
The most expensive restaurant in St. Petersburg: description, features, menus and reviews

Sometimes you need to allow yourself to travel. We are not even talking about trips abroad. After all, our country is so large and in most of its corners we have not been. We don’t know where to go in this or that city. We don’t even think about arranging a gastronomic tour around our native land. And for example, the most expensive restaurant in St. Petersburg attracts tourists from all over the world! Is it worth it to go there? Can an ordinary Russian be able to afford such a visit, or is this beyond the means?The most expensive restaurant in St. Petersburg

Well hello Peter!

To date, the population of the city has exceeded four and a half million inhabitants. And Peter became the northernmost millionaire city in the world. This is really the land of contrasts and new discoveries, where wide avenues are interspersed with narrow streets, and spacious areas are surrounded by dark gateways. For each tourist, the city opens in its own way, moreover, in every visit. Many objects of cultural and historical heritage are concentrated in St. Petersburg, so it is not surprising that this is the most popular center of modern Russia. There are amazingly beautiful houses located literally right next to each other. There is a lot of light and the air blows with the spirit of antiquity. Here, Sergei Yesenin’s verses still sound in a special way and it hurts for his untimely death. In this city you can’t eat food, you need to eat it. Caution, thoughtfully and with pleasure! The most expensive restaurants in St. Petersburg are not in vain getting their profit. It is here that you can eat the most delicious and original.the best restaurants in st petersburg

Where to go first?

We will arrange a mental gastronomic tour of the most alluring and mouth-watering institution of the cultural capital of Russia. But we will limit our tour to the price level - we will visit only extremely expensive places "for the elite". Let's start with the Lobster fish restaurant. In its group, this is the most expensive restaurant in St. Petersburg. Here for a tidy sum you will be treated to absolutely any seafood dish. There are always top-quality products and service at the appropriate level. You can come here on holiday or on a normal day, but this trip will turn the day into a holiday! The restaurant is quiet and calm, daily new dishes from the chef. The restaurant has a separate entrance and glass elevators. The institution unites several differently directed floors, so that couples and noisy companies can dine in the neighborhood, moreover, without prejudice to each other's comfort.

The interior is made in solid shades of pearl gray. This is the color of efficiency and status. By the way, the restaurant has a very good wine list. For a modest dinner you have to pay a couple of tens of thousands of rubles. Visitors say that you need to come here for a holiday, so as not to be excruciatingly painful for the money spent. Basically, the circle of lovers of lunch here has long been established. These are age couples and several youth companies with a solid common “bank”.

Girls note the fact that the fish is always the freshest and there is an opportunity to ask to combine several varieties in one dish. And the couples who came for a romantic dinner say that seafood is a recognized aphrodisiac and from this point of view, "Lobster" can be the point of revival of the family idyll. the most expensive restaurant in St. Petersburg

For a beautiful view

From "Lobster" we will move to the Italian restaurant Percorso, where the unconditional "trick" is a beautiful view from the window. There are five rooms that are completely different from each other. The chef himself chooses the products for the dishes, and some do directly in the restaurant.For example, cheeses. Be sure to try it! The local cuisine is unique and tasty, but the cooks do not stand still and constantly surprise guests with innovations. Among the Italian ones, this is the most expensive restaurant in St. Petersburg, but the average bill for lunch ranges from 2000-3000 rubles. An ordinary Petersburger can afford such prices.

Be sure to order assorted farm cheeses from Tuscany. They are served with fruits and three types of mustard. Only 859 rubles and a lot of fun! For a snack, take a tuna tartar with cucumber juice emulsion and artichoke salad. At the expense of another 590 rubles plus. Pumpkin soup - for hot and oxtail stew - about 800 rubles more. It will be expensive to have a thorough dinner: grilled beef tenderloin with sautéed Swiss beets will cost 1350 rubles. The menu leader is spaghetti with Mediterranean lobster and Piennolo tomatoes. This is a unique recipe that will cost the client 5400 rubles per serving! According to those who decided to order such an expensive dish, it is very satisfying and tasty. It is better to take a serving for two, as it is too big. In general, customers respond well about the establishment, noting that it is convenient to have a snack here, if the budget allows. Attracted by the original presentation of the dish, the goodwill of the chef.the most expensive restaurants in st petersburg

Time to go home"

Wrap up in the most expensive restaurant in St. Petersburg, which is loyal to the traditions of the nineteenth century. It is called "Home." It is here that time loses its relevance. The interior has remained unchanged from the century before last! There is even a library and wine cellars with rare drinks that collectors hunt for. Dishes are also with history, so the high price is not surprising. Delicious oysters with raspberry sauce, planenin from the Yenisei muksun and the thick edge of a goby with spicy jam from bell pepper are served here. If you add a chocolate muffin and black tea, then the bill will already exceed 4 thousand rubles. Among the expensive restaurants of St. Petersburg, this is even a democratic institution, which, however, is not without chic. Visitors respond mostly positively and always come back. According to them, it’s really good at home here. The most expensive restaurant in St. Petersburg prices

On the "business card"

If you list the most expensive restaurants in St. Petersburg, the rating would be incomplete without the institution "Landskroan". This is a real business card of the city, which attracts by its convenient location and transport interchange. Around is nature, but the atmosphere inside the restaurant is much better. There is ample parking and even a helipad for "big" guests. Weddings are often celebrated here. The kitchen is also on top, and the furniture seems to be a work of art. In summer, the restaurant has a backlit terrace.

The city’s business card can also be called the Palkin restaurant, specializing in Russian cuisine. The establishment is located on Nevsky Prospekt and the entire interior is antique. On the ceilings are crystal chandeliers, and on the walls are large paintings with historical events. The dishes are traced notes of French cuisine. For a snack, take the phalanges of the king crab with beetroot carpaccio. This delicate snack will cost 1960 rubles for 45 grams. You can order a giant oyster from Peter the Great Bay directly from the aquarium. It is served baked under blue cheese with crackers and garlic. Live serving with vinegar and onion sauce is possible. The dish is refined, but expensive - 1200 rubles per serving. Very tasty, but wildly expensive! Regular customers come here not only for food, but also for new experiences. From a positive point of view, men evaluate menus, but ladies do not often go here with their companies. For hen parties, the menu is too sharp.the most expensive restaurants st petersburg rating

Thanks brand

The best restaurants in St. Petersburg include another fish establishment - La Mare. The restaurant justifies its price bar because of a brand known abroad. It is a major seafood supplier. Here everything is for guests with a high level of income and just a snack can not afford an ordinary person.Potential delicacies swim right in the tank. The waiter drives the guests with a trolley on which all the best goodies of the day are presented. There is a fish and other delicacies shop at the establishment. Here you can buy turbot, monkfish, langoustines and Spanish jamon. In the evening, live music. In a word, a brand is not an empty phrase. Everything is in full compliance with the title of "best restaurants in St. Petersburg."

According to visitors, fish and seafood here have a special taste. Probably the whole point is that the path from the aquarium to the table is very short. Especially love the institution of couples who are selected for a romantic dinner.

For those who love meat!

Elite and expensive restaurants in St. Petersburg are visited by men and women who have taken place in life. In the world of big money, they rotate daily, and this requires strength! So visitors come off on meat dishes. By right, the best meat restaurant is CASA del MEAT. The concept of the institution is simple to obscene. Here they like to eat and are responsible for the quality of the product. The menu includes juicy steaks from marbled beef, dishes from young veal, lamb and pork. You can taste a rabbit, a deer, any bird. It offers a salad bar with cold snacks. A huge number of pastes and meat snacks. Sample marbled beef steak with potato croquettes and poached egg. A portion will cost 1250 rubles, but saturate for a week ahead! Dessert with such a main dish needs a light one - for example, blackcurrant souffle. Another 320 rubles per bill. A full meal will cost 3-4 thousand rubles, but it's really worth it. The food is delicious, served promptly. Visitors agree that here is the most correct approach of the leadership to customers, as excessive pathos is replaced by goodwill, and elite dishes are on the menu with affordable snacks and soups. Elite and expensive restaurants in St. Petersburg

Rating leader

We chose the most expensive restaurant in St. Petersburg. Prices with some differences were similar, but in determining the leader I had to take one more criterion - the popularity of the place among tourists. And if you choose according to two parameters, the “Russian Empire”, located in one of the ancient buildings of the Stroganov Palace, will become the undisputed leader. During the restoration of the premises, tremendous work was carried out, and the original interior was returned. Each room is decorated in its own unique style. There is a strict classicism and frivolous baroque, as well as lush rococo. Tableware, by the way, is also everywhere chosen in style. Here you will not find simple glasses, only gilded appliances, Bohemian crystal and exclusive porcelain.

The cuisine here is imperial and visitors feel like guests at a banquet of noble persons. Here they prepare Olivier salad according to a 1904 recipe with the addition of red caviar and lobster. And according to the recipes of Count Stroganov, pheasant dumplings are prepared in black truffle broth and fowl. This is really the most expensive restaurant in St. Petersburg with a huge selection of fine wines and ice cream. Try duck duck terrine with raspberry and truffle jelly (1240 rubles per serving) and Stroganov style crumble with fresh berries and Scotch whiskey (800 rubles per serving). For hot, take a sterlet ear with “royal” vodka and a meat collection. Stock up on funds before going here - the bill for a full meal will exceed several tens of thousands. But the pleasure of the trip will be much higher!

Clients of the institution agree that there is a great atmosphere, thoughtful marketing and qualified staff. Here they cannot be rude, ruin the mood or serve a sloppy dish. Light musical accompaniment creates mood. I don’t want to leave here, but you can always come back!

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