
Own business: production of stairs. Production of stairs for a house made of natural wood and iron

Currently, what kind of business do entrepreneurs open! A great idea would be the production of stairs made of wood and metal. It is worth paying your attention that both one material and the other have a lot of advantages. For example, for natural wood it is environmental friendliness, ample opportunity to choose the finish and compact size. If we talk about metal products, then they are strong and durable. Let's see how to organize the production of stairs.

staircase manufacturing

What do you need to start?

Before you begin, you must rent a room. 150-200 square meters will be enough for an average company. Here will be the main workshop where the control assembly of products is carried out, as well as the office of your company. It is mandatory to register a private enterprise.

The best form is OAO. The main nuance of this business is that it does not require large investments. For the start will be enough 300-400 thousand rubles. This includes the rental of premises, the salaries of employees for the first working month, as well as advertising and the purchase of materials for manufacturing.

production of wooden stairs

Production of stairs made of wood

Just note that this product is very expensive. Nevertheless, natural wood is in great demand in the market. Especially if your products are of high quality, and the design work is on top. If we talk about a material such as wood, then there are two types of stairs: marching and spiral.

The former are much cheaper, since they look simpler, but are much more convenient in operation. Screw - expensive pleasure, but such a design does not require much space. The angle of the step should be 45 degrees, and the width should be at least 30 cm, height 20 cm.

If you plan to make a ladder, then you must make fences to them, as these are elementary safety requirements. Please note that in the manufacture of wood products, most of the work is done manually, and the species used are quite expensive, so any errors result in losses for the whole company.

Necessary equipment to start

production of stairs made of wood

The panel saw is used for cutting the shield. The main task of this unit is to ensure that the workpiece is cut exactly straight. Another necessary machine is a band saw. Its principle of operation is the opposite of that which underlies the operation of the above unit, and consists in cutting the shield in a curved manner.

Of course, a milling machine should also be installed in the workshop; it is needed for direct profiling of wood blanks. To obtain grooves and drill holes in future steps, you will have to purchase a groove-drilling unit. At the final stage of production, each step must undergo finish grinding, so you can not do without the appropriate equipment.

All this is necessary to obtain high-quality bowstrings and risers, as well as steps. As noted above, you must also manufacture railings in your production. To do this, you will need a miter and four-sided machines. If you plan to manufacture curly parts, then be sure to get a turning unit.

Manufacture of metal stairs

production of stairs for the homeIn 90% of cases, cold forging technology is used.This is due to the fact that in this way it is possible to obtain optimal technical and economic indicators of the product. The process is almost completely automated.

A future part is cut out according to a given stencil, whether it be a ladder, a fence, etc. The peculiarity is that the metal workpiece is practically not heated, except for the joints. The highlight is that you do not need to spend money on additional equipment.

It is immediately worth noting that the minimum set is a grinder, a cutter (gas) and a welding machine. It is desirable to have several machines, for example, milling and drilling. Also, you can not do without consumables and locksmith materials.

You need to have assembly tables and clamps. Again, an integral part of a successful business is the work of a designer and architect. Your professional reputation depends on how professionally the staircase is made.

A few important points

At the first stage of production, the designer is the responsible person, since it is he who meets with the customer and develops the project. Further, the finished drawings are sent to specialists, who, in fact, embody everything in reality. Do not forget about quality advertising. As practice shows, with the right approach, you can get 50% more customers with just the right ads.

You can post them anywhere - on the Internet, on thematic forums, etc. As for the staff, as noted above, you can not do without a professional designer and architect. The fact is that the production of stairs for the home is more a creative work than the usual execution of the next order.

Even if your product is incredibly durable and of high quality, but does not have a proper appearance, it is unlikely that the customer will be satisfied with the cooperation with you. But this does not mean that you do not need to pay attention to other important indicators, for example, such as wood moisture, which should be no more than 10-12% or the strength of the product.


manufacture of metal stairs

You can arrange the production of wooden stairs or metal, both under the order and according to existing templates. But note that the first option is in much greater demand. This is due to the fact that a lot depends on the design and style of the room. Agree, redevelopment and repair in a house or apartment just because of the installation of the stairs is not so advisable.

You must take into account the seasonality of this business, even though all work will be carried out inside the building. As a rule, the majority of customers are in the spring and summer. You can deal with this phenomenon in several ways. For example, to fulfill 25% more orders, which will allow you to not experience losses in the fall and winter. Or create queues artificially, that is, work year-round.

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