottles issued - 30 pcs. The first was sold at auction in 2010 at a price of $ 800. In the future, there were willing to pay and more expensive (up to $ 1815). The whole batch was sold out, the profit served the cause of saving the whales.

antarctic nail ale

Recipe Features, History

The only thing known about the peculiarities of the beverage recipe is that the most expensive beer in the world is made on the basis of the Australian variety, the winner of the prestigious Australian International Beer Awards in 2009 and 2010. Its name: Nail Ale, manufacturer: Nail Brewing Co. As already mentioned, ecologically clean meltwater from the glaciers of Antarctica was used. The purity of the experiment was guaranteed by EdithCowanUniversity (Joondalup).

Antarctic Nail Ale broke the previous Australian brewing record - Crown Ambassador Reserve (bottle cost: $ 90).

About traditions

Judging by the reviews, little is known about the traditions of Australian brewing. In addition, it is not easy to purchase Australian beer in Russia. The opportunity to taste Australian-made drinks and join the culture of their use is available exclusively to guests of the mysterious and alluring continent.

But in Europe, Australian beer is in great demand and is a competitor to German, British and Irish.

The start of Australian brewing was laid by the British Boston, who brewed beer from Indian corn. The unfavorable conditions for the cultivation of the main product - hops, supply difficulties made it possible to produce only one grade - light ale, the taste of which was improved over the years by the Fitzgerald brothers (Ireland). The expansion of technical capabilities led to the development of lager production.

At this time, the popularity of beer in Australia is so great that it begins to crowd out the traditionally popular rum. Today, beer production in Australia is monopolized. The beer excise law uprooted all small breweries. Among the large, deserving world fame, should be called Tooth, Cascade, Carlton, Coopers, Foster′s. Australians are among the five most drinking nations.

El: Description

Australian ale is a special type of hop drink, quite complex in its structure. In addition to traditional barley malt, it includes honey, fragrant herbs, juniper berries, spruce resin. The set of these components is called “gruyt”, the ratio of their brewers is kept secret.

the most expensive beer

In the taste of light Australian ale, the content of unobtrusive notes of fruit with barely perceptible bitterness is noted. Color: 9 EBC, bitterness: 34 IBU.

bright australian ale

In the dark (mahogany with creamy foam), a predominance of fried malt aroma with a hint of chocolate, hop bitterness, sufficient to create a balance of dry aftertaste, is noted. Indicators of bitterness and color per 1 kg of malt extract: color - 650 EBC, bitterness - 590 IBU.

dark australian ale

Many amateur craftsmen, due to the shortage of Australian products on the Russian market, dare to recreate its taste and strength in their own breweries. Connoisseurs say: almost succeed. Online recipes for self-cooking Australian ale (light or dark) are available. Having the desire and experience, as well as the appropriate equipment, why not try it?

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