
Worldview Structure: Philosophical, Religious, and Historical

What is a worldview? This is something without which humanity would not have reached such heights in modernity - the knowledge of ancestors whose experience has been passed down from generation to generation simply would not have survived to our days. The structure of the worldview itself is quite complex, it combines the totality of information about the world surrounding a person, as well as its perception; the relationship of the individual to his "I"; life principles and principles; morality, ethics and the spiritual world of each individual.

Worldview structure

Factors influencing the formation of worldview

Already in childhood, when a person consciously separates himself from the rest of the world, knows how to speak and think, his own worldview begins to take shape. What it will be in a more mature age is influenced by various factors:

  • The environment of man from the first days of his life. Family traditions and how relatives communicate with each other, the child adopts, considering the norm. These are the first steps in the formation of a worldview. Communication in kindergarten, school with peers, and then student, adult life will give new experience and goals.
  • The area where a person was born. The country in which a new member of society was born, its history, the customs of the people living in this territory, the worldview structure combines all this into a single whole, into the future achievements of man.
  • Religion There are many world religions, and they significantly affect the perception of the personality of what is happening around. Each faith enriches a person’s spiritual life, protects from wrong and dangerous actions. The canons of some recognized religious organizations are aimed at uniting people, supporting loved ones and those in need.

"Fertilizing" the worldview with fresh emotions, history, contributes to the rapid formation of personality personality. Depending on the factors affecting the daily life of a person and the emotions experienced by society and directly by itself, the vision of the world can be both optimistic and pessimistic.

Religious worldview

Formation paths

There are only 2 options for developing a worldview:

  1. Active (conscious). A man uses additional opportunities to obtain information in order to create his own, individual outlook on life. In this he is helped by various historical documents, psychological trainings, philosophical publications. The individual makes all his inner efforts, studying the features of the worldview and developing for himself new goals, foundations and ideals.
  2. Passive (spontaneous). Most of modern society uses this way of forming their worldview, receiving information from easily accessible sources, adapting to their surrounding conditions. As a result, a person who has chosen a passive version of the growth of world perception, in the desire to become like everyone else, loses his personality.


The structure of the worldview is several aspects that are interconnected:

  • Knowledge. This part includes information obtained from the first moments of understanding the environment. Knowledge plays a crucial role in human life - it is thanks to them that the individual is easily oriented in space. The greater the amount of information acquired, the firmer and more stable the life position. The knowledge that forms the worldview can be scientific, practical and professional.
  • Emotionality. The way a person reacts to various life situations is also a component of worldview.Negative and positive emotions, as well as morality and a sense of duty subsequently form the individual's own view of the world.
  • Values. The attitude of a person to what is happening around him, according to his understanding of his own aspirations, needs, the meaning of life and interests. Values ​​in the worldview are of three types: significant (objects, events and people that cause strong emotions); useful (the practical side of life, clothes, food, shelter, knowledge, skills); harmful (negative attitude to something or someone, to actions, situations, for example, to murder, violence).
  • Deeds. The implementation by man of his own ideas and views. It can be either positive (helping people, charity) or negative (extremism, rejection of people with physical disabilities, military operations, crimes of various kinds).
  • Beliefs. Own views of the individual and society on life. They unite people and are vital for fanatics who unprincipledly follow their values. Beliefs can be firm, true, not amenable to any changes, as well as strong-willed, inspiring, compelling to fight obstacles.
  • Character. The structure of the worldview also includes the personality traits of the individual, without which the formation of stable outlooks on life is not possible. Character traits that contribute to the growth and development of the worldview: will (achievement of set goals), faith (self-confidence, confidence in other people), doubts ("self-flagellation" regarding new knowledge or values).

Worldview Forms


Levels of worldview, according to the intellectual, spiritual development of a person, as well as his logical and philosophical thinking, are divided into ordinary perception (level No. 1), professional (No. 2) and philosophical (No. 3).

An ordinary worldview, it’s everyday, is formed spontaneously, due to the daily life of the individual. People whose worldview is “stuck” at the first level and does not develop further, usually are not able to logically explain any phenomenon, as well as restrain emotions in conflict situations - at such moments feelings prevail over common sense. This level is basic, while other levels of worldview are considered acquired. An ordinary view of the world is formed on the traditions and customs adopted in the society surrounding the individual, as well as on experience and instincts. Thanks to him, a person can freely communicate, analyze, learn.

Worldview Formation

A professional understanding of the world is the acquisition of skills and experience in a certain field of activity: politics, science, philosophy, creativity, culture. A person with a professional worldview can share his own ideas and thoughts - this kind of information is transmitted from individual to individual, from generation to generation. It is worth noting that many well-known political figures, as well as philosophers and cultural figures, had this level.

The philosophical (theoretical) worldview is considered the most developed stage. Having reached it, a person studies, criticizes, analyzes the attitude, acceptance / rejection of the surrounding world and his "I" as such. An interesting fact is that only a few can reach this level - a philosophical worldview is available only to some prominent theorists and philosophers.

Philosophy and Worldview


The vital activity of previous generations leaves its mark on modern society. Forms of worldview absorbed the experience of their ancestors, their history, myths and legends, moral principles and foundations. What our forefathers believed in also influenced the creation of the worldview of modern individuals. The feeling and views of ancient people on the surrounding world continue to live, despite significant time intervals.Today, there are such forms of worldview: social, group, individual.


There are several types of perception of the world, each of which is inherent in a certain person, with his level of development of views, characteristics, emotions, actions, values, feelings. Types of worldview, without exception, affect every life aspect of a person, his spiritual world, feelings and thoughts. All of them help to adapt to a particular situation, contribute to the acquisition of new skills. In some cases, one individual may have several types of outlook at once - it all depends on his desire to improve himself.

Types of worldview distinguished in the modern world: everyday, mythological, scientific, humanistic. Also distinguished are philosophical and historical. And another type exists, which we will consider in more detail, is a religious worldview.

Worldview Features

Religion is an integral part of worldview

There has long been an invisible struggle between religion and science. Scientific research allows humanity to develop and conquer disease, while religious knowledge enriches the inner world, helps to survive negative life moments. Religious worldview is one of the strongest and most effective types of perception of the world. This is due to the fact that faith in a supernatural, strong creature with unlimited knowledge, as well as controlling the moral, moral standards, will, knowledge and physical capabilities of a person, allows you to throw off some of the responsibility for your actions. In addition, faith makes the individual struggle with difficulties and move forward, gathering groups of like-minded people.

Humanistic vision of the world

The worldview structure of humanistically minded individuals is a generalization of the principles of humanism, namely humanity:

  • The most valuable thing in the world is man.
  • Each individual is a self-sufficient person.
  • All people have unlimited powers for self-improvement, development in all sectors of life, and also have the right to show their capabilities and talents.
  • Any individual who is part of society is able to independently change his thinking, manner of communication, character.
  • Each person is able to self-develop and have a beneficial effect on the surrounding society.

History is a part of each of us.

The historical worldview includes the mythological, religious and philosophical perceptions of the world, since at each stage of their development, individual moments of history were touched upon. Myths, legends, ancient philosophers, and even biblical stories - all this existed many centuries ago, which means that it left its mark in the worldview of our ancestors, since the concept of worldview unites not only the experience of the forefathers, but also their history.

Mythological perception

This type of vision implies the absence of distinctions between the objective and subjective. Mythology allows different generations to interact with each other, despite temporary barriers. For people with a mythological worldview, legends and myths of peoples are considered reality, they help to form the moral and ethical foundations of man.

Worldly vision of the world

Everyday or everyday perception is based on information about the experience of close relatives, transmitted from generation to generation. A worldly concept of worldview is formed thanks to everyday life, the designation of objects and their role in the world around.

Scientific perception

This type is fully based on exact thoughts, specifics, facts, devoid of subjectivity. A person who has a scientific worldview is rational, prudent, and cold. It so happened that science, philosophy and history have an inseparable connection and numerous common aspects.However, the scientific type of vision of the world for each inexplicable phenomenon allows you to find reasonable answers, in contrast to the historical one, which includes myths and legends.

Types of Worldview

Philosophical views on life

Philosophy and worldview are practically inseparable concepts. The vision of the world, according to this type, is based on a theory supported by scientific and natural justifications, as well as on logically explainable real (both personal and social) phenomena. Both philosophy and the worldview of any type would not have occurred in modernity if they had not been closely connected with history. Philosophical teachings state that a person with such a vision is obliged to devote his life to the study of the world and the endless search for truth.

What is a worldview? Brief definition

A generalization of a person’s actions, his desires, his attitude to people, invaluable experience of previous generations, daily activities, work on himself - all this includes a worldview. It is not possible to briefly describe the peculiar worldview of an individual, since all individuals are individual, which means that everyone has their own, established understanding of the world. Literally, the worldview stands for “looking at the world”, looking at it and experiencing certain emotions, accepting it for what it is, or rejecting it, creating our own inner world.

The role of worldview in the existence of mankind

Adopting experience from generations that have gone into the past, no one wonders how it is absorbed and allows human society to move on. The beautiful word "worldview" for some individuals is an empty phrase, and for many, this term means both history, science, the inner world of a person, spirituality, reliable help in achieving the goals.

What gives an individual a worldview? The existing, stable and healthy worldview allows a person to easily adapt in society, to improve themselves. Thanks to this, he does not see obstacles in solving problems, seeks promotion in the service, quickly finds an explanation for what is happening. Worldview gives its owner the opportunity to correctly prioritize and determine life values. A vision of the world is more than just the views of one person. A worldview is the thoughts and possibilities of the whole society, the “engine” that pushes evolution forward.

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