
Can I drive without insurance? How long can I go without insurance if it is over?

Each road user, and specifically drivers of vehicles, must know not only their rights, but also the obligations stipulated by laws. One of the main responsibilities is the availability of a valid OSAGO policy. Many people wonder whether it is possible to ride without insurance.

Is it possible to ride without insurance

There is an exact answer to this question, which sounds like this: driving a vehicle without valid insurance is not allowed. However, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for one single exception, in which for a limited time it is still possible to drive a car without compulsory motor third-party liability insurance. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation on the road and to be able to competently conduct a dialogue with a traffic police officer, you need to know this case exactly.

Buying a new car

If the car is purchased in the car or in the car market, the owner is allowed to drive without insurance after purchase for ten days. During this time, he is obliged to conclude a civil liability contract with an insurance company.

how much to ride without insurance

The start date of the countdown is the number indicated in the contract of sale. Ten days are given to the owner of the vehicle (TS) so that he undergoes a technical inspection of the car, receives a diagnostic card, draws up a policy and at the indicated time puts the car on the traffic police register.

Extension of the ride without compulsory motor liability insurance

It happens that, due to some circumstances, the new owner does not have the opportunity to issue an insurance policy. Is it possible to find any way in which there is no need to pay a fine and is it possible to drive a car without insurance? There is a way out - this is a renegotiation of the contract of sale. This option is possible only if the car is not purchased in the passenger compartment, but from the previous owner, that is, "with hands." Constantly renewing the contract is not recommended; this should only be done if urgent need.

Possible consequences of driving without insurance

It is worth remembering that in the event of a traffic accident due to the fault of the owner of a new car, who did not have time to draw up an insurance policy, the cost of repairing the injured car is the responsibility of the culprit. If there was an insurance policy, the insurance company would pay compensation. Therefore, before deciding whether it is possible to travel without insurance, it is worthwhile to rationally approach the assessment of possible negative consequences.

insurance is over how long can you ride

In order to avoid this risk, you can either call an insurance agent at home (most insurance companies provide this service), or get to the company yourself (on foot or using a taxi).

Reissue of the MTPL agreement

Each owner of the vehicle must independently monitor the period during which it is necessary to visit the insurance company to renew the contract of motor civil liability.

Is it possible to ride without insurance

You can also arrange with an insurance agent to call with a call that the insurance period is ending. The case when the insurance ended just yesterday was not a good reason for the traffic police. How long can I ride from the end of the insurance period? The answer is categorical: not a minute. Experienced motorists know that you need to worry about rescheduling a policy in advance.

Penalties provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation

This section is intended for those drivers who are still thinking about whether it is possible to drive without insurance.In order to dispel all doubts, just look into the code of administrative offenses. It describes in what case and to what extent a fine is imposed for driving without an insurance policy. Details of all fines can be found in article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

ride without insurance after purchase

The size of fines ranges from 500 to 800 rubles, if after imposing a fine the owner has not eliminated the administrative offense, then in this case the traffic police officer has the right to remove the registration sign from the car. Many drivers mistakenly think that the traffic police want to charge them a fine, and when they meet with them they ask: “How much?” Driving without insurance is prohibited! If the driver complies with all laws, then the imposition of fines does not threaten him.

how much can you ride without insurance

However, many people think that it is cheaper to pay a fine than to issue an insurance policy. Yes, insurance has now risen significantly in price and can reach ten thousand rubles, or even more. But, despite the fact that the amount of fines for traveling by car without a policy is relatively small, still experienced motorists know that it is better to conclude a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement in time to avoid unpleasant situations on the road. After all, the MTPL policy is needed not so much by the traffic police as the owner of the vehicle, and this must be understood.

drive a car without insurance

Why do many owners wonder: “How long can I go without insurance?” Do they themselves not understand that it is dangerous and illegal? They all know, just a few years ago, the laws were different, which made it possible to do without compulsory motor liability insurance. Laws have changed, but they still remain in the memory of drivers. And not only this misconception is still popular, but also other, no less interesting myths are found among motorists. Here are the most common.

Validity of CTP

Myth: after the end of the insurance period, the MTPL policy is valid for one more month.

This law really was, but it was canceled from March 1, 2008. Seven years have passed, and many drivers still cite him as an argument during a dispute with a traffic police officer. Yes, this law was convenient, especially when the driver really forgot that he had expired the policy. Unfortunately for many drivers, this law has been repealed.

If there is a power of attorney - MTPL policy is not needed

The erroneous opinion, this clause has lost force since November 2012, when power of attorney for driving a vehicle was canceled on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Persons entitled to manage the vehicle

A driver not specified in the policy may drive a vehicle if there is an owner in the car.

Absolutely wrong opinion! Only a person who is included in the motor third-party liability insurance policy can drive a car. In addition, the case when the policy is issued without limitation on the number of drivers. In this case, anyone can drive a car, but having insurance with you is a prerequisite!

No CTP - to a parking lot!

For driving a vehicle without insurance, a car is taken to a free parking lot?

how much can you ride without insurance

No, neither the administrative code, nor any other law of the Russian Federation provides such a punishment. The maximum action that a traffic police officer can take is a fine or deregistration. Moreover, he has the right to remove the mark only if the owner has already been fined precisely for this reason, that is, for the absence of a CTP insurance policy or the management of a vehicle in a period not specified by the insurance policy.

These are the erroneous opinions found among motorists. But none of them provides and does not imply the occurrence of cases in which the question: "Is it possible to ride without insurance?" - becomes logical. The MTPL policy is necessary not only in order to avoid fines, but thanks to it, the insurance company in the event of an accident will compensate for the damage that will allow you to save your own money.

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