
Business plan: butter production. Equipment, technology and implementation methods

Butter today is one of the most common and versatile food products that can often be seen in the refrigerator of our compatriots. Accordingly, we can confidently say that the demand for it is very high. In this regard, the production of butter can be a great business idea, even despite the relatively high competitive activity. Indeed, a truly high-quality and tasty product at an affordable price will always find its consumer. About how to organize such a business, we suggest talking further.

butter production

Registration of a legal entity

First of all, you should decide on what scale you will produce butter. So, you can organize a very small business, at work in which members of your family are engaged.

Accordingly, in this case it will be enough to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur with a simplified tax system. If you have sufficient start-up capital or plan to use the funds of an investor, it makes sense to open an LLC.


Butter is included list of goods subject to mandatory certification. Therefore, without the availability of such a document, production cannot be launched. In addition, since you plan to produce food products, you will need to bring the workshop and premises for storing raw materials and finished goods in accordance with certain requirements of SES.

butter production technology

The technology of production of butter

The manufacture of this food product is possible in two ways: by the method of whipping cream and by converting fat cream. We offer you to learn more about each option. But first, it should be noted that the first two stages - the acceptance and separation of milk - are the same for both methods.

Then the process of pasteurization of cream with fat content from 35 to 45% takes place, during which extraneous microflora is destroyed and deodorization is carried out. The subsequent steps are already fundamentally different depending on the production method.

Cream whipping method

Pasteurized cream is cooled and aged for some time at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius. This is necessary in order for the product to "mature". Moreover, the lower the temperature, the faster this process.

After this, the cream is placed in the oil drums, which are rotating wooden barrels or metal cylinders. As a result of mechanical shock, the nucleation of oil grain occurs, which consists of crystallized particles of fat contained in milk. After this, the churning process is stopped.

Then produce one or two times washing the oil grain. To increase the stability of the oil during storage, calcined salt is added to it. After that, the mass is passed through squeezing rollers, as a result of which a dense uniform layer is formed, which remains only to be packaged and packaged. It is worth noting that the technology for the production of sour cream oil is no different from the above steps, except that after pasteurization it is necessary to carry out the ripening.

butter production equipment

Fat Cream Conversion Method

This method of manufacturing the product is based on the process of thermomechanical processing of raw materials.At its first stage, cream with high fat content is obtained, which is then sent to an oil former, where they acquire a structure characteristic of the oil. Without going into theoretical details, it should be noted that the consistency of such a product is significantly different from that produced by the churning method.

To complete the process of making oil, it must go through a ripening process. To do this, it is kept for several days at a temperature of 12-16 degrees Celsius. It should be noted that if the finished product “spreads” at room temperature, it means that at the final stage of the production process it was violated temperature condition. However, at the same time, its nutritional value does not decrease in any way.

sale of butter

Equipment for the production of butter

Since most businessmen organize the production of this product on an industrial scale, consider what you need to purchase to implement the method of converting heavy cream:

- Separators (carry out the separation of cream with medium fat to high fat) - the cost is from 80 to 200 thousand rubles.

- Vacuum-deodorizing installations (remove extraneous smacks and smells) - 600 thousand rubles.

- Normalization baths (establish the necessary mass fraction of moisture) - 150 thousand rubles.

- Bath for long pasteurization - 150-800 thousand rubles.

- Cylindrical and plate butter formers (make butter from cream). The price range of this equipment is very wide and depends on productivity (from 150 thousand rubles to 20 million rubles).

- Homogenizer-plasticizer (distributes moisture and gives the oil a uniform structure) - 300-800 thousand rubles.

- The pump - 20-80 thousand rubles.

- The tank and control panel - 650 thousand rubles.

sour cream production technology

Raw materials

Butter production should be based solely on quality products. Indeed, the taste, smell and shelf life of your product will depend on the quality of milk. Therefore, the acquisition of raw materials should be approached in the most responsible manner.


Selling butter can be done through various channels. So, it is recommended to consider not only shops and trading bases, but also institutions in which there are places for catering (schools, universities, kindergartens, etc.). Also, to attract buyers, do not forget about advertising. At a minimum, posters should be placed in stores where you plan to sell your products.

The financial side of the issue

If you plan to start production of butter on an industrial scale, then you need to stock up on start-up capital in the amount of 15-20 million rubles. At the same time, the profitability of the business is about 15%. The payback period of the initial investment varies from one and a half to two years.

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