
Secrets of sales. How to sell goods?

If you want to become a successful entrepreneur, sooner or later ask the question: “How to sell correctly?” Let's open the secret: there is no universal way to sell a product or service. After all, each of them has its own customers, to which you need to find an individual approach. Despite this, there are certain general conditions for the correct, quick and fruitful sale of goods to customers and, as a result, an increase in business turnover.

how to sell

What affects the purchase

Motivation to buy has its own factors:

  • quality;
  • saving;
  • seasonality;
  • certain dates.

A good seller knows how to sell goods in a store. He will find out the above factors, and then he will offer a product that meets the needs of the buyer, taking them into account. And, as a rule, several factors always influence a certain purchase.

Sometimes motivation is based on emotions. Having decided how to sell it, the seller will take into account data about the person for whom the goods are intended.

Also, external and internal factors influence the motivation of the purchase. External are:

  • store reputation;
  • recommendation of friends.

Internal factors are the characteristics of the product. For example, the buyer decides to purchase things only on the basis of the appearance of the latter.

how to sell sales secrets

The art of selling

How to sell goods in the store, on the Internet and by phone? The rule is universal: make the deal mutually beneficial. Compliance with simple rules will help to increase sales several times:

  1. Advertising is the engine of commerce. Developing a competent marketing policy, high-quality and thoughtful advertising, conducting events aimed at increasing sales will make many people recognize this product. The most effective way is advertising on the Internet or on television. This service is not cheap, but it gives a good result.
  2. Trainings on objections in sales will allow your sellers not only to learn how to sell theoretically, but also to be able to do it in practice. Pleasure and positive is one of the components of a successful seller. A professional manager sells with pleasure, he does not do this in order to get a one-time profit. After all, friendly communication with the buyer will encourage him to visit the store again.
  3. Sales technology allows you to increase the number of purchases and get more regular customers. One of the rules of technology is the assignment of a specialist to a specific buyer.
  4. Get a system of rewards and bonuses. Sales "on pure enthusiasm" have not yet brought anyone big profits.

The ability to communicate is a feature of a good seller

Initial contact with the customer often takes place over the telephone. You should not take the time of the client during a telephone conversation, it is always better to make an appointment as soon as possible. Already in the course of personal contact, you can determine how to properly sell goods in the store to the seller and in all its glory demonstrate its merits to the buyer.

Selling goods at an interview also has its own characteristics. Here you have to be a good psychologist, feel the direction of the conversation and not push the buyer. It is better to share your own impression of the product, you can even mention in passing some minor flaws.

The principle “everyone loves to shop, but not many people like to sell something to them” is aimed at delicate and tactful communication with the buyer. Even if the sale process develops into a claim on the part of the buyer, one should not succumb to emotions.

how to sell goods

Profession Merchandising

This term is firmly rooted in our everyday life.Large trading companies have entire departments, whose employees are involved in merchandising and know the answer to the question: "How to sell?" This profession has been mastered in the West for more than one year. What is merchandising? These are actions that are aimed at increasing sales or turnover.

The main tools for these actions:

  • the presence of price tags;
  • spectacular display;
  • compliance with company standards.

how to sell goods in the store to the seller

There is nothing new. The merchandising rules also worked in Soviet times, but did not have such a colorful name. The price tag as a kind of product document is the most important component of all this. It carries information about the cost and the manufacturer. A gross violation of the rules of trade is a mismatch in the price of goods with the amount in the fiscal receipt. It is the merchandiser who is responsible for this in large retail chains, in smaller stores - the seller, in the online store - the administrator.

The secret to successful sales

  1. The leading role of the seller is the key to a successful sale. The manager needs to be sure product quality in yourself and in a positive answer. Without knowledge, emotions alone cannot go far.
  2. The presence of scripts and speech tricks in sales technique allows the seller to easily carry on the conversation in the right direction, understanding how to sell.
  3. Secrets of sales with heavy buyers are that the seller must be able to listen. Then he will be able to determine the needs of the client and make an ideal offer for him. The trick that works: when a potential buyer speaks, he does not have time to come up with an objection or an excuse.
  4. To make a profitable offer that the client will not refuse, you need to work not with the goods, but with the benefits that the goods bring and which the buyer can get. This can clearly solve the problem of the client, and yet he expects precisely this from his acquisition.
  5. Perhaps the main secret to a successful sale is to give the customer a sense of their worth. Everyone must strive to be understood.
  6. Telephone sales are an effective and quick way to sell by identifying and reaching more potential buyers.

how to sell goods in a store

Millions are spinning on the market, but only one who knows how to sell goods is able to fish out at least one thousand from there.

Effective Sales Strategy

  • Establishing contact and identifying needs are the main steps towards successful sales.
  • Understand that the customer will not be convinced by what the seller says, but by what he understands from this conversation.
  • Do not try to influence the buyer, as this will inevitably cause a negative reaction. Defensive reaction is justified or not - it must be accepted by the seller and taken into account during further communication. This is the so-called “response to objections,” a streamlined form of customer resistance.
  • The final stage is the achievement of the result. It is important to remember: until the customer has paid for the goods, the order does not matter. The buyer can always refuse or not pick up the purchased item. That is why in order to increase the turnover, the final stage of the sale should be done by professionally trained personnel who know how to sell the goods correctly.

how to sell

Famous French merchandising specialists A. Lancaster and J. Chandezon in their book “Effective Sales Strategy” consider that selling is a kind of deal where the interests of the parties do not always coincide.

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It depends on what to sell and where? For example, in Moscow, the fish business is doing very well. The city is far from the sea, so finding a good fish is not at all easy. And the one that seems to be good in quality, is quite expensive at a price. And I trade in good goods, and at the same time at a fairly low price. The fishnet offers favorable conditions.To whom it is interesting, ask, I will tell.
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Alexander Babits
Hello Nina, write me please, I have a question 89295711777


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