
The most expensive headphones in the world: good sound or just a luxury item?

Music is the whole world. Sounds and melodies played in the correct sequence had a huge impact on him. Almost everyone on earth loves music, everyone has their own taste, their own preferences, but all agree on one thing - we love good sound, and expensive and high-quality headphones will be very useful for playing it.

The most expensive headphones in the world

The music industry is thriving to the same extent as the technology industry. Thanks to such trends, we have been given the opportunity to hear music literally in its original form, as it was intended by the composer. The best minds have tried to give us the best sound possible. Some have made from such a familiar thing as headphones, a luxury item. But first things first. Consider the most expensive headphones.

The most expensive headphones

Fifth place. $ 1299 AKG K3003 Vacuum Headphones

This model is the first in the list. These headphones are made exclusively by hand, by skilled craftsmen from AKG, who have established themselves in this area as a professional team creating uncompromising products. Headphones are made of steel and are a monolithic design.

Inside are three sound emitters. The built-in remote control allows you to take complete control over the sound (not only volume control is meant, but also equalizer settings, low and high frequencies). A special role is played by the built-in noise reduction system, which helps to avoid ambient sounds.

Included with these headphones is a magnificent leather case, which clearly increases the cost of the accessory itself.

Fourth place. Sennheiser HD 800 On-Ear Headphones - $ 1,499

When creating this device, the creators turned to science. Sennheiser masters know that at an angle of 60 degrees a person is better able to absorb sound waves, so they resorted to creating a special design that allows you to fully use this knowledge.

All this work is necessary to ensure the most realistic and correct sound, as it was conceived by the author.

Like the previous applicant, this “monster” is assembled by hand, and this is noticeable. German professionalism and hard work are felt in every detail. Perhaps the most expensive headphones of those that can afford an ordinary person.

The most expensive headphones in the world

Third place. Ultrasone Edition 10 - $ 2,749

When creating this model, maximum comfort and noble materials were put at the forefront. When collecting headphone data, sheepskin and African zebrano wood are used.

Such a little thing is a certain element of luxury, but at the same time provides a fairly high-quality sound. One of the technological features of the headphones is S-Logic 3D Sound technology. Thanks to it, a feeling of presence in the studio is created, and the owner can immerse himself in his music with his head.

Second place. Stax SR 009 - $ 5,250

Definitely, the most expensive headphones are on the list of those that catch on with their sound and high technology.

The manual assembly of each individual element, the aluminum case, copper cables of a high degree of purification are only part of the technologies used in the manufacture of this device.

First place. Beats by dr Dre

These are the most expensive headphones. Music lovers and audiophiles are likely to be shocked to see this device in the first place. The point is not in technology and incredible sound, but in design, or rather, in one of its features - coating with diamonds weighing 114 carats. This model was created to order. For whom exactly it is intended, it is not known, but it was seen by Lil Wayne.Graff Diamond, responsible for expensive jewelry, is responsible for her birth. Their price was 1,000,000 dollars.

The most expensive gaming headphones

HyperX Cloud II - 10 000 rubles

I would especially like to mention this model, since headphones are not only an element of luxury or a device for music lovers, but also a necessary equipment for a professional gamer. And these are the most expensive gaming headphones on the market without frills, where everything is done modestly, but maximum comfort and crystal clear sounding of speech have been achieved.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, there is a lot of expensive sound equipment, someone already owns such “diamonds”, others dream of them, others even criticize them, saying that all these headphones are stupid. We all love a good sound, and this is certainly important. But it’s worth understanding that our ears are different, everyone perceives the sound in their own way, therefore all the tops are relative. One thing is known for certain: the main thing is that the music is good.

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Reason for complaint
Sergey Libov
It is necessary to clearly separate - the cost is wound up by show-offs and advertising or really expensive equipment, high-quality assembly. At the very very expensive Onkyo E900M. But I’m an ardent music lover, I don’t tolerate compromises and I love the HRA resolution (who knows, he will understand). And every ruble in its headphones is justified. When you listen to your favorite song - and a completely different picture is revealed, a deeper one ... you understand that cheap headphones do not transmit everything, far from all. The same die antwoord ................. is something with something exactly on high-quality Japanese. But diamonds are pants for rappers))


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