
Stages of the election process in the Russian Federation. Elections and the Electoral Process

In Art. Clause 3 of the Constitution of Russia establishes that free elections and a referendum are a direct expression of the will of the population. The recent history of the country illustrates indisputable evidence of a key role in the development of the state regime of these two elements. The concept of the electoral process is enshrined in the Basic Law. The procedure provided for in the norms is binding on all its participants. Many positive changes in Russia took place precisely because guarantees of the electoral rights of citizens became a fundamental condition for ensuring democracy. stages of the election process in the Russian Federation

Legal aspect

The right to vote is implemented in practice in accordance with the established procedure. One of the main stages of these measures is the formation of a regime in accordance with which a vote is assigned by bodies authorized for this, or by responsible employees. In addition, the legislation establishes the procedure for the rotation of the deputies of the regional representative state body.

The Constitution of the country regulates the holding of elections exclusively to federal authorities. The procedure for the formation of representative local and regional bodies is enshrined in the charters, laws, constitutions of entities and municipalities. At the same time, federal laws provide for suffrage through mandatory voting. Regulatory acts establish a unified approach to the issue of regulating the procedure for its appointment, as well as determining the list of authorized entities. suffrage

Elections and the Electoral Process: General Information

The formation of representative federal bodies is carried out within the time limits established by law. Elections in Russia appointed by the president. Voting Day - the first Sunday after the end of the constitutional period for which the State Duma of the previous convocation was formed. If it is not appointed by the president, the term and order are established by the Central Election Commission. When the State Duma is dissolved, the Head of the country simultaneously sets the date for early voting. If the president has not appointed a day, then he is also determined by the Central Election Commission. The date of voting for the head of state is determined by the Council of Federations. Election day will be the first Sunday after the completion of the constitutional period for which he was elected. The calculation of this period shall be carried out from the date of adoption of authority. If the date of voting is not set by the Council of Federations, it is determined by the Election Commission.


According to the Federal Law No. 67 of June 12, 2002, at the early termination of powers of state (federal), local, regional authorities, elections must be called no later than 14 days after the termination of the activities of these structures. Voting shall be carried out directly not later than 180 and not earlier than 70 days from the date of the decision. The election commission sets the date as the first or second Sunday of the month that follows when the authority of the body or deputies was terminated, or not later than 180 days from the date of early termination of their activities. main stages of the election process

A special case

The Law provides for a situation in which the election commission has not scheduled elections or is absent and cannot be formed in accordance with the established procedure.In this case, voting shall be established by the court of general jurisdiction in accordance with the statements of citizens, associations, the prosecutor, local and regional authorities.

The main stages of the election process: the formation of responsible bodies

In some publications, this stage is taken out of the general framework. According to experts, this can be agreed with respect to the Central Commission, as well as the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This is due to the fact that these structures are considered permanent. However, with regard to local, precinct and other territorial commissions, this provision does not apply. This is confirmed by applicable law. In accordance with it, the main stages of the election process involve the formation of territorial authorized bodies no later than the established deadline for the designated vote.

The formation of competent structures is carried out on the principle of ensuring independent status. The CEC is composed of 15 members. Five of them are appointed by the State Duma. They become candidates proposed by factions, other associations and deputies of the Duma. Moreover, only one member of the election commission is appointed from one association. 5 officials appointed by the Federation Council. Nominations are proposed by the representative and executive bodies of the regions. The remaining five members are appointed by the president. The CEC is formed for 4 years.

Voting Lists

At this stage of the election process in the Russian Federation, the data obtained using the state registration (accounting) system are generalized. The procedure for the formation of lists is established in the corresponding Federal Law and other regulatory acts. The lists include all citizens of the Russian Federation who, at the voting date, have the right to vote. According to regional laws, foreigners who have reached 18 years of age, who have not been declared legally incapable by the court, who are not held by sentence in a place of deprivation of liberty, and who mainly or permanently reside within the municipality of the Russian Federation where voting is held, are also included in the lists. The voters list is compiled by the relevant commission. In this case, an automated information system can be used. elections and election process

Site formation

A constituency shall be formed for voting in the respective territory. The formation of these elements is carried out in accordance with the lists of registered citizens. Each electoral body is created according to the general scheme adopted by the competent authority. The determination of the procedure for the formation of precincts is carried out no later than 70 days before the date of voting. The constituency has its borders. It may include an administrative-territorial unit, municipality or settlement. The election commission determines the number of the polling station and its center. Approval of the provided scheme for the formation of territories for voting is carried out by the corresponding representative body of state power or local government.

Basic requirements for site creation schemes

When conducting elections in constituencies, approximate equality of single-mandate territories should be observed in terms of the number of registered voting citizens. The permissible deviation from the average norm is not more than 10%, for hard-to-reach and remote areas - 15%. When forming multi-member districts, approximate equality of the number of voters per mandate should be observed. When forming plots in the territories where small peoples live, the permissible deviation from the norm of representation cannot be higher than the established limit and not more than 30%. The formation of the okrug from non-bordering regions is not allowed, except for the cases that are regulated in the Federal Law and the laws of the regions.

Nomination of candidates

At this stage of the election process in the Russian Federation, lists of citizens running for representative bodies are provided. The Federal Law establishes a certain procedure for nominating candidates in the structure of associations. In Russia, different electoral systems are used in the formation of various representative bodies. Political parties identify their candidates in higher forums by secret ballot.

Undoubtedly, this procedure cannot fully guarantee the democratic procedure, since much depends on the atmosphere within the association. Nevertheless, at this stage of the election process in the Russian Federation, the minimum equal initial opportunities are provided, which are necessary for participating in a fair and fair competition. Submission of candidates may also be carried out through self-nomination. They are also put forward on the initiative of voters or their group, which have an active right. In this case, a notification is sent to the authorized body, where the registration of candidates will be carried out. election campaign

Signature Collection

At this stage of the election process in the Russian Federation, those candidates are determined who will be registered. Signatures are being collected in their support. Their maximum number should not be more than 2% of the number of voters registered in the district. When collecting signatures, certain conditions must be met. They are designed to ensure the "purity" of this procedure. In addition, the Law establishes rules for the conduct of candidates themselves during this process, including those that have not yet been registered. So, in particular, it is forbidden to use the advantages of official or official status. It involves, for example, attracting subordinates and other employees of municipal and state structures to collect signatures during their working hours.

Registration of candidates (their lists)

This procedure, on the one hand, is a legal fact, opening up the next stage of the election process. On the other hand, this is an exclusively organizational moment. Registration of candidates is subject to strict documentation. The implementation of this task can be carried out in various ways. First of all, according to the requirements of the Federal Law, the presence of a specified number of signatures collected in support of running citizens is required. An application for self-nomination of a candidate, representation of voters or their groups, associations, blocs that nominated their members must also be submitted. In addition, there must be a written confirmation from candidates about their consent to run.


The election campaign involves certain activities of citizens, candidates, blocs and associations, public organizations in order to encourage or already encouraging citizens to participate in the vote. At the state level, the opportunity was provided to carry out free campaigning within the framework of the law. The election campaign can be held with the participation of the media, through the convening of meetings with citizens, public debates, rallies, discussions, marches, demonstrations and other manifestations, as well as with the release and distribution of relevant printed materials. A candidate, association or block may independently determine the nature and form of campaigning. It is forbidden to participate in events for members of election commissions, state bodies, religious associations, officials of state bodies, local authorities, charitable foundations in the performance of their official duties.

During the election race, abuse of media freedom is not permitted. Agitation is prohibited, which can incite national, racial, religious, social hostility and hatred, forcibly change the constitutional system, lead to the seizure of power and violation of the integrity of the country.The propaganda of hostilities and other activities contrary to law are not allowed. The election campaign starts from the date of registration of candidates and ends one day before the vote at 00.00. Within three days prior to the indicated date, it is not allowed to publish the results of the polls, the forecast of the election results and other studies related to the process. holding elections

Final stage

At the last stage of the process, candidates are voted on, votes counted and results determined. This stage is considered the most responsible of all. Before direct voting, the election commission approves the text of the ballot, and also controls the production and supply of forms of lower authorized bodies. The procedure is carried out on a day off. The time for voting is set from 8 to 22 hours.

The precinct and territorial commissions shall inform the voters of the place and time no later than 20 days before the established date. Each citizen casts his vote personally. It is not allowed to use the suffrage of another person. The authorized body should provide all citizens with the opportunity to vote, including those who, due to health reasons or other valid reasons, cannot do this on their own. If the procedure is carried out outside the corresponding premises, observers may be present during it.

Features of filling out newsletters

The actual voting of a citizen is carried out in a special room or booth. No other persons are allowed in these rooms. If the voter cannot fill out the ballot himself, he is entitled to use the help of another person. Moreover, the latter should not be a member of the commission, be a candidate or his authorized representative, an authorized representative of the association or bloc, as well as an observer. Completed ballots are lowered into special boxes. electoral systems political parties

Vote count

It is carried out by members of the commission. During the counting of votes, ballots are declared invalid, in which it is not possible to establish the will of citizens, as well as forms of an undefined form. The calculation results are recorded in special protocols. To exclude the possibility of falsification of the results, the procedure begins immediately after the expiration of the time for voting and is carried out without interruption. All members of the commission, observers, associations and blocs must be notified of the voting results. In accordance with the data of the protocols of the authorized bodies, the total result for the territory is determined. A protocol is also drawn up about this and signed by members of the commission with a casting vote.

Important point

A member of the commission is subject to immediate removal from participation in the work, and an observer is to be removed from the appropriate premises in cases established by law. In particular, this may occur if there is a violation by the specified persons of the secrecy of the vote or when they try to influence the will of the voting citizen. The decision on removal is made by the precinct commission.


Elections are invalidated if the district commission has found violations that do not allow to reliably establish the results of the will of citizens, and they are also considered void by a court decision. All documents of authorized bodies at all levels, including ballots, are subject to storage for the periods provided for in the legislation. These periods may not be less than one year. For commission protocols, the storage period is at least 1 year from the date of the announcement of the next vote of the same level. The final election results shall be made public. Publication is carried out in the official media.The publication is carried out as soon as possible after the election results are established to familiarize themselves with the results of all citizens of the Russian Federation and representatives of the world community.

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