
Is it difficult to know if there is a tax debt? By TIN you can get all the information

Taxes are paid by all adults in any state. And in ours as well. For what exactly and how much? All this is spelled out in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Citizens need to be aware of their responsibilities and on time to pay taxes.

TIN tax debt

Transport tax: find out TIN debts

Transport tax is administered by the constituent entities of the country. it regional tax its size is determined by the regional government, taking into account the engine capacity of the car and the year of manufacture. This state tax is the most controversial, and the reason for everything is an elementary ignorance of the law. The payer of this tax is the owner of the car: the person for whom it is registered, and not the one who actually drives it. So, the family car must be paid by the one indicated in the document on it.

TIN tax debts
Another problem arises with a general power of attorney. When selling a car by proxy very often, the former owner refuses to pay transport car tax referring to the fact that it no longer belongs to him, and the new owner uses it. However, the law does not change the owner when selling a car by proxy, therefore, it remains the obligation to pay tax. The buyer in this case does not become the owner, he only uses the car, although he has the right to sell it. Misunderstandings arise with machines that have become obsolete and must be disposed of. Until such a car is deregistered in the traffic police, the car owner is required to pay a vehicle tax. And the fact that he has been idle for several years in the garage is not a reason for refusing to pay tax.

Property tax

Data for calculating property tax is received by the tax service from the unified state register. Its payer is the owners of any real estate or shares in it. It can be both residential and non-residential area.

how to check tax arrears

It may happen that you own immovable property, but you did not receive a notice of the amount and terms of payment of property tax. Unfortunately, this is not a reason not to pay. In this case, you need to find out for yourself what tax debt, by TIN, for example. It often happens that the information in the tax from the relevant authorities comes in incorrect or untimely. If you know for sure that you have no tax arrears, and notifications come to your name, you must contact the Federal Tax Service (FTS).

Land tax

The obligation to pay land tax lies with the owner of the land. The value of this fee is determined by local regional legislative acts, which take as a basis the cadastral value of land. Regardless of who actually uses the land, the tax must be paid by its owner, which is indicated in the document.

How to check tax arrears?

There are several ways to get accurate debt information:

  • A person can apply directly to the tax service at the place of registration, to the tax inspector and get all the information he is interested in. In this case, you need to go to the inspection, stand in line and present documents - passport and TIN.
  • Information can be obtained remotely, without leaving home, via the Internet. If you are far from the place of registration and with a computer on "you", this method is clearly more convenient. You only need to know your TIN. TIN tax debt is easy to learn. For this there is a special service on the official website of the Federal Tax Service.The resource is designed for a wide range of users, so figuring out how to use the system is simple. You can check debts, taxes on the TIN using the service "State services".

Where could the debts come from?

  1. Tax debts. By TIN, you can clarify whether you have such debts or not. If you did not know about any taxes, or could not pay them on time, you become obligated to the state a certain amount. If the delay in payment is long, in addition to debt, a penalty will also come.
  2. Unpaid traffic fines. Required Notifications pay fines usually come by mail, but for some reason they might not reach.
  3. Debt on loans. Failure to pay on loans taken, including credit cards, is also a debt.
  4. Executive production. In the presence of old debts on taxes, fines of the traffic police, loans to an individual, enforcement proceedings are instituted. The blame for all tax debts. By TIN you can find out about them on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service.

check taxes tax debts

What to do if a debt arises?

How to check tax arrears, we found out. But what if it is still there? It is better to immediately decide what is more important for you: to pay any debts and get an official certificate that there are no debts, or to understand the validity of the invoices issued. Any, even cheap debts, cause a huge number of problems. Failure to pay taxes may result in vehicle detention the ban on traveling abroad, the arrest of property, lawsuits. In addition, the longer the period of overdue debt, the greater the size of the penalty calculated by the tax authorities. If you do not agree with the invoice issued by the state, you can contact the tax office and challenge the tax debt. By TIN you can find out the entire history of payments. To do this, you can use the official website of the tax office. Debt may appear due to incorrectly filled in payment details, errors in the TIN, as well as if the payment for some reason did not get into the tax service. But even if the tax admits that you are right, and this happens quite often, you still need to ensure that the appropriate changes are made to the database.

TIN debts

You can use the site not only at home or in the office, but also in the inspection itself, in the operating room. It is much easier for many to find out their tax debt under the INN themselves using such a workplace with a computer, and not to queue for the inspector.

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