
How long can I ride without numbers? We consider various circumstances

A new car is not only the joy of shopping and the smell of a new interior, but also a number of some difficulties. Among these are insurance, purchase of necessary equipment, especially if the car is the first, and, of course, obtaining license plates. And if the insurance policy is offered to you right on the spot, and you can wait a bit with various pleasant trifles for a car, then jokes are bad with driving without numbers.

Can I ride without numbers?

So, immediately after purchasing a car, the question arises of how much you can ride without license plates.new carAccording to the law, up to 10 days are allowed for registration numbers. By the way, you can also not worry about fines during this period of time. The car is not registered anywhere, which means that the traffic police will not be able to identify it.

When can I ride without numbers?

Please note that there are a number of cases in which riding without state registration numbers is possible. However, this does not negate the main question: how long can I ride without numbers?

For example, when drawing up a contract of sale. You bought a car from the previous owner, but he didn’t leave your number? It does not matter, for some time you can ride without them.

Or when passing control at customs. And in this case, the lack of numbers will not be punishable by law.

But what if the car has been in an accident, and the number simply has nowhere to hang? Then how much can you ride without state. numbers?

In this case, even if you stop the traffic police officer and still ask to hang the license plate, you can safely refer to the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses 12.2 and refuse to fulfill his decree. A penalty is imposed for incorrectly fixing numbers.

Driving without numbers is also permitted if the vehicle does not provide for this.

It also happens that registration numbers are lost or stolen. how much can you ride without state numbersAccordingly, trips are carried out without them. In this case, the right to travel without numbers extends to owners who have submitted an appropriate application to law enforcement authorities.

How many can you ride without numbers in all the cases presented? It is logical that such an opportunity is not provided for the entire life of the car. Driving times without state registration numbers are also ten days.

And if the car is from the passenger compartment?

The new machine does not cancel the general rules. True, the process of obtaining numbers is somewhat simplified. If in the case of a used car you have to go to the traffic police department yourself and get the license plates, then when you buy a brand new car, an official dealer assumes all responsibilities. The traffic police officer is already in the cabin, who, after submitting the documents, will begin the registration process. However, not all car dealerships offer this service yet, and the representative of the State traffic inspectorate has its own work schedule. This means that the owner again faces the question of how much you can ride without numbers after buying a vehicle. You won’t have to guess for a long time. The same 10 days from the date of purchase.

About Transit Numbers

Probably, many have heard that since 2013, transit numbers have been canceled. But only for individuals. Individual entrepreneurs or legal entities still have the right to use transit numbers.how much can you ride without numbers after purchase

They are necessary in three cases:

  1. Transportation of the car abroad.
  2. Transportation in order to purchase the missing parts, if they are in another city.
  3. For vehicle disposal

How long can I travel without transit numbers?

Actually, one cannot drive without such license plates. The period allotted for trips with transit numbers is calculated in twenty days. If after this period the numbers are not replaced by new ones, a penalty is imposed on the owner.

Briefly about punishment

Still sure that riding without numbers is safe and you can safely wait 10 days before proceeding with the design? Let's look at how this can turn out for your wallet.

Went the 11th day as the car is not registered with the relevant services? Please note that any traffic police officer has the right to stop you and write a fine in the amount of 300 to 800 rubles. It seems a little money and not even very sorry. You can continue to ride. However, for such reckless punishment is tougher. Repeated driving without license plates will already cost 5,000 rubles. or entail deprivation of rights for up to three months. To everything else, the delay will cost an additional 100 rubles. upon receipt of numbers.how much can you ride without numbers

But the lack of transit numbers is punished a little less rigidly.

500 rub as a first warning, 3000 rubles. - the cost of the second warning. In the most deplorable situation, after the second warning, you can be invited to court and make a decision on the deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for up to 1 year.


To decide whether to ride without numbers or not, of course, only you. However, the time taken to restore a driver’s license and pay fines is much more expensive than a couple of hours spent waiting in line for a license. So do not take chances!

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