
Own business: chocolate production. Technology and equipment for the production of chocolate

chocolate production

Chocolate is not just a product, but the real joy that children and no less adults experience, in anticipation of tasting a delicate delicacy, melting in the tongue. He is able to cheer up on a gloomy day, energize during a break, help out on almost any holiday, and even become a kind of "bribe" when you need to ask someone for something.

Like it or not, chocolate makes people happier. Do you want to give others joy, and even get paid for it? Open your own chocolate production. This business will always be in demand, and people will not stop eating sweets even in times of crisis.

What should a chocolate manufacturer know?

The presence of a large number of competitors will not affect your products if you strive for its high quality and do not save on components, replacing them with cheap analogues. It is better to make the product more expensive than cheap and low-quality. Few will save on pleasure, and chocolate is one for most.

The use of various additives "dilutes" the cost of the finished tile, reducing it by 20-40%. Therefore, do not be afraid to introduce chocolate with various fillings into the assortment, thinking that this will increase costs (rather, it will be the other way around).

Just starting a business, concentrate on a single product - choose either the production of chocolate bars or the manufacture of tiles. This will save on the necessary equipment, carefully think through one recipe (in different variations) and buy less raw materials than if you produced everything at once.

Chocolate Technology: Steps and Processes

Chocolate production begins with the primary processing of cocoa beans. They are sorted, cleaned, subjected to thermal procedures and crushing, then cocoa shell (shell) is removed. Thus cocoa liquor is obtained. Then it is pressed, fractured and sieved. As a result of processing, two components are obtained - cocoa powder and oil. Then proceed to dosing and mixing the components according to the recipe. The resulting mixture is rolled - it is crushed in specially designed mills.

Conching: stages

After this, the main stage of production begins - conching. This process is very important and largely determines the taste and quality of the finished product. It consists in the continuous mixing of the chocolate mass for a long time. Minimum - a day, but this is in the case of making cheap tiles. On average, the process takes three days, and in the production of elite varieties reaches 5 days. This stage is implemented in three approaches:

  1. Mixing cocoa powder and powdered sugar, i.e. dry components.
  2. Removing excess moisture from the mixture.
  3. Add cocoa butter and knead the finished chocolate mass.

The described procedure is performed in special conch machines, as a result of which a homogeneous dense mass is obtained - it is called homogenized.

Final processes

The next step is the formation of chocolate masses in the form of tiles, bars or sweets and their filling, if any, is provided by the manufacturer. You can add various nuts, raisins and candied fruits, puffed rice, cereal, waffles, liquid and cream fillings, etc. to chocolate. These components allow you to expand the product range without using additional recipes.

Finished masses are poured into molds (special forms) and aged at a temperature of 33 degrees for half an hour. The procedure is called "tempering". Finally, completely chilled products are removed from the mold and sent for packaging.

Chocolate Factory Equipment

In addition to the main question about how to produce chocolate, there is another, no less important and more significant financially - what to produce. Equipment in this business is the main cost item, but you cannot do without it. According to various estimates, about 10-15 million rubles will be needed to purchase all the necessary equipment. Naturally, they will pay off, and more than once. But first you have to invest.

Equipment for the production of chocolate is a fully functioning line, consisting of the following required attributes:

  • ball mill - the rolling process takes place here;
  • konsh machines - for the conching procedure;
  • grease boiler - for kindling cocoa butter;
  • tempering machine;
  • refrigeration tunnel;
  • conveyor line;
  • aeration plants, heated pipelines;
  • stamping machine for the manufacture of molds;
  • packaging machines;
  • thermostats, hoods.

As you can see, you need a lot of things. Equipment for the production of chocolate is not limited to two or three main positions. In addition, each machine is important at some stage, so doing without something will not work. Of course, there are a number of auxiliary installations that will be needed in the case of the production of a certain range. For example, equipment for caramel (if you use it as a filling for bars or tiles). But at the initial stage, such acquisitions can be dispensed with.

Raw materials for quality chocolate

The basic composition of the chocolate bar is no secret. Just look at any package where well-known components are painted. This is cocoa butter, cocoa liquor and powder, powdered sugar, sometimes flavoring (vanillin). In addition, depending on the particular type, there are other ingredients (for example, nuts, raisins and other fillings).

But not everything is so simple, many manufacturers, in order to save money, replace high-quality components with cheaper analogues. For example, carob is used instead of cocoa powder or palm oil, vegetable fat instead of cocoa butter (or with it). This allows you to reduce the cost of chocolate bars at times, but the taste will suffer.

chocolate business plan

If you care about a long-term reputation and the presence of regular customers, it is better not to use such tricks. Offer customers quality chocolate, albeit more expensive. If the product is really tasty, then there will always be demand for it.

In this case, you will not remain at a loss. For example, the production of a kilogram of high-quality bitter chocolate (from cocoa powder, cocoa butter and powdered sugar) will cost about 400-500 rubles. At a price of 80-100 rubles per 100 grams, you will earn 2 times more than you spend.

Requirements to Know

Each entrepreneur, of course, is concerned about compliance with all the norms and rules of the law applicable to his type of activity. Chocolate production belongs to the food industry, so you can’t get away from communicating with the authorities of the Rospotrebnadzor and the sanitary and epidemiological station. First, let's say a few words about the premises for the organization of production. Basic requirements for the workshop and warehouse:

  • the presence of hoods and ventilation;
  • installed air conditioning system (to maintain air humidity at 75%);
  • temperature in the warehouse - 16-18% (this is important for preserving the properties of such raw materials as cocoa beans);
  • water supply, sewerage.

As for specific documents, it will require technological instructions for coordination with Rospotrebnadzor, a certificate of conformity for the manufacture of chocolate products, registration documents, sanitary books for all employees.If you comply with sanitary rules, fire safety, production technology, then there will be no problems with supervisory authorities.

caramel equipment


Chocolate production is simple and difficult to organize at the same time. All the basic processes have long been known and worked out, to compose a recipe and organize the production of products for every entrepreneur. However, at the initial stage, it will be necessary to determine a number of crucial points regarding the raw materials used, the purchase of all necessary equipment, and the collection of documents for starting a business.

All this will require considerable effort and time, but the idea is worth it. If you competently draw up a business plan for the production of chocolate, you will soon be able to recoup the costs and begin to make very good profits. And how much new joy in the form of chocolate bars you give people!

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