
Unpaid taxes: how to pay off a debt?

Unpaid taxes can turn into a huge problem for citizens. True, not everyone knows how to verify their debt. And in what ways everyone can repay it without any problems. Today we will try to correct the current situation. After all, unpaid taxes are not a secret. Moreover, modern citizens who own computers (and this is about 80% of the population) are able to solve the task in just a few minutes. What can you offer them?unpaid taxes

The timing

To get started, let's figure out how soon taxes are paid? It all depends on which payment is made. Nevertheless, there are still some limitations. First, it is important to understand who the payer is - the organization or the individual. This fact plays an important role. Secondly, remember - it is advisable to pay taxes by the end of the tax reporting period. Such a payment will be called an advance payment. And he will relieve you of debts. It is made until April 30 of each year.

If we talk about specific terms, then transport taxes for citizens are paid until December 1. Organizations usually pay a similar fee until February 1. Profits and other penalties usually do not require forced payment until July 15. Up to this point, there will be no debt for you if you are an individual. Organizations must pay by April 30th.


How can I check for unpaid taxes? There are more than enough options here. It all depends on which approach is closer to you - old or newer. The second requires an internet connection, as well as its use. Let's start with the more familiar ways. You can learn about debt from the tax authorities in your area. You must either call the appropriate organization, or personally appear in it (with a passport and TIN), and then make a request. If we are talking about transport taxes, you need to contact the traffic police.

Basically, that's all of the old methods. But there are a lot of new ways of checking debt. For example, you can turn to the services of "State services", as well as "Payment of public services." Or use an electronic wallet in order to find unpaid taxes. As a last resort, the FTS website will help. How exactly is it worth acting? Let's figure it out!


For example, you should start with services. The principle of working with them is the same. Unless, first, you need to register on each of the sites. Next, you need to go through authorization in the profile, after which you can search.

A special line will help you with this. It is called a search string. She is on the "State services", "Payment of public services", the official page of the Federal Tax Service. Type “taxes, debt” there, and then select the line that appears on the screen. Next, on the "State services" you need to click on the button "Get the service." And in all other cases, you will immediately be asked to find the debtor by the details.

tax payment

Choose a search method. It is better to click on the next option - "By TIN". Now you should enter your tax number, if required from you - name, surname and patronymic. Click on "Search" and see the result. If you work with the website of the Federal Tax Service, he will offer you to print immediately the payment for payment. Nothing difficult, right?

Online wallet

Unpaid taxes can be found using an electronic wallet, if any. Pass authorization in it, and then get down to business. As in the previous case, it is advisable to use the search bar and the query “tax debts”. If you are careful, you can find something similar in the "Services" section of the service.

After choosing the necessary item, you have to find the debtor. Again, you can search by first and last name, or you can just use the TIN. The second option makes life much easier. Enter your details, then search. A window will appear in front of you where you can see all unpaid taxes, as well as a penalty charged to them, if any. That's all.

Payment Methods

How can I pay debts? There are also a lot of options. And you can choose any of them. The principle of modern approaches is based either on the search for the debtor with the subsequent introduction of the details of the recipient, or a direct search for the one to whom the funds will be charged. Of all the possible solutions to the problem should be highlighted:

  • payment through the bank cash desk;
  • payment in traffic police or tax;
  • through ATMs;
  • through payment terminals;
  • electronic wallet;
  • Internet banking (for example, Sberbank Online);
  • through the services "State services" and "Payment of public services."

check unpaid taxes

In principle, that’s all. For all operations, you will need either cash or a bank card, as well as the details of the payee and your personal data. Do not forget about the TIN and passport. Which way to choose, decide for yourself. In practice, it can be said that payment by credit card using a terminal or through Internet banking is best suited for the implementation of the task. In fact, everything is not as complicated as it seems.

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