
The essence, goals, functions and main objectives of accounting

Accounting arose long ago and firmly entrenched in the economy of various industries. Today there is not a single enterprise, large or small, which would not have bookkeeping. This is an indispensable system for monitoring and controlling business processes taking place in organizations of any orientation. The main objectives of accounting are the prevention of a negative result of economic activity.


Accounting is a system of streamlined processes for collecting, recording and summarizing data in monetary terms. The result is added due to the simultaneous coverage of a large amount of information. Amounts for all funds and liabilities of the enterprise are reflected in the accounts.

accounting tasks

Thanks to the developed registers and reporting documents, every month all data is reduced to one database. A qualitative analysis of the indicators of the reporting period allows the company to draw up the most profitable development plan. The economic prosperity of a legal entity legally leads the tasks of accounting and makes its very existence mandatory.

Accounting Requirements

The goals and objectives of accounting are reflected through the mandatory implementation of PBU and legislative acts, which include such requirements as:

  • implementation of the principle of double recording;
  • organization of separate accounting of own and leased funds;
  • continuous information management;
  • timely reflection of the results of inspections and business transactions in accounting data;
  • separate accounting of production costs and capital investments;
  • generalization of all data on the funds and sources of the enterprise in cash - rubles.

main objectives of accounting

Compliance with the above and other rules is monitored by annual quality control records. Violations and inconsistencies that arose due to the fault of the accountant are punished administratively and criminally.

The main objectives of accounting and their characteristics

Discipline was created to fulfill certain goals. Economic subject will not be able to understand the reason for his failures or successes in the absence of information about the operations performed. The profit will be, rather, the result of luck, and not competent enterprise management.

accounting tasks and functions

The objectives of accounting are:

  • creation of a reliable and most complete database of company activities and its results in the context of each property right or obligation;
  • grouping and reflection of information of a similar nature in accounting registers, forms of accounting and financial reporting, sent to both internal and external regulatory bodies;
  • provision of data for financial and tax accounting;
  • compliance with legal and legislative acts of the Russian Federation regulating economic relations between legal entities and individuals;
  • creating the necessary conditions to prevent negative consequences from activities;
  • increasing financial stability and company development.

The objectives of accounting are aimed at creating positive conditions through continuous monitoring and providing management with all the necessary and complete information about the events.

Ways to reflect information

Description of business operations should be made out in the established equivalent. Based on what accounting tasks must be performed when creating a document, the following meters are used:

  1. Natural.
  2. Labor.
  3. Cash.

accounting tasks are

For reporting on objects having a natural expression, use the first type of measurement. Usually in material form indicate materials and materials in the production and in the warehouses of the enterprise. The meter is determined in accordance with the physical form of the property. It can be: meters, kilograms, liters, kilowatt hours and other units. Labor meters are used to evaluate the work of personnel and further calculation with him.

The monetary indicator is the most complete and universal characteristic of all means and sources of the enterprise. The data of labor and in-kind meters are recalculated in this equivalent and only then reflected in the accounting accounts and statements.

Accounting Composition

The users of these financial statements are both employees of the enterprise and external legal entities that can act as:

  • checking state. organs;
  • investors;
  • business partners;
  • other interested parties.

essence and objectives of accounting

Based on the differences in the requirements for the information provided, the accounting is divided into additional categories, in the context of which relevant reports are compiled and the necessary indicators are displayed.

The main objectives of accounting finance

Financial accounting is conducted primarily for the external market. Consumers of the compiled data set are future investors, shareholders, creditors and other legal and physical persons who may be of interest to the enterprise for its best development. Accounting is regulated by the instructions of the RF Ministry of Finance, because without legislative acts, enterprises will begin to “embellish” reality.

goals and objectives of accounting

The essence and objectives of financial accounting are reduced to the most complete and reliable reflection of relevant information on the economic and financial situation of the enterprise. The reporting should include the result of activities for the reporting period, as well as data on the movement and change in equity. For paperwork, special unified forms are provided. Financial accounting data is available in the public domain. The indicators are shown in numerical form, using the set currency (rubles) per unit of measure.

Tasks and functions of accounting management

For the purposes of monitoring and analyzing the results of economic activity, internal bodies generate management accounting data. In particular, users of reports can be founders, shareholders, employees, property owners, managers and other interested parties.

The indicators formed for the purposes of enterprise management are an indispensable tool for forecasting and drawing up a plan for economic development. Due to the fact that the data is provided exclusively for internal use, there is no reporting standard. However, its form can be regulated by the accounting policy of the enterprise. Information is usually in the public domain and is expressed not only in monetary but also in kind.

Based on the accounting data, tax accounting is maintained, which is required to summarize information on the timeliness and magnitude of fulfillment of tax obligations to the state. The high demand for accounting indicators determines the requirements for the collection and generation of reliable and relevant information, systematized in the necessary sections.

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