
Own business: production of sunflower oil. Technology and equipment for the production of sunflower oil

sunflower oil productionEntrepreneurship, the main essence of which is the production of sunflower oil, today is very popular among many businessmen, regardless of their experience and status.

This is due to the high demand for vegetable oil, which can be attributed to essential products. It is widely used in cooking for dressing salads, frying, to preserve certain foods. In addition, oil is widely used in other industries: in the manufacture of paints, soaps, cosmetics and medicines.

Do I need licenses to open such an enterprise?

The production of sunflower oil in its simplest form is the pressure of seeds. This activity is not considered to be any “super business”. Therefore, in order to start its activities in this area, a variety of licenses and all kinds of permissions will not be required. There is an opportunity to start work from the position of an individual, paying certain taxes.

Do not forget about the requirements that are imposed by the sanitary and epidemiological services, fire organizations, water utilities, gas and electric services. All these numerous organizations are verified that the company opened by the entrepreneur does not carry any harm to health. In addition, it is required to be guided by all technical conditions so that the production of sunflower oil does not lead to not-so-pleasant consequences.

Vegetable Oil Wasteless

Sunflower oil production technologyVegetable, namely sunflower, oils are non-waste. That is, by-products, the appearance of which entails the release of oil from sunflower and other raw materials in the production process (husks, bagasse, and flakes), are sold in other manufacturing areas.

For example, husk is used in the production of granules - a popular pet food that is pre-compressed into briquettes and delivered to consumers in this form.

One fact should be noted: the production of sunflower oil and its sale is the sphere of activity of small and medium enterprises. This is correlated with the relatively low initial investment required to open a business. In addition, this type of production is characterized by instant payback.

The importance of creating a business plan

The technology for the production of sunflower oil should be done correctly. A well-written business plan can help. It will need to identify all the main points that will be characteristic of this field of activity. It is also important to consider a strategy.

And it is desirable that it be step by step. The strategy includes the following aspects: the volume of products, the position of the enterprise, suppliers of raw materials, a promising market, as well as the production process, the degree of mechanization of the process, advice on hiring and employing requirements. A business plan, the production of sunflower oil in which will be considered in more detail, will correctly place the initial investment and organize profitable production.

Earn in this area can not only oil producers, but also those people who supply. They usually get raw materials for nothing, therefore for them this business is the most profitable.Despite the fact that at present there is a fairly large number of various oil-processing workshops, many novice entrepreneurs will be able to easily profit from such production.

According to experts, it is possible to recoup all the money spent on opening an oil production company in about six months. And in some situations, this can be done in a shorter time. The main thing is to ensure a stable supply of all necessary raw materials, as well as to establish a constant sale of manufactured products. And for this you need to know perfectly well what technology of sunflower oil production includes.

The need for rental premises

Establishing a plant for the production of vegetable oil is a rather time-consuming task, since various trifles will need to be provided. And one of the important problems that will have to be faced in any case is the rental of production facilities. They are necessary for the processing of raw materials and for the filling of sunflower oil to occur without any problems. The area of ​​such premises will depend on the volume of production.

You will also need a workshop in which the squeezing and filtering of oil will occur simultaneously. Naturally, you can rent two rooms for these processes at once. However, it will cost much more.

It will require premises in which the cake will be stored. It is worth considering that it is prone to spontaneous combustion. This factor is quite important, and it must always be taken into account. To check the temperature of this product, a wooden stick is thrust into the cake. At the moment when it heats up, the products will need to be taken out to the cattle.

The main issues that will appear during the opening of their entrepreneurial activities

The sunflower oil production line, namely, its organization, requires an answer to two very important questions: where to get the raw materials and how to sell the products. It should be understood that the search for a regular customer is an important component of this entrepreneurial activity. Only with the help of it you can realize all the products that will be created.

This business will be simpler if the entrepreneur is familiar with the field of trade. The sale of oil in such a situation will simply fit into the ready-made schemes. It is worth noting that for the cake itself it is not so difficult to find a client, since the demand for it is very high.

Before opening an oil company, it will be necessary to find a supplier of seeds. This is best done in the fall. Moreover, the closer the supplier will be located at the location of the oil mill, the better.

You should not give up your own policy if it was decided to open an oil mill, for example, in a village. Everything possible should be done in order to create a correct and positive reputation. To do this, you can allocate money to support educational institutions. Then the efficiency of entrepreneurship will double, if not more.

Description of vegetable oil production technology

Sunflower oil is made in two forms: refined and unrefined. It varies in degree of purification from impurities. For crude oil, only mechanical filtration is provided. At the same time, this kind of oil has more valuable and useful properties.

Refined oil requires additional purification, which includes methods such as precipitation, centrifugation, filtration, sulfate refining, bleaching, hydration, deodorization and freezing. After this treatment, the oil acquires a light shade, and its smell is eliminated.

The cost of sunflower oil

What stages can be divided into the technology of creating sunflower oil?

The whole technology of manufacturing sunflower oil consists of the following steps:

  1. The production of sunflower oil.
  2. Purification of sunflower seeds from husks by separation in a special apparatus.
  3. Speleotourism and the cleaning of kernels from husks in a queen-vein machine.
  4. Passing sunflower seeds through a roller device and getting peppermint.
  5. Peppermint falls into a roasting pan, which can be either steam or fire. In addition, fryers can differ from each other in different performance and cost.
  6. The processed peppermint passes to the screw presses. The oil obtained after pressing is sent for sedimentation, and subsequently mechanical filtration.
  7. The pulp that remains after pressing is sent for extraction into a special machine. Using a solvent, the residual oil extractor is run.
  8. The finished product is packaged in various containers, often plastic bottles of various sizes. This process is performed on complex lines for filling vegetable oil.

The quality of products plays a very high role.

Small business is characterized by the so-called marching production, which can occur even if only one bag of seeds is available. This type of production is also called preliminary oil removal. This scheme is common for those entrepreneurs who have just begun their activities.

Processing of peppermint has the greatest impact on the quality of products, because in the modern world people are concerned not only with the taste of the product, but also with its quality. Many have long realized that light oils are better in quality, and dark oils are harmful, since they contain the highest levels of carcinogens.

If the temperature in the fryer is more than one hundred and twenty degrees, the main nutrients, including vitamin E, will be completely destroyed. Therefore, a filter for sunflower oil plays a very important role. Much will depend on his choice.

Sunflower oil production line

The use of specialized equipment in production

Screw devices are especially popular in the production of sunflower oil. They provide a sufficiently high temperature through friction. However, it does not rise above 120 degrees. Based on this, we can say that such equipment for the production of sunflower oil does not require any additional fryer.

In addition, the presses available in screw systems are able to press the seeds directly with the husk. Before processing, the seeds will need to be checked and passed through a special device called a calibrator. With it, all unnecessary and large garbage will be removed.

Such equipment for the production of sunflower oil, such as extruder presses, which work according to the principle of meat grinders, consists of a large number of parts. Among them are the following:

  1. supply part;
  2. part of the grinding;
  3. final spin.

What do you need to do with the oil before selling it?

It is recommended that the oil that is obtained as a result of pressing be pre-cooled to approximately sixty degrees. If this is not done, then it will begin to absorb moisture and oxygen. Accordingly, quality will deteriorate.

After pressing, the oil is refined. The first two stages of its processing are refining. The oil is cleaned with various impurities and wax. There are two cleaning options: the first is precipitation, the second is filtration. The first method, according to some experts, is the best. Oil settling occurs at an ambient temperature of twenty degrees for seven days.

What are the available filtering methods?

To speed up this process and not to force the room area with various containers, you can simply filter the oil. Pre-filtration is carried out after the oil is cooled to sixty degrees.And when cooled to twenty degrees, filtering occurs at a more thorough level. This process is called fine filtering.

Filters used in food production are also suitable for pumping oil. The most popular are the so-called frame filters. They consist of several layers of cotton fabric. Such material, of course, is quickly consumed. You can buy it from suppliers of similar equipment or in various other places - this is not a shortage.

There is another filtering method called vacuum. In this situation, the oil will be drawn through those layers of material that are filtered by means of a vacuum force. All garbage will be removed. This filtration makes the oil brighter. In addition, it has a long shelf life.

What should be remembered if there is a desire to start oil production?

How much does it cost to set up a sunflower oil production line? The creation of such an activity is worth a considerable investment. And if you have a desire to gain a foothold in this area, then it is best to register as an agricultural producer. In this situation, entrepreneurial activity will be subsidized by numerous benefits related to the payment of taxes.

Sunflower oil filterAs practice has shown, it is necessary to deal with the processing of either actually grown or acquired seeds. The cost of sunflower oil, namely its production, in this case can be reduced.

However, in some situations, problems may arise associated with an overabundance of such raw materials in specialized markets. Therefore, one should not turn away from the opportunity to provide other companies with services related to the processing of existing raw materials.

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