
Economics is ... Modern Economics

Modern mankind is used to operating with a number of terms directly related to managerial activity, the state system, way of life and society. As an example, such definitions as "gross product", "import", "export", "taxation" and others. Along with them there is such a concept as economics, which is currently operated not only in the field of politics, the media, but also among the ordinary population.

The origin and meaning of the term

Etymologically, this concept dates back to the Greek language. The simplest morphological analysis of this word allows us to talk about its two-component nature. The first component is directly related to the definition of the law, the second to the economy. Thus, we can say that initially the economy is a way of organizing. More specifically, the term originally meant farming in accordance with the norms and rules established by law.

Features of the initial interpretation

Attention should be paid to the fact that the primary meaning of the concept was significantly different from the current one. This is due to the characteristics of the organization of ancient Greece as a whole. Under the economy was understood, first of all, it was economics, and not its popular manifestation, to which modern society is used. Thus, initially the economy is the art of managing the subsistence economy.

economy is

It is this meaning of the term that was included in the first explanatory dictionaries and, in a sense, is still preserved. The very same concept of economics was introduced into everyday speech by the ancient Greek philosopher Xenophon.

Value extension

As you know, the world does not stand still, so that any terminological and ontological phenomenon sooner or later takes on new meanings, interpretations. The semantic properties of one or another word are gradually expanding, transforming and adjusting to the needs of the existing society.

market economy

In the modern world, economics is a much broader, volumetric concept and phenomenon, something that existed in the minds of the ancient Greeks.

The first understanding of modern man

Like any other phenomenon of this kind, the concept considered in this article received several interpretations at once. In its most general form, the economy is a system that a particular state and all of humanity use to ensure optimal life, formation and improvement of their own conditions of existence.

In this case, this refers not only to any material resources and the conditions for their operation in the territory of a country, but also to the totality of all material, spiritual goods, all kinds of objects and things, the existence of which is aimed at improving the standard of living, ensuring movement forward with the point of view of the development of the national economy in the most general sense of the word.

Scientific component

Apart, based on the view described above, is the concept of economics as a science. In this case, we are referring to a certain abstract set of knowledge acquired by mankind and each country in particular about the features of the organization of this very national economy, ways to improve the quality of life, options for designing state and interstate relations.

world economy

In this context, the concept of economics as a science is closely connected with such sciences as sociology, psychology and, of course, political science.

Species differentiation

As can be seen from the foregoing, both science and the phenomenon itself, the subject of its study is a kind of system - multi-level and complex. Branches of the economy can be very diverse and relate to one or another sector of the system of government. In the question of study, attention can be concentrated on market relations or on particularities of agriculture. The study may be aimed at a comparative analysis of the patterns of organization of different states and the whole world as a whole. In this respect, modern economics opens up the broadest scope for research.

Industry division

The choice as an object and subject of study indicates the existence of a clear division of the economy as a whole into certain levels and types. Each of them requires detailed study and tracking to draw up an adequate picture and apply the necessary measures to improve the quality of life of the city, country and the whole world as a whole.

National economy

Sectors of the economy are formed as a result of an objective historical process, the development of the state and society. This term should be understood as a certain set of single-order, similar in their structure, economic enterprises. Association and delimitation occurs on the principle of commonality in relation to the organization or manufactured products. Each specialized industry, in turn, is divided into smaller structures. Relating to each other, they form a number of intersectoral complexes, the correct operation of which is the guarantor of a stable and developing economy.

World space

In this case, we mean the main, global array of the economy, the highest point of its structure. The global economy is a combination national economies and productions of all countries of the globe in their dynamics, development and expansion.

branches of economy

This concept can be called the most abstract, since it lacks attachment to a specific locality, structure, industry. By and large, the global economy is a kind of image, an abstraction, which requires study and gives an understanding of the direction of development of a particular structure, system and industry. Tracking it is necessary for the development of international relations, the formation of partnerships, coordination of the world monetary fund, the acquisition of interstate ties in the field of trade, industry or investment in science.

Second level

The next in importance and breadth of coverage is considered the national economy. It consists of 2 groups of industries, united by the principle of similarity of scope. In this case, we have in mind the range of industries responsible for the social sphere of existence, and those that form the country's material production.

state economy

The first include the healthcare system, education, social benefits, tourism, public services and sports. The material sector includes the construction sector, transport system, communications, domestic and foreign trade.

Each national economy includes a micro and macro level, and if in the first case it is a matter of coordinating and regulating internal processes caused by particulars, the second is a wholeness, general level of development, not related to a specific education or field of production.

The state economy, being regulated at the local level, eventually enters into the global aggregate, the world system.

Current conditions

Today, humanity lives in an already formed system. Considering the features, levels and organization, it can be defined by such a term as a market economy.

The basis of this type of relationship is the principle of competition, consumer freedom and choice in the acquisition of something.The market economy is based on the right of private property, which turns out to be inviolable to a third party, but can be acquired in full or in part.

A characteristic feature of this type of state structure is freedom in relation to entrepreneurship. Any person can independently start the production of certain goods and provide various services by registering their own organization in the state system to ensure taxation.

modern economy

In such a situation, the entrepreneur can independently determine the market, the cost of the goods offered, its quality and ways of implementation. Such freedom ensures the presence of competition, which is the basic, basic characteristic of a market economy.

Note that this system operates not only at the state or private (enterprise level), but also at the international level. A typical example is the wholesale supply of gas by Russia or China's equipment to other countries. The process of interaction between countries and interstate unions (for example, the European) determines the basis of the world economy, its features and development paths. Specialists in this field monitor the dynamics obtained and, reacting to the information received, work on creating suitable soil for further development and improvement of the global economy.

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