
List of World Religions: Islam, Christianity, Buddhism

Religion is understood as a specific awareness of the surrounding reality, which is based on faith in higher powers. This social phenomenon and way of life includes certain types of behavior, moral standards and special rites. It involves the implementation of religious actions by people who voluntarily unite in religious organizations.

Believers of the main religions are guided by the religious instructions contained in the sacred texts. From the point of view of religion, these books reveal many moral and philosophical concepts, such as good and evil, the purpose and meaning of life, death, and others. It is believed that such representations were created by God himself. These books, according to the followers of religions, were created by saints, other great teachers, as well as people who, according to the position of a particular religion, have reached the highest level of spirit.

What major religions are known today? This will be discussed in the article.

list of world religions

What makes religious life

Like any phenomena of spiritual life, religion is the result of the mental activity of people. Acting as a holistic cultural system, it arose as a result of the mental activity of man, his feelings and will. Its four main components were attitude to the world, world outlook, attitude, as well as hierarchy (or religious organization).

The existence of religion as a social and spiritual category is provided by religious ideas and ideas. These include theories about the supernatural, concepts about God, myths, texts of sacred books, prayers, and so on. A large number of works of literature and art reflects people's perceptions of religion and related objects.

Outwardly, the image of religion creates a religious cult. This huge cultural and spiritual layer includes religious holidays and ceremonies, services and prayers, fasting periods. It also includes temples, temples, sacred amulets, talismans, icons. Religious actions associated with the mentioned objects and events form this cult, reaching the highest degree of spiritual unity of believers.

Islam and Christianity

List of World Religions

Millennia of the development of religious beliefs of people have formed the main religions that occupy a dominant place in human society. They began to be called world. For religion to receive world status, it must:

  • to have a significant number of people professing it in the world;
  • not be associated with any state or national entity;
  • be widespread;
  • have a universally recognized influence on the course of human history.

Today, the list of world religions (in order of origin) includes the following:

  • Buddhism;
  • Christianity;
  • Islam.

It is believed that in relation to the entire population of the planet, followers of Christianity occupy first place, accounting for 33 percent of humanity, or more than 2.3 billion people. Muslims on Earth 1.58 billion, which corresponds to 23 percent of the population. By the number of believers, Buddhists were in fourth place at the beginning of the 21st century. There are over 470 million people, or 6.7% of the world's population. Ahead of them are followers of Hinduism (14%).

buddhism religion

Does religion have a nationality?

In modern conditions, there are national religions in Israel (Judaism), in India (Hinduism), in China (Confucianism), in Japan (Shintoism). How did they form?

If a religion is distributed within the borders of one state or its followers are representatives of one nation, it is called national.Its appearance is due to the emergence, development, formation and existence of specific nations. Young nations needed ideological principles that identified them among other nations.

The role of the ideologist at that time was played by the religious system. Therefore, local cults and emerging religions served as the basis for the formation of national religions. Religions of ancient national-state formations are referred to such early non-preserved ones. They were characterized by a departure from the cults adopted in the lower layers of society, a short time of existence, polytheism, the emergence of the doctrine of the relationship of human behavior with his fate after death, sacrifice. During the formation and development of feudal relations, there were late national religions that defended the interests of nations.

What is the difference between Islam and Christianity

The largest religions on Earth are Islam and Christianity. Together they bring together over 55 percent of the world's believers. According to the number of followers, Christianity dominates. It arose from Judaism in Palestine and at the initial stage of development spread to the Roman Empire, and later around the world. Christianity is based on faith in Jesus Christ. From him came the name of a religion that recognizes the existence of God in the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). He in the person of Jesus Christ accomplished the work of saving man and the world. The basis of Christianity are the books of the Bible. Among the most important attitudes is faith in the actual incarnation of God and his salvation.

Islam, which arose after Christianity, has the majority of adherents in the Middle East and Southeast countries, as well as in North Africa. Created by the prophet Mohammed in the seventh century. Inherited the traditions of Christianity and Judaism. The documentary foundations of this religion are the Qur'an and the traditions of Muhammad. Recognizes Allah as one God, proclaims faith in the final judgment and punishment, reward after death. He calls the founders of all the monotheistic religions that existed before him as prophets.

national religions

What is Buddhism?

The first of the three religions of world significance appeared Buddhism. Religion has an advantage in Asian countries. This doctrine of the awakening of the spirit arose in ancient India before our era. It was founded by Siddharth Gautama, who later received the name Buddha Sakyamuni. The basic requirement of Buddhism is the observance of moral law as a way to free the soul from the whirl of everyday life and achieve nirvana.

Buddhism is a religion that is recognized by different peoples having completely different cultural traditions. After many years of studying consciousness, its founder became convinced that people themselves are the causes of their suffering. This is manifested in their attachment to life and material well-being. Belief in an unchanging soul is an illusory attempt to counteract universal variability.

A person must enter into nirvana, get rid of suffering and achieve awakening. In it, life is seen as it is. At the same time, through the practice of self-restraint in the form of following the five commandments and meditation, one can overcome attachment and the illusions of stability. Buddha pointed out that teaching is not a dogma. Its effectiveness is determined by the person himself. Doctrine must be accepted only by testing it on our own experience.

major religions

Where do Judaism

Buddhism, Islam and Christianity are world religions. And where can Judaism be attributed? Where does he confess? Judaism is a national religion, was formed on Egyptian and Palestinian lands at least two thousand years BC. His followers profess monotheism, believe that God created man in his own image and likeness. All aspects of our existence are covered by this religion. A Jew must observe the clear requirements that determine his daily activities. Religion Judaism is also a definition of nationality. Most followers belong to him from birth.In order to become a Jew, you must undergo a special procedure called “giyur”.

Being the national Israeli religion, Judaism has eight different directions (Karaimism, Esseni, Zeloti, Litvaki, etc.).

Is Catholicism a religion?

Buddhism, Christianity and Islam are included in the list of world religions. What is Catholicism? When did he appear and by whom does he confess? This will be discussed further.

In the first millennium AD e. Catholicism was formed within the Roman Empire. Religion professed by its adherents is Christianity. Catholicism has become the largest number of believers in Christianity. He is not an independent religion.

A single Catholic Church has a high degree of centralization. She believes that she has the fullness of truth. It was founded by Jesus Christ, who is its Head. The daily management of the church is carried out by the Pope. Under his leadership, the Holy See and the Vatican City State in the capital of Italy function.

The central provisions of Catholic dogma are contained in the Articles of Faith, the canons and decrees of the Vatican Councils, the Catechism of the Catholic Church. In 1054, the church was divided into a Catholic church with a center in Rome and an Orthodox church with a center in Constantinople. Catholics believe that their church was born from the pierced heart of Christ who died on the Cross. The whole history of Christianity before the split is the history of the Catholic Church.

religion judaism

State and religion

Relations between states and religions depend on several circumstances. In such countries, there may be:

  • the presence of a state church;
  • the special status granted by the main law to one or several religions;
  • separation of the church from the state.

The presence of the state church implies its direct state financing. At the same time, the country provides control over the use of funds. Some functions of the state are delegated to church organizations, such as registration of marriages and the birth of children, and so on.

In theocratic countries, all state power is concentrated in the head of the church and in its structures. They do not have freedom of religion. Clerical countries are distinguished by the fact that there the influence of the church on socio-political life is determined by laws. The church is in a privileged position and has a real impact on political processes.

The secular state has no such connection with churches. The full right of citizens to profess any religion or to be atheists, to have anti-religious views is recognized. Here, state and church structures operate independently. Intervention by authorities in religious matters and vice versa is not permitted.

catholicism religion

The role of religion in society

Religion has important functions in society. It fills with a special meaning the life of people, increases their self-esteem. Thanks to her, the culture of the population is enriched. Its distribution helps believers to communicate with each other, with the souls of saints, the dead, with angels.

A follower of a particular religion assimilates certain moral standards and spiritual values. They characterize a specific religious tradition, to a certain extent, programming human behavior. At the same time, he feels himself to be part of a single religious community that professes common values. This gives the believer a chance to assert himself among those who have the same views on the world.

On the other hand, recent history knows cases where political and public figures use faith for their own purposes. For this, methods of separation or association of people on religious grounds are used. There are known facts of inciting hostility and religious intolerance, wars between religions and faiths, or even within the same religion.

The list of world religions is small, but there are many of their followers, because sometimes only faith can save a person, cleanse his soul and body. Believe and be blessed!

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