
The standard of living and average salary in Israel

Israel is a state with a highly developed economy. It is a leader in many industries. The state is among the ten richest countries in terms of gross domestic product per capita. Accordingly high and average salary in Israel. The state’s economy can be called a market economy, but government intervention in all areas is also great. It is important to note that the main achievement of Israel is that, having virtually no natural resources, it was able to achieve high levels in both agriculture and industry.

average salary in israel

general information

Below the poverty line, according to experts, about 20% of the population lives in Israel. This is about one and a half million people. This means that their monthly income is less than 280 US dollars for single citizens, 700 for married couples and 817 for families with a child. The gap between rich and poor has remained unchanged over recent years. The middle class includes people whose average salaries in Israel exceed $ 2,000 per month and who have their own housing and car. For example, doctors.

average salaries in israel

Remuneration in the medical field

Doctors live well enough here. Their average salary in Israel is about $ 2,500. And this is during training in residency. Anesthesiologists receive from the very beginning of their careers about 3000-3500 dollars a month. Residency studies are compulsory and take more than five years. At the end of this period, two exams must be taken. If they are successfully completed, the novice medical worker receives the title of specialist. Now he can open a private practice or earn extra money in various centers. If we talk about the average salary in Israel for a specialist who successfully passed all the exams and studied in the residency for five years, then this is about 4,500 US dollars. Therefore, medical workers are often referred to as wealthy people who can afford to relax a couple of times a year in European resorts.

Israel average salary in shekels

Average builder salary in Israel

In this area, everything depends on a person’s qualifications. Minimum is the earnings of auxiliary workers who wear bricks or knead cement. A crane operator or any other skilled worker gets more. Electricians get good enough. However, a license is required to carry out this type of activity. The average salary in the industry is about 1.5 thousand US dollars. This is almost half the average level.

Other industries

The average family in Israel earns more than 13,500 shekels, if both spouses work full time, then almost 20 thousand. Most are not received by officials, but by employees of state enterprises that are engaged in water supply and electricity supply. The average salary in healthcare and education is 7.5 thousand shekels, social services - 4.1, in the banking sector - 15.5. Most of all get qualified employees of state enterprises. The salary at Hevrat Hamshal and Mekorot companies exceeds 22 thousand shekels a month, while officials receive only 13.5.

The situation of foreigners

A large number of immigrants work in the agricultural sector. They get up to two thousand dollars a month. More than twenty thousand Arabs work in this area. Several times more immigrants are arranged illegally. The minimum wage is about a thousand US dollars. It is received by security guards and catering staff. There are 5-10 times more illegal foreigners than officially employed.

average builder salary in israel

Latest data

According to the Center for Statistics, the average salary in Israel in March 2016 was 10,128 shekels. This is about 2644 US dollars. Thus, the average salary in Israel increased by 8.6% compared to November 2015. Most receive in the field of information and communication technologies. Here the average salary in Israel in shekels reaches 30 thousand. Employees in the extractive sector receive a little less. Their average salary is 20,493 shekels, or 5,350 dollars. Almost the same amount is received by employees of the banking and financial sectors. Salaries in infrastructure sectors are slightly behind. The average salary in Israel for public utilities is about 1936 shekels. Least of all get in the hotel business and the catering sector. In total, 3.44 million people are employed in the country. Most of them receive a salary that is less than the average for Israel.

what is the average salary in israel

Cost of living

Renting a three-room apartment in the central area of ​​the city costs about 500 US dollars. It is twice as expensive in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Most of the salary goes to utility bills and taxes. Electricity costs between $ 50 and $ 300 a month. Utilities, including gas, is another 15 dollars. The USA, water and telephone - 20 each. In addition, Israelis pay for cleaning the house area and servicing the elevator. There are only three free channels in the country, so the majority of the population connects cable television for an average of $ 30 per month. Taxes reach half the salary. Plus, Israelis make payments to pension and insurance funds. However, food and clothing are cheaper than in Russia and Ukraine. Therefore, it is important not how much the average salary in Israel is, but what you can afford. Representatives of the Israeli middle class, such as doctors, can easily go on holiday to Europe several times a year.

Record income

The largest salary in Israel is 109,919 shekels a month. This is the salary Gideon Saar receives. He is a professor and head of the Department of Cardiac Surgery at the Magpie Hospital. In second place is Yaakov Gelsen. He works in aviation industry and earns 101 384 shekels a month. On the third - Gabrielle Sandro. He works at the Clalit Health Insurance Fund and receives 89,911 shekels. It is interesting that the last enterprise generally stands out from the rest in terms of salaries: 325 record holders are its employees. And well-known journalists earn 49,677 shekels. At the same time, the salaries of employees of enterprises in the field of water supply and electricity supply often do not fit into any framework. Compared to the average, these are sky-high sums. Most record holders work for the Electric Company as well as the Civil Aviation Authority.

how much is the average salary in israel

Israeli economy

High salaries and living standards in Israel are due to the development of national industry and services. The national economy is a market economy, but the state reserves the right to intervene in its functioning. Israel is a leader in water supply, oil refining, electricity and diamond processing. The economy has reached such heights thanks in large part to European and American investments. In the 1960s, more than two million emigrants arrived in the country, and they needed things, food and clothing. Both medical and educational services have been developed. Today, Israel is among the ten most industrialized countries in the world. The country produces food products, clothing, medical and other electronic devices, tobacco products, jewelry, wines and military equipment. One of the most developed industries is metallurgy, mechanical engineering, and pharmaceuticals.

Israel also produces computers, components for them, and robots for both domestic and industrial use. Agriculture is the pride of the country. Most of its products are exported worldwide.And all this despite the fact that there are no good lands in Israel. For growing crops requires constant artificial irrigation. The country produces crops such as wheat, peanuts, sunflowers, cotton, sunflowers, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, peppers, potatoes and eggplants. Plums, pears, apples, dates, kiwi, olives, peaches, avocados, watermelons, grapes and strawberries are grown. Cattle breeding is of great importance in Israel. Small and cattle and poultry are grown here. In artificial reservoirs fish are bred. However, Israel is a country with a technologically advanced economy. Revenues from tourism are quite high.

pros and cons of living in israel salary

Pros and Cons of Living in Israel

Salaries in the country are quite high. In the main industries, the state is among the ten leading countries. According to the level of science and information and communication technologies, Israel ranks twelfth. One of the advantages is the high level of medicine. For one hundred thousand people there are 385 qualified doctors. Israel has a long life expectancy and high birth rate. The country ranks second in the world in the number of graduates of higher educational institutions per thousand people, third in patents, first in the number of computers. Israel is a leader in the treatment of cancer. The success story of this state is a unique, significant reason for such prosperity was foreign investment and a high level of human capital. The national government is worried about the environment. Israel is the only country where forest area has increased over the past ten years. The state ranks first in the world in the number of attractions.

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