
26 Accounting Account for Dummies: Postings. 26 accounting account is ...

The article talks about the purpose and basis of the methodology for using 26 accounting accounts. She will help to understand typical postings using 26 accounts.

Accounting accounts

Everything accounting accounts used by Russian organizations are presented in the standard chart of accounts. This document is approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Its use is mandatory for all entities engaged in economic activity in the country (with the exception of credit and state budget organizations).
26 accounting account thisFor the unity of principles of its use, the Ministry of Finance appends instructions to the Chart of Accounts. Accounting accounts are divided into several main groups (sections of the chart of accounts). Each of the groups is used to summarize information about a certain category of business operations carried out by the company as part of the business process. For example, there is a group of accounts that is designed to register information on inventories (raw materials, materials, spare parts, etc.) or on production costs.

General running costs

Each company has many processes running parallel to production, while they affect it indirectly. These may include direct bookkeeping, the purchase of a chair for the director, the repair of the building where the board of the company sits, etc. The costs of providing these processes and the like are called general business.26 accounting account for dummies

26 accounting account - this is an account on which information is accumulated on the costs for management needs not directly related to production. The recommendations on the use of the chart of accounts set out a non-closed list of such costs.

Account classification

account 26 in accounting postingAccounting accounts are divided into three main groups: active, passive and active-passive. In order to understand, 26 the account of accounting is active or passive, it is necessary to define these concepts.

Active accounts designed to account for company property (assets), passive accounts are used to collect information about the sources of receipt (financing) of assets. Active-passive - these are accounts for accounting for the obligations (debts) of the company and the results of its activities. Any accounting account can be schematically depicted in a table.

Account chart
26 "General expenses"
Debit Credit
Opening balance 0,00 Opening balance -
date Transaction amount date Transaction amount
Total debit (debit turnover) 0,00 Total loan (credit turnover) 0,00
End balance 0,00 End balance -

In the table "Scheme of the account" presents the active account. He cannot have a credit balance (negative result). A passive account cannot have a debit balance. An active-passive account can have both debit and credit balances.

General economic expenses, at first glance, we can not attribute to the property or to the sources of its formation. The fact is that the costs collected on account 26 after the end of the reporting period (calendar month) are included in the cost of finished products, which are an asset of the company. Thus, account 26 is an active account.

Accounting Debit Postings 26 Accounts

Any business transaction in accounting is reflected in the debit of one and the credit of another account.The posting of accountants is usually called a record of any fact in the activities of the company. For each account there is a list of typical (most common) postings. For clarity, information on the main transactions using the 26 account is presented in the table below.

Account 26 in accounting. Postings
Debit Credit Contents of operation
26 02 Accrued depreciation of fixed assets not used in production
05 Accrued depreciation of intangible assets
10 Use of materials for general business needs
21 Used semi-finished products produced by our own production milking general business needs
23 Included in general expenses are expenses of auxiliary production
29 Included in general expenses are expenses for servicing production facilities
43 Use of finished products for general business needs
60 Reflected debt to the provider of services provided for general business needs
68 Accrued taxes and fees included in the composition of production costs
69 Accrued contributions to the FSS and PFR for the wages of employees performing general business work
70 Accrued salary for employees performing general business work
71 Reflected the amount of general expenses incurred by accountable persons
76 The debt of various creditors for services rendered for general business needs is reflected
94 Charged to the amount of shortfalls in general expenses, in the allowable margins of natural loss
96 A reserve for general expenses has been created
97 Deferred expenses included in general expenses

Loan accounting entries 26 accounts

Account 26 in accounting. Postings
08 26 General expenses as capital construction expenses were taken into account
20 Charged to general expenses in production costs
23 Charged to general expenses in general expenses
28 General expenses are included in the costs of the correction of marriage
29 General expenses are included in general production costs.
76 Charged by loss on insured events
86 Charged to target financing
90 Charged to the amount of management expenses
97 General expenses included in expenses for the development of new products
99 General expenses included in extraordinary expenses

Analytical accounting of general expenses

One of the most important accounting tasks It is the collection of information on economic activity and the provision of it to the company’s departments, which are engaged in the analysis of such data and the development of coordination decisions aimed at improving and increasing the efficiency of the business process. The purpose of solving this problem is to organize the accounting methodology so that the data used is the most correct and complete.account 25 and 26 in accounting

For greater information content, there is such a direction as analytical accounting. The system of such accounting allows you to group information according to the characteristics that are most suitable for a particular vector of commercial activity.

26 an accounting account is an account that involves grouping data by cost item. They can be material or shipping costs for wages, etc. Each company determines for itself the attributes of cost classification on the 26th account.

General and general expenses

26 accounting account this for exampleSpecialists in the field of accounting can easily distinguish between the concepts of general production and general expenses, but for the layman they may seem similar or even equivalent.
To collect information on such expenses, account 25 and 26 in accounting are used.26 accounting account is active or passive

General business refers to expenses that are common to each of the departments of the company. And overhead will be expenses that belong only to the production link of the enterprise.For example, the salary of the legal department of the company is general business expenses, and the salary of employees of the machine shop servicing production equipment, main and auxiliary production, must be attributed to general production costs.

Practice using 26 accounts

So, you read a very brief excursion "26 account of accounting for dummies." The information presented is only a small part of the knowledge that is necessary for the error-free application of 26 accounts in practice. In order to consolidate knowledge, I will give a few practical examples.

26 account is active

26 accounting account - this is, for example, such correspondence:

  • D26 / K60. Services provided by a third-party organization to repair the premises of the commercial department.
  • D26 / K10. Reflected the use of stationery by office staff.
  • D26 / K69. Accrued contributions to the FIU and the FSS for the wages of employees of the procurement department, etc.

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