
The richest women in Russia according to Forbes magazine

For several years now, Forbes magazine has been publishing a list of which the richest women in Russia are participating. Only residents of the Russian Federation who are not civil servants (including former ones) who have earned capital privately can get a place in this rating. The spouses of government officials are also not on the list. So, whose names are present in this curious ranking?

Name of the winner

For several years now, Elena Baturina, the woman whose name is known to the whole world, has occupied the first place. Once this successful business woman was married to the former mayor of the capital, Yuri Luzhkov. Currently, its capital is estimated at an amount that goes beyond a billion dollars.

richest women in Russia

Elena Baturina has a diploma from the State Institute of Management, in the past she owned shares in Gazprom, Sberbank of Russia. She was also the owner of the Inteko corporation; she sold it in 2011 in connection with the desire to leave the Russian Federation that arose after the spouse's resignation. Currently, a woman who recently celebrated her 53rd birthday leads Inteco Management. In addition, the entrepreneur owns a chain of hotels, runs a charity fund, whose mission is to combat religious conflicts. For several years now, Baturina has been a resident of London, she has two children born in a marriage with Luzhkov.

Second place

Natalia Lutsenko is another famous Russian woman, the owner of a huge fortune. If you believe the official data presented for this year, a woman owns about 550 million dollars. The business woman began her path to success in 1994 with the sale of animal feed, and now she and her husband Alexander own the Sodruzhestvo corporation, which is involved in the sale of agricultural products.

Elena Baturina

Natalia is the owner of a 45% stake in the company, whose annual income is estimated at 54 billion dollars. Recently, the millionaire celebrated her 60th birthday, she has two children from her husband Alexander, who also owns a 45% stake in the Sodruzhestvo holding.

Third place

The third position in the list, which included the richest women in Russia, is currently held by Guzelia Safina. By her 60s, a single-minded woman from Tatarstan had really achieved a lot. The capital, owned by Safina at the moment, totals $ 430 million.

Olga Belyavtseva

Guzelia’s path to success was a long one, but she managed to pass it, having passed all the tests. Safina has a diploma from Kazan Financial and Economic University, which in 1991 allowed her to get the position of chief accountant in the Kazan company, which later became Taif Group of Companies. Currently, the lady acts as the deputy director of the holding, specializing in financial and economic issues. In addition, the business woman owns a small percentage of shares of Avers CJSC and Taif Group of Companies.

Safin carefully protects his personal life from strangers, categorically refusing to answer questions about the family from the press.

Olga Belyavtseva and her achievements

Of course, far from all the residents of Russia who have achieved impressive business successes are mentioned above. For several years, Olga Belyavtseva has always been included in the list compiled by Forbes; in 2016, she was allotted fourth place in it. The fortune, which the entrepreneur can now brag about, totals approximately 400 million dollars.

Maria Sharapova

Olga Belyavtseva is the owner of Agronom-Sad OJSC, she owns about a third of the shares of Progress Capital holding. Also in the asset of a business woman there is a variety of commercial real estate. Olga gained the greatest fame as co-owner of Frutonyani. Belyavtseva is a mother of three children, she is not currently legally married, this year she will celebrate her 57th birthday.

Fifth and sixth place

In the list, which includes the richest women in Russia, Tatyana Bakalchuk cannot but be present. The name of this lady is known to everyone who likes to shop, taking advantage of the capabilities of the World Wide Web. It is she who is the founder of the famous Wildberries online store, whose number of customers these days already goes beyond 2.5 million people.

Elena Fisher

Starting her business in 2004, Tatiana could not have imagined that the annual profit of the enterprise would soon rise to 7 billion rubles or more. However, a simple English teacher decided to take a chance, which she never had to regret. It is interesting that the first warehouse of the store was directly in the house of the married couple Bakalchuk. Nowadays, the famous store successfully cooperates with leading world brands. Tatyana is married, has a daughter, this year she celebrated her 38th birthday. Its capital is estimated at approximately 375 million dollars.

The list, in which the Forbes efforts list the richest women in Russia, also includes the name of Marina Sedykh. This lady is the head of the Irkutsk Oil Company, owns a small percentage of the shares of CJSC INK. The fortune of a business woman is estimated at $ 285 million. Marina Vladimirovna is married, has a daughter.

Natalya Kasperskaya and her victories

The name of the next woman in the ranking, whose participants are the richest women in Russia, is hardly surprising. This year, Forbes is giving seventh place to entrepreneur Natalya Kasperskaya, whose husband is the developer of the famous antivirus.

The capital of 50-year-old Natalia is $ 270 million, she is the sole owner of the Innovation Center Natalia Kaspersky, as well as the company Nanosematika. Eugene does not hide that it was his wife’s support that helped him turn his own name into a brand that brings enormous income. Interestingly, Kaspersky is not only a successful business woman, but also a caring mother of five children.

Tennis player Maria Sharapova

Of course, not only the state of businesswomen is of interest to Forbes magazine. Maria Sharapova is a woman who for many years has been called the "World No. 1 Racket." The athlete managed to achieve what all her colleagues strive for - each of her participation in the Grand Slam tournaments ended in victory.

richest women in russia forbes

It is not surprising that at the moment Maria Sharapova is not only famous, but also a rich woman. Her fortune is estimated by experts at approximately $ 240 million. In the Forbes rating, she got an honorable eighth place. The athlete has her own brand, developing clothes, including those designed for tennis, is actively removed in advertising. Mary chose the US state of Florida as her place of residence. Sharapova is 29 years old, she has not yet met the man of her dreams and has no children.

Who else is on the list

Kamilya Shaimieva is the granddaughter of the former head of Tatarstan, the owner of capital, estimated at 190 million. The girl is 28 years old. She has an MGIMO diploma and shares in Taif Group of Companies. Kamilya works as an investment director at Sistema, which is owned by Vladimir Yevtushenkov.

Natalya Lutsenko

Nina Metlenko is a woman who managed to become the owner of a fortune of about 200 million by the age of 65. She also serves as deputy head of Ochakovo IPBK, works in the financial sector. The business woman does not like to advertise her personal life, it is only known that she is married, has three children.

Elena Rybolovleva - a woman whose fame has a touch of scandalousness. For the first time, they talked about the former wife of billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev in connection with her departure from her famous husband. On divorce proceedings it took about seven years, since the parties could not agree on the amount of compensation that Elena relies on. The agreement was concluded only in 2015. It was then that Elena Rybolovleva finally got a divorce and became the owner of 604 million dollars. As a residence, the newly-made millionaire chose a cozy town in Switzerland. It is also known that Elena and Dmitry have a common daughter, who has long been living separately from their parents.

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