
How to build a soap business

Soap Production at home is a very real business for those who want to work at home, without major investments and exclusively with their work and creativity. The cost of buying material and equipment is not all that is needed. To begin with, you should study the specifics of the work itself. It is also good to have about 20-30 recipes in stock that will be used to make soap so that it can be put on stream.

Material costs

Handmade soap requires material. This is the basis for soap, and essential oils, vitamins, fats, acids. For production to pay for itself, investments are needed. Calculating how much money you have to invest is quite simple. First you need to decide how much soap you are ready to produce. The most optimal amount is 50 kg. If in bars, then this is about 500 pieces of soap per month (bar weighs about 100 g). At this rate, production will pay off in just 2-3 months, depending on the demand for products.

For products to be in stable demand, you need to know how to make handmade soap original. For this, recipes are needed. The main difference between home soap and production soap is its naturalness and usefulness. In addition to the fact that the composition of the soap is environmentally friendly, originality should be in the form and packaging.

Handmade soapThe initial contribution to the development of production is the purchase of equipment and material. On average, it will take 30,000 rubles. At a given pace (50 kg) per month, the cost will be recouped in a few months. The main thing is to establish sales market. The convenience of working for yourself is that you can sell handmade soap yourself: both on the street (in a tent, on a table, to offer goods), via the Internet (to advertise, start a website or blog), and to offer products when you go home. As an option - offer your goods to stores (household chemicals, souvenirs, household goods). You can work on order, most often via the Internet). At the same time, when there is a constant clientele, the return on home soap grows pretty quickly.

So, the costs:

  1. For the material (it is worth deciding in advance what will be taken as the basis - industrial raw materials or finished soap, which oils and other consumables) - about 300-400 rubles per 1 kg (i.e., 15,000 rubles will have to be paid for 50 kg).
  2. For equipment - about 10,000 rubles.
  3. On establishing a sales market (placing ads, for example) - about 1000-2000 rubles.
  4. Force majeure (problems can always arise during the manufacturing process, which means that money in reserve will not hurt) - the remaining funds.

Equipment costs

What is included in the concept of soap making equipment? These are scales with milligram accuracy, and scissors for cutting the product, and brushes, and knives, and wire, and molds for pouring. The latter should be a considerable amount. The service life of one form depends on what material it is made of. On average, the silicone form is enough for 500 uses. Forms should be acquired in various sizes and shapes, it is desirable that they all have duplicates. This will allow you to make several identical bars at once.

Natural soap requires the organic inclusion of certain ingredients in a certain ratio. For this, we need accurate scales. The cost of the scales depends on their functionality. Scales with a division of up to milligrams are most convenient for work. It is worth remembering that electronic scales can fail (like any other electronics), depending on environmental factors. Mechanical scales are more reliable in this regard.

The soap pan should be a separate dish in which, apart from soap, nothing will be prepared. It is desirable that there are several of them - this will make it possible to make several different types of soap at once.

So, if you calculate the cost of equipment, then we can confidently say that they will pay off in a month, a maximum of two. Next, you will have to spend money only on consumables.

  1. Scales (from 500 to 1500 rubles).
  2. Forms (from 20 to 100 rubles apiece).
  3. Scissors, knives, wire, etc. (from 150 to 250 rubles).


You can make soap at home in fairly large quantities. The convenience of the finished product is that it is not perishable. If the sale of all finished goods did not work out right away, he can perfectly lie in anticipation of his time, and month, and year. When to make a profit from the products, each is individual. If you start selling it at an affordable price for everyone, then you can get income right away. Prices are set by the market. If a household goods store does not offer you a large income, then you can make good money at handicraft fairs. Handmade soap is estimated both by weight (a bar of 50 g can cost from 60 rubles, and 100 g all 140-170), and by complexity and originality. The more unusual the soap and the more useful its composition, the more profitable it can be sold.

Production technology

Each production has its own technology, and soap making is no exception. Moreover, the general principles are the same for any type of production. The basis for the future soap is melted, ingredients and dyes are added, if necessary, poured into the mold, the frozen product is taken out of the mold.

But there are a great many recipes for making soap. But this does not mean that you should limit yourself only to ready-made recipes. Soap making is the process that allows you to show imagination and creativity. Handmade soap can be of any shape, color, with any filler, smell and without it.

Natural soapIn addition, having developed a clientele who will order soap in advance, even the most daring experiments can be carried out, sometimes even increasing the price for uniqueness and individuality.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that the manufacture of soap at home is a good source of income. It is difficult only in the first month (maximum two). Most of the business is not even about manufacturing, but at the promotion of products. That is why it is worth first to thoroughly study the market where the goods will be sold, study the demand for the goods, draw up an estimate, and think over the recipe. After a couple of months, the business will make a profit of 30-50% more than it was invested in.

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Reason for complaint
The requirements for mandatory product certification do not apply to soap. For soap, it is necessary to obtain a certificate of state registration and a declaration of conformity.
I wanted to do this for a long time, but as a hobby, after reading your info all the docks I decide to do my little home business
And what do experts in this business tell us, how about certification of soap and how much does it cost ??????????????
I hope there will be an answer!
Svetlana Panteleeva
Great idea! Many people want to have a good soap in their bathroom! Yes, everyone can give relatively small money for an attractively looking and tasty-smelling piece of soap! I think this idea is easily feasible and profitable.


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