
Top 10 most expensive things in the world: rating, list and interesting facts

Have you ever wondered what the rich spend money on? After all, only they are available the most expensive things in the world. The rating of such things is constantly changing. It is difficult to imagine what else multimillion-dollar fortunes can be spent on. “The most expensive thing” is a very loose concept, it is difficult to compare an expensive, almost priceless work of art, whose value often depends on its antiquity, and a thing created in modern times from expensive materials. But if you still try, making a list is quite possible. So, here they are, the most expensive things in the world, the top 10!

10th place. Toilet!

top 10 most expensive things in the worldYou heard right, the last place in the ranking of the most expensive things is rightfully occupied by this device, made entirely of platinum and studded with Swarovski crystals. It’s difficult to call it cheap, the cost of such a toilet article is as much as 5 million dollars! It’s scary to use such a thing. Despite the shocking price, this is not the most expensive toilet in the world. The toilet used in spaceships is considered more expensive, but not everyone has the opportunity to use it.

9th place. Mobile phone

What businessmen do not skimp on to impress! The iPhone 5 model is included in the 10 most expensive everyday things in the world, the price for it was set at 15 million and 300 thousand dollars not at all for its internal characteristics. The phone case is made of 135 grams of gold, ordinary glass is replaced by sapphire, and the entire surface of the phone is decorated with 679 diamonds. The Chinese businessman used the mobile, every day keeping a fortune in the pocket of his trousers.

8th place. Cabinet Badminton

the most expensive things in the world top 10Without a doubt, a lot of time and effort was spent on the skillfully executed cabinet of the 18th century. 30 masters for six years worked on its manufacture. Ebony and polished stones were used in the work, and the interior item reaches three and a half meters in height. At the auction, he aroused great interest, the most ardent antiques lovers fought for him, but in the end he went under the hammer for $ 36.7 million in 2004. Today, this cabinet with drawers is considered the most expensive piece of furniture and is located in the Museum of Liechtenstein.

7th place. Bugatti

“Bugatti” has long been a household name, and you don’t need to mention that this is a car, everyone understands it. Cars of this brand are among the top 10 most expensive things in the world. The Bugatti-Atlantic model was assembled in 1934 and exists in only three copies, which is why the value of this machine is so high. One of their three cars was sold for a record $ 40 million, but the collector, who decided to get rid of it, did not even have a clue about its value. The remaining two cars are in private collections, and one of the cars was almost completely destroyed by train, but was later restored.

6th place. Lioness figurine

10 most expensive everyday items in the worldThe top 10 most expensive things in the world include the statuette “Lioness of Guenall”, or “The Standing Lioness-Demon” from Mesopotamia - one of the oldest gizmos that have ever been found in the whole world. Her age is 5 thousand years, and the height is only 8 centimeters. The first owners wore it around their neck to protect themselves from evil spirits. Any collector would like to have such a little thing, but she went to an unknown buyer who gave 57.2 million dollars for it at an auction.

5th place. Painting by Paul Gauguin

Until a certain moment, the top 10 most expensive things in the world included one of the five paintings in the series “Card Players”, which was purchased at an auction for $ 259 million in 2011 by the royal family. The Qatar family paid so much for a work of art that the painting became the most expensive ever sold. The record was broken in 2015, when 300 million dollars were given for the painting by Paul Gauguin. The work "When is the wedding?", Written in 1892 in Tahiti, is currently the most expensive.

4th place. Yacht Eclipse

the most expensive things in the world ratingWho else may belong the most expensive yacht in the world? Of course, Roman Abramovich, lovers to travel easily and comfortably. The Russian oligarch was not stingy, and in the midst of the crisis in 2009 he made himself such a generous gift at a price of $ 475 million. To date, this yacht is considered the most expensive among private acquisitions. The yacht is equipped with all advanced technologies and even its own clinic, library, three dining rooms, a helicopter pad, casino, sauna, wine cellar and gym. Its length is 170 meters, and the power is 20 thousand horsepower, not bad, right?

3rd place. Villa Leopold

Located on the Cote d'Azur in France and is considered the second most expensive after the tower "Antilia", and is also among the top 10 most expensive things in the world. This villa has many features, it was built at the beginning of the 20th century by the king of Belgium - Leopold for his beloved Carolina, and today it is considered a historical monument. The villa had many owners, the latest rumored to be the Russian oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov, who bought property for 496 million euros.

2nd place. Antilia Tower

top 10 most expensive things in the worldIncluded not only in the top 10 most expensive things in the world, but also considered the most expensive housing to date. The exact value of the house is unknown, but experts estimate it at 1-2 billion dollars. Both externally and internally, the house is quite unusual. In the 27-story building, each room is made in its own unique style. As many as six floors are occupied by parking, four have a garden, and one is equipped with spa treatments. At the moment, this building in Mumbai is owned by Indian businessman Mukesh Ambani, who built it for his family.

1 place. Google

The intangible, but still the most expensive thing that exists in our world, is the famous Google brand, which got its name from the original “google”, the number 10 is called the hundredth. In 2008, its value was calculated taking into account all possible income and further forecasts, the price exceeded all expectations: 86 billion US dollars! The most popular search engine was originally created as a training project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, but could young students think that the idea brought such success? The corporation began its work in 1998, and the domain was registered on September 15, 1997.

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