
Subjects and objects of marketing

With the fruits and direct action of various marketing systems, we are faced everywhere. Sometimes we like this effect, in certain cases, no. Moreover, marketing is not a simple science of advertising, but something big, without which it would be impossible to imagine market relations in the economy. Marketing always tries to please both the consumer and the manufacturer, who are the main persons in this process.

What is marketing?

Marketing Objects

Marketing is the science of market relations, their laws and methods of optimal impact on the consumer by analyzing and using his needs and desires. These concepts will be discussed further. Marketing is a necessary component of any business, as the consumer must understand the answer to the question "Why should I buy this product?". If it is, then the product is bought, but if not, I'm sorry.

However, not only products become objects of marketing, but also a lot of other things. For example, an idea. If she is really good, then you can earn money by selling it to other people. But at the same time, you need to present this idea well so that the buyer likes it. And here a science like marketing becomes an assistant. This science is complex.

Some kind of research is constantly being carried out, which complicates it even more. If you learn to understand at least the basic concepts of marketing, then this will already be a good start. It is impossible to study science without understanding its methodological apparatus.

Subject of marketing

The objects of marketing are

What is a subject of science? This is actually what she is studying. In marketing, this is a market relationship. The subject, the object of marketing are very similar concepts for any student. Nevertheless, there are still differences between them. The subject is always concrete and all science is tied to it. Market relations are a rather specific thing. However, the subject may deepen. In this case, there is a division into peculiar subsections. So, in psychology there is a division of the subject "mental phenomena and processes of people and animals" into many others.

True, the example of psychology is quite controversial for the reason that in this science they have not yet decided on the subject due to the fact that it is very multifaceted. But in the industry, everything is determined quite easily. So, the subject of social psychology is the patterns of functioning of social groups and human interaction with them. But now we are discussing not psychology, but marketing. This example was given only for a more complete understanding of the concept of the subject of science. This is just what she is studying.

What does marketing point to?

Objects of attention in the concept of socially ethical marketing

Marketing is not only the art of advertising, as it may seem to some people. He points to a lot of things that are somehow related to advertising, but at the same time are independent points, and they should be considered by all parties to marketing.

  1. What to produce. This process begins with a study of the needs of each person. Based on these needs, a product is determined that can satisfy them. Thus, it is understood that it is necessary to produce what qualities the produced goods should have.
  2. What to buy. In this case, the focus is on the person himself. Among a large selection of different products, it is sometimes difficult to understand what is really worthy of a purchase, and which products should be ignored. Marketing in this case becomes an assistant to the buyer, as it clearly indicates the competitive advantages of a particular product.
  3. Strategic moments. This includes a description of how to break into the market, what needs to be done to conquer it, and so on.

As you can see, these moments are quite simple, and each of us becomes a direct participant in the marketing process.

Key Marketing Concepts

Objects and subjects of marketing

Each science has basic concepts that need to be remembered for its further study and research within its framework. Marketing is no exception. Therefore, you should consider in more detail the basic concepts of marketing before considering such a thing as objects of marketing.

  1. Need is the feeling that a person wants to experience. For example, pleasure and satiety for food or the comfort of a child with new cots.
  2. Need is a need that has received substantive realization. It's hard enough. In simple terms, need is the same need, only in this case a person does not want to receive a certain state, but an object that can cause it. That is, the need for satiety makes you buy food. In this case, the need is food.
  3. Demand is how much a particular product is demanded by marketing objects. The greater the demand, the more profitable it is to produce these products. Everything is very simple.
  4. A product is a position that is being sold. A product can be anything that your heart desires: an idea, an object, food, and so on.

Naturally, there are a lot of basic concepts of marketing, and you won’t consider everything. But these are central. Therefore, their understanding is important not only for a specialist in this industry, but also for an ordinary person.

Marketing Transaction Terms

The main object of marketing

In order for a marketing transaction to be as high-quality as possible, you must observe five basic conditions, without which it will not work:

  • You must have two sides.
  • Each side should have something that will be valuable to the other person. So, money and a mobile phone, for example, have value, the transaction will be completed.
  • Each party should be able to deliver the goods. Otherwise, the transaction will not be successful.
  • Each side should be free. If she wants to decline the offer, she has the right to do so. The same goes for accepting a proposal.
  • Each party must be sure that the transaction is appropriate.

If these five simple rules are followed, then the marketing process is much simpler.

Subjects of marketing

Territory Marketing Objects

The subject is, for the most part of the sciences, what the movement or certain processes begin from. So, the subject in psychology is a person, since any mental activity emanates from him. But what about marketing? In principle, the same. After all, the subject is the starting point from which the process begins. Let's look at what these marketing starting points are.

  1. Manufacturers The whole marketing process begins from them. They create a product that should subsequently come to the consumer.
  2. Consumers are those to whom the goods should be delivered. A consumer can be an individual or an organization. For example, in the production of mobile phones, it is often necessary to purchase spare parts from other companies. In this case, the organization acts as a consumer.
  3. Intermediaries are people who work in the field of marketing of these products. Intermediaries can be considered, for example, shop owners. At the same time, they can be specialists in wholesale trade.
  4. Wholesale and retail trade. The first option is the sale of a large number of products at a fairly low price, and the second is the sale of goods in a distribution network.

These are the main subjects of marketing. Do not forget that there are still objects of marketing. Let us consider them in more detail.

Marketing Objects

Subject marketing object

It is necessary to understand the significance of what the object itself is in science and in marketing in particular. The object of research in marketing is the end point to which scientific research is directed. It is for the sake of understanding the laws of their functioning that this science is developing.The objects of marketing are:

  1. Goods - this is any product that is produced by the subject of the marketing process. They are objects of marketing for the reason that actions are performed with them, and not they themselves produce them.
  2. Services They can also be goods, it would just be nice to bring them to a separate subsection. Services - this is an intangible product that is aimed at helping a person for a fee. For example, minibus drivers help you quickly get from point A to point B.
  3. Territory. Territory marketing objects are real estate, parks, buildings, land and so on.
  4. Individuals can also be objects of marketing. For example, if some very promising employee is advertised, then it automatically becomes an object. The same thing with famous screenwriters, actors, directors and so on.

We figured out the objects of marketing. Are they the only ones? No, but the main ones were indicated in this subsection.

What should marketing be like?

There are many marketing concepts that have these or those advantages. But one of the most promising is social and ethical marketing. It has several advantages over other concepts. The objects of attention in the concept of socially ethical marketing are the satisfaction of the end consumer and the product, which is precisely a means of ensuring the well-being of other people.


As you can see, marketing is a rather interesting science, with many subjects and objects. All of them allow us to be happier to one degree or another. And what is the main object of marketing? This is a consumer, because it is precisely to satisfy his needs that this science works. It is simple, everyone can start to get involved in it.

And the ability to properly present their competitive advantages will be useful not only if you are a manufacturer and produce some kind of product, but also in a number of other areas. For example, you are a job seeker and want to get a promising job. And there are a lot of such examples. And the objects and subjects of marketing are very simple to understand.

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