
How much is the most expensive electronic cigarette?

Every year more and more people begin to smoke electronic cigarettes. The army of sweaters is growing right before our eyes. But it is worth noting that such a hobby is an expensive undertaking. However, few supporters of the non-traditional method of smoking thought about how much the most expensive electronic cigarette can cost. Many will be very surprised to find out its real price.


There are people who are willing to pay dearly for the fulfillment of their whims. For them, there are no financial boundaries when it comes to their own desires. As a rule, these are wealthy citizens, accustomed to always get what they want. Thanks to such a person, the most expensive electronic cigarette was born.

the most expensive electronic cigarette

The history of its creation is interesting. A few years ago, a major Russian oil tycoon turned to the management of Shisha Sticks. The customer asked to make the best electronic cigarette for him, which would have no analogues in the whole world. Representatives of the company were puzzled. The client also said that he was absolutely not interested in what funds would be spent on fulfilling the order, since the most expensive electronic cigarette would be his gift to his girlfriend. The chosen one of the Russian oligarch decided to quit smoking. That is why on the day of her birth, he decided to present his beloved with a landmark gift. It was supposed to be the most expensive electronic cigarette. Manufacturers decided to satisfy an unusual request and support the desire of the girl to give up a bad habit.

Product description

Design and material selection took a lot of time. But after the sketches and approximate estimates were approved, the manufacturers immediately set to work. Four and a half months later, the result was presented to the customer. The product is called Shisha Sticks Sofia. In it, the first two words are the name of the manufacturer, and the third is the name of the future happy owner of the gift. Such a surprise cost the customer £ 550,000. This is approximately around $ 890,000. The unrealistic price suggests that it is indeed the most expensive electronic cigarette in the world. Such instances at the moment simply do not exist. Manufacturers paid special attention to appearance.

the most expensive electronic cigarette in the world

The product is made of rare Murano glass. As a decoration, 246 diamonds were used, the cost of each of which is slightly less than 2 thousand pounds. In addition, the surface of the cigarette is inlaid with elegant Swarovski crystals of yellow color. In total, 46 pieces were required. The composition was also complemented by one pure water diamond with an oval cut of 6 carats. A bright point in the design of the product was a 24-carat button made of gold. The oligarch was pleased with the result, but also asked not to advertise his name in the future.

Operational Features

For such a product, respectively, you need the best accessories and supplies. But now this will already be the concern of the owner himself. To do this, he needs to know which liquid for electronic cigarettes is the most expensive.

what is the most expensive e-liquid

According to experts, there are two main candidates for such a title:

  1. Among the first, it is worth highlighting Joyetech products. Created in 2007 in China, it is a standalone developer, not a copy specialist. Many are prejudiced against goods made in this country. But everything that concerns electronic cigarettes and their components, the company does better than many others. Therefore, 1 milliliter of their smoking fluid in Russian stores costs 21 rubles.
  2. The next contender for the title of leader is Red Smokers. This Russian product bears the name of its manufacturer. The liquid is produced at a plant located in Zelenograd. Interestingly, the recipe and composition of this product was developed by UK specialists. And English quality, as practice shows, can be trusted. One milliliter of the product will cost the buyer 15 rubles.

Other companies like the Italian FlavourArt SrL, the Russian Vardex and the French Savourea also produce fairly high-quality products. However, their price is much lower than that of recognized favorites.

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