
Candle business: candle manufacturing. Candle making equipment and technology

candle makingIn fact, making candles with the right approach can become a truly profitable business.

After all, candles are needed almost everywhere, from household needs to romantic dinners in a restaurant.

But many beginners are interested in important issues. For example, how to make a candle? What materials and equipment will be required for this business? Do I need special permission to produce candles?

Candle production: a business plan

To begin with, it is worth noting that such a business has several advantages. For example, it does not require too much starting capital. By the way, some experts started their business by making candles right in their apartment. In addition, you are going to produce a fairly demanded product with a relatively low cost.

On the other hand, in order for your business to become truly successful, you need the right approach and attention to detail. To begin with, you should carefully research the sales market and decide what kind of product you are going to offer customers.

In the future, you can proceed to the design of official papers, the purchase of equipment and materials, as well as the development of our own production technology. All stages of creating a business will be discussed below.

How to start a business? Official paperwork

Naturally, the production of candles requires registration with the tax service. It is best to formalize as an individual entrepreneur - in this way, accounting can be simplified. If you open a business with a partner or are going to cooperate with other companies, you can open a limited liability company.

Candle making does not require any special license. On the other hand, you will need an inspection of the fire safety service, as well as the sanitary epidemiological station. Having received all the necessary documents, you can begin to work.

Where to rent a room for production?

In fact, the location of the production is not important (unless, of course, you are not going to open a store selling products here). What already production of church candlesIt was mentioned that many manufacturers at the initial stages even made candles in their own apartments.

On the other hand, if you set up your business, you will have to go through a fire service and sanitation check.

Since the manufacture of candles is considered an environmentally friendly business, the requirements for the premises are not so high. Nevertheless, the preparation of products, storage of raw materials and finished candles should not be carried out in the same room.

In addition, the room where the candles are made must be equipped with a fire alarm system, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and a permanent ventilation system. There should also be a system of electricity and water supply, sewage. As for the minimum area, it is four square meters.

Candle Making Equipment

In fact, the required amount of equipment depends on how much you intend to produce candles. For example, many beginners working alone melt wax and paraffin in a water bath, and decorate by hand.

If you are going to produce household or church candles, then most likely you will need a foundry machine, a tank for melting the candle mixture.You can buy ready-made wicks or purchase a special machine for weaving them.

Packing of candles can be carried out either manually or using a special apparatus. You will need cutting equipment. Do not forget about the various forms - they are necessary both for the manufacture of standard wax candles and for decorative handmade products. Choose molds of different sizes, with different patterns - this will give you the opportunity to produce candles with different patterns, patterns, etc.

Basic materials for production

candle making technologyAt one time, only beeswax was used to make candles.

Modern technologies make it possible to produce this product using cheaper materials, in particular, pure technical wax, paraffin, and stearin (makes candles more flexible and resilient).

For the manufacture of decorative candles, a special transparent gel is often used.

Naturally, in addition to the basic materials, you will need some other little things. In particular, dyes, flavors (some experts use essential oils for this purpose), as well as wicks and rings for fixing them. It is worth thinking about packaging materials (boxes and boxes for household candles, gift wrappers). There are other decorative items that you should purchase.

Manufacturing technology: candles made of paraffin and wax

It is immediately worth noting that the technology for making candles largely depends on what product you produce and what equipment you use. For example, if you have all the necessary equipment, then by and large your work how to make a candleminimized.

But how to make a candle at home, using only improvised means? In fact, everything is quite simple here.

For production you will need wax or paraffin (paraffin candles, as a rule, contain about 20% stearin).

They need to be melted in a water bath up to 80%. At this point, colorants and flavors can be added. After this, the melted hot mixture must be poured into the appropriate form, after having fixed the wick in it.

Naturally, in the manufacture of gift candles using various decorative elements, this process is more complicated.

What candles are profitable to do?

In fact, there are many ideas that can bring good income. That is why it is important to decide which product you are going to make. For example, the production of church candles can be a good business.

In addition, do not forget about decorative candles, which are in great demand. For example, they are often used for decorating rooms. They are also suitable as a gift. And this niche is practically not occupied, so it can become your ticket to a big business. If you are going to make decorative candles, then you should buy the appropriate materials, in particular, dyes, sparkles, fragrances, little things for decoration, etc.

By the way, pay attention to the fact that special demand for this product is observed during the holidays. New Year, Christmas, Valentine's Day, March 8 - a beautiful, original candle can be a wonderful gift for the holiday.

And, of course, do not forget about household needs, because there are candles in almost every house. They are simply necessary during scheduled and unscheduled power outages. In addition, with their help you can create a romantic, relaxing atmosphere.

Very popular are small paraffin candles-tablets, used, for example, for aroma lamps. They are simple and cheap to manufacture, so they can be a good source of income.

Where to look for buyers?

Naturally, before opening an enterprise, you should decide on target groups of customers. A candle business can become extremely profitable, but only if there is a sales market.Of course, you can equip a small candle shop where you can sell your goods. In addition, it is possible to inform about the manufacture of candles to order - customers in this case will also be found.

wax candle productionIn order for the business to become truly profitable, you need the maximum number of points of sale. For example, many businessmen draw up an agreement with various souvenir shops (store owners get their percentage of profit).

You can supply goods for sale - you will receive money after the candles are sold. Sale of decorative candles in tourist areas of the city can be quite profitable.

If you make household candles, you can offer them in household chemical stores, department stores or supermarkets. A small store in the local market can be a good selling point - there are always a lot of people here.

By the way, candles are used to decorate tables and festive dinners in some cafes and restaurants - try to become a supplier of such establishments.

How profitable can such a business be?

Of course, the production of wax candles, as well as paraffin wax and special gel products, can be profitable. But again, it is important to consider a lot of little things. For example, do not forget about the professionalism and experience of employees. In addition, it is important to carry out advertising campaigns from time to time.

You can always create an advertising page on the network or even an entire online store, which will significantly expand the geographic profile of customers. Newspaper ads, small banners, and flyers will also help create an additional flow of customers.

In any case, even if you take into account the costs of the premises and equipment for the production of candles, the initial investment pays off after 6-18 months, which, you see, is quite profitable.

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