
The most expensive tea in the world: description, name, variety, features

The history of tea culture has more than one millennium. We are all accustomed to this drink, which quenches thirst and warms the body, but not everyone can afford the best and most expensive varieties. Let's see what is the name of the most expensive tea in the world?

Tea for the Chosen

"Da Hong Pao" is one of the most famous teas in the world. True drink lovers dream of it. Its name translates as "a large red coat." Meet this is the most expensive tea in the world. You will not find it on sale in any store. The most expensive tea in the world, the price of which may well reach $ 700,000 per kilogram, can be purchased exclusively at auctions. This drink belongs to the Oolongs and, of course, has a very long history, with which many legends are associated.the most expensive tea in the world

It was first received in the north of China in the province of Fujan. Four oolong grows on Mount Vuyi, and so "Da Hong Pao", undoubtedly the most famous of them.

The origin of the name of the drink

The most expensive tea in the world, whose variety has the beautiful name "Da Hong Pao", got it thanks to its own history. This legend is very interesting. Once, during the reign of the famous Ming Dynasty, one university graduate went to Beijing to take exams. Passing Mount Vouilly, he suddenly felt ill due to stomach pain. And then he met a Buddhist monk who gave a little tea "Da Hong Pao." After drinking the drink, the student felt that the pain was gone. He asked for some more tea from the monk and moved on the road.the most expensive teas in the world

When he arrived in Beijing, he found out that the queen was sick, and not a single doctor could help her. Then the young man took the kettle and went to the empress. She also tasted the drink and recovered. The emperor was very surprised and glad about this, and so he selected the best red fabrics in the palace and sent the servants to cover them with medicinal bushes to warm them from the cold, and the soldiers were ordered to protect strange plants. Since then, the most expensive tea in the world was supplied only to the royal family, and everyone else was forbidden to use it. Therefore, the drink was called the "big red coat."

Tea history

Previously, when the Yuan Wuyi Dynasty ruled in China, people had not yet drunk leaf tea. Instead, they used tea tiles, which were rubbed in the form of powder and then brewed. The first emperor of the entire Ming dynasty ordered that only a leafy drink be delivered to the palace. Such changes have turned the whole tea business. The farmers of Mount Vouilly, united, invented a completely new type of drink, which became oolong. It is believed that the very first three trees still grow on Mount Vuilly, and it is from them that the most expensive tea in the world is made.

True drink

And now part of the rarest tea is sent to the Chinese president, and the remainder is sold at auction. It’s hard to imagine, but the price of leaflets is measured in millions of dollars per kilogram. Most of the shoots were taken from ancient trees to get the current "Da Hong Pao." The quality of the leaves is assessed by how close the plants are to the original trees.

Fake drinks

Since the most expensive tea in the world is not available to many, that is, a large number of its fakes. One can safely say: everything that is declared as leaves from the original trees is a real fake.the most expensive tea in the world price

If they try to convince you that this is a unique drink, do not believe it. Reviews of experts say that real tea is simply impossible to confuse with a fake.It has a very rich taste and incomparable aroma. But to know about it, you need to at least once try a miracle drink.

Where is Da Hong Pao produced?

The most expensive tea in the world is still produced only in the mountains of Wuyi, which are located in the province of Fujan. This is a famous region for growing tea bushes. Tea is considered to be the parent of the drink from the slopes of Mount Vuilly. No more than five hundred grams of it is collected per year, for this reason it is so expensive, and it practically does not exist on the market.

The collection and processing of "Da Hong Pao" is quite complicated. In the spring, a new crop is harvested, then it is dried in the sun, cooled, fried, wiped, and also steamed.

Useful qualities of the drink

"Da Hong Pao" has completely unique properties:

  • It improves immunity by stimulating the proliferation of lymphocytes in the spleen.
  • The drink contains polyphenols, which improve the condition of the blood, and also help slow down the aging process.
  • Tea helps maintain beauty and body weight by lowering lipids and cholesterol.
  • The drink has a beneficial effect on dental health.

Proper handling of tea

It is believed that in order to fully feel the taste of "Da Hong Pao", you need to brew it in a small teapot and drink very slowly, enjoying every sip of a unique drink.what is the name of the most expensive tea in the world

For storing leaflets, it is recommended to use a hermetically sealed jar, which is placed in the refrigerator, protecting the tea leaves from moisture and light, which can violate the taste.

List of expensive teas

What are the most expensive teas in the world? Tops this list, we mentioned earlier, "Da Hong Pao." It is undeniably the most expensive and takes first place in the ranking. We’ll give you a list of teas for which prices are not so sky-high, but still inaccessible to most people. "

The second place can rightfully be given to the variety "Tai Shi U-moon," which means "Taiwanese black dragon." The price of this tea fluctuates around two hundred thousand dollars per kilogram. The drink belongs to the green variety, although it has a taste of red.

Third place is occupied by the Chinese variety "An-Si", the value of which at auction reaches one hundred and sixty thousand dollars.
the most expensive tea in the world variety

But the fourth place went to the Indian drink with the beautiful name Darjeeling (180 thousand dollars). Its uniqueness lies in the most complicated production technology. In addition, it is grown on only one single plantation in the Himalayas.

In fifth place is the yellow Chinese variety "Jun-Shan-Yin-Zhen", which translates as "silver needles of the mountains." Its price is eight thousand dollars. The secrets of this drink are still kept with great care, and no one is told about them. Until the twentieth century, this tea was not allowed to be exported from China, and disobedience was punishable by death.

Such is the top five most expensive tea drinks in the world. All of them have their wonderful properties and features. But most importantly, their taste and aroma are indescribable and unique.

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