
The most intelligent people in the world in history: list, ranking and achievements

At all times, in each century, you could find with a dozen of the most intelligent and talented people. Their names are forever in history. Many writers and researchers have tried to find the very “golden ten” of intellectuals. But with each decade, another “nerd” appears on the horizon, which breaks any rating of the most intelligent people in the world. According to researchers, of course, there is a certain skeleton of intellectuals who "rule the universe." At the moment, you can name the 10 most intelligent people in the modern world. But it is worth considering that in the next ten people settled down not in descending order of intelligence. This is a dozen winners. It includes the most intelligent people in the world who have achieved success and have earned universal respect.

Stephen Hawking

Probably, it makes no sense to tell the biography of this person, since it is known to everyone and everyone. Better talk about his merits. The most intelligent person in the world, a well-known physicist and popularizer of science at one time made a lot of discoveries. To this day, he continues to open to the public his new crazy theories.

One of his discoveries in the field of quantum mechanics was the concept of the past as probability. Hawking believes that what has already happened does not have a definite image. Memories are a spectrum of possibilities and what exists now, like uncertainty, the same as the future.the smartest people in the world

The development of M-theory began in the 90s of the last century, but was later finalized by Hawking. This is the so-called string theory. She gives a description of our universe. The scientist claims that all the smallest particles contain multi-chamber membranes. The physical processes on Earth depend on the properties of the latter. By the way, presumably, there are a huge number of Universes, where the laws that apply can radically differ from ours.

Another Hawking reflection led to the fact that the authorities of one of the cities of Italy banned aquariums with fish at the legislative level. The scientist is sure that it is impossible to know the true nature of reality, and therefore we are doomed like fish in an aquarium. As a rational person, Hawking is an atheist, and therefore one of his theories is that the Universe itself gave birth to itself. And for this process, she did not need God.

Kim Ung-Yong

It is worth immediately pointing out that this genius now has an IQ of 210. He is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. From three to six years old, Kim Ung-Yong managed to study at Hanyang University. When he was five, he dealt with a complex system of differential equations.the smartest man in the world

When the boy was 7 years old, he was called to NASA. Already on his fifteenth birthday, he received a doctorate in physical sciences and managed to work at the University of Colorado. After he decided to return to Korea, where he preferred design and construction. Now works in a provincial university.

Paul Allen

Another genius who can rightfully be considered unrecognized. With his school friend Bill Gates, he once founded Microsoft. His task was development and technical ideas. Gates, in turn, was engaged in the organizational sphere.ranking of the smartest people in the world

In the early 80s, doctors diagnosed Paul with Hodgkin's disease. The scientist decided to leave the corporation, but retain a place on the board of directors. For 20 years, Allen tried to organize his business and bought up many small companies, which later had to be closed. In 2000, he finally left the corporation, but remained there as a strategy consultant.His friend Gates, for 40 years now, has remained a support for him.

Garry Kasparov

Well, who does not know the great chess player? Harry behind his back is called "great and terrible," implying his power and strength. He has a great player career behind him. At one time, he 13 times became the owner of the world title, 8 times became the winner of chess Olympiads, 11 times he received the so-called chess Oscar.

The first and significant achievement of Kasparov was the USSR championship at the age of 12. Already at 17 he became a master of sports. His coach and best friend was his mother, who, after the death of her father, Harry gave her life to her son. She made his decision to change the Jewish name Weinstein to Armenian - Kasparov. Since 2005, Harry has been an oppositionist in the Russian Federation.

Andrew John Wiles

Until March 2016, not the whole world knew about him. Wiles is a genius in mathematical sciences. He works at Princeton University. At 22, he already had a doctorate, for a long time was a junior research assistant. Already at 10 years old, the future scientist learned about Fermat's Great Theorem and tried to prove it. Naturally, with the help of school textbooks and the methods that were given there. Naturally, he didn’t succeed. Therefore, later he began to study the work of researchers who previously engaged in the proof of this theorem. Entering college, Wiles abandoned the idea.10 most intelligent people in the world

After studying elliptical curves in 1986, Andrew returned to his childhood dream. Already in March 2016, Andrew John Wiles was awarded the Abel Prize and a cash prize of $ 700 thousand for being able to prove Fermat's theorem.

Christopher Hirata

This young astrophysicist with an IQ of 225 became known at the age of 13. At this age, he won the International Physical Olympiad. It happened in 1996. From 14 to 16 he studied at the California Institute of Technology.the most intelligent people in history

At 16, Hirata worked at NASA with the project for the colonization of Mars. At 22, he became a doctor of physical sciences at Princeton University. He currently holds a position at Ohio State University. The scientist is a professor of physics and astronomy.

Terence Chi Shen Tao

For three years, the mathematician became a member of the Royal Society of London, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the US National Academy of Sciences. He began to show his mental abilities from the age of 9. He showed stunning results in the mathematical section. A year later he took part in the International Mathematical Olympiad. When he turned 13, he took the “golden” place. At the age of 20, he received his doctorate and began working at the University of California.what is the smartest person in the world

James woods

The smartest actor. At one time he graduated from the University of California at the course of linear algebra. After he was enrolled in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but he soon dropped out of school. The intellectual actor decided to devote his life to cinema. Now in his piggy bank there are three Emmy awards and two Oscar nominations. Woods's example proves that not all the smartest people in the world work as scientists and researchers. Among them are people of art.

Marilyn Vos Savant

The woman is a famous American playwright, writer. Already at 10 years old, the American IQ value reached 228. The husband of the most intelligent woman created an artificial heart, but could not catch up with his wife - his IQ is 180. Marilyn is sure that to know the truth is possible only by depriving the mind of all emotions and prejudices. Therefore, art for a woman is only a manifestation of feelings, but the intellectual disciplines that she loves are nuclear physics and mathematics.top smartest people in the world

Daniela Simidcheva

Another candidate that has found its place in the ranking, which includes the most intelligent people in the world. Many believe that her IQ level, the value of which is 192 out of 200, is the highest. Despite the fact that there are values ​​above 210, Daniela's indicators are related to the Mens Standardized Test.

Bulgarian Simidcheva - Master of Economic and Social Sciences, holder of a bachelor's degree in Electronics and Automation.He also has an English philologist diploma and many certificates received abroad. The main education for Daniela was economic, but she received the rest in absentia or remote. Now he is an employee of the Bulgarian Economic Chamber.

Smart women in history

The most intelligent people in the world are not just men. As you can see, women are also famous for their skills and can give odds to many scientists - representatives of the stronger sex. For example, Hypatia of Alexandria. Thanks to her father, she received the best education and became the most intelligent woman in the Ancient World, an expert on philosophy. Created an astrolabe - an ancient computer. That is what they call this invention these days.

Another smart woman is Maria Kunitz. She was an astronomer and did a lot for her time. An intelligent girl spoke several foreign languages ​​and owned musical instruments. In the XVII century it was famous for its horoscopes. But Sofya Kovalevskaya became the first female mathematics professor. At the same time, she was popular for her work in the field of philosophy and literature. Maria Skłodowska Curie is a female brain. Now she is the only scientist in the world who was awarded two Nobel Prizes: in physics and chemistry. Thanks to Mary, the world learned about a chemical element called radium.


The most intelligent people in the world in history have struck and made shocking discoveries. These include more than a dozen talented minds who bit by bit created modern science. These include Plato with his philosophies, Aristotle, known for his political and philosophical judgments, Archimedes, who made many discoveries in geometry and mechanics.the smartest people in the world

Do not forget the no less famous Leonardo da Vinci, who was comprehensively developed and was engaged not only in mechanics, but was also an excellent artist, physician, writer and philosopher. Nicola Tesla, who solved the riddle of alternating current, Newton, who discovered the law of gravity, Einstein with his theory of relativity, also got the rating of the most intelligent people in the world.

It is impossible to answer the question which is the smartest person in the world. With every decade, at least one individual with brilliant abilities is born. To make the top of the most intelligent people in the world is also a thankless task, because each of the above people made a significant contribution to a particular field of science and art.

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