
Theocratic monarchies: main characteristics. Examples of theocratic monarchy

An absolute theocratic monarchy is a form of civil government in which state policy is governed by divine providence, or rather the interpretation of God's will according to the scriptures of a particular religion.

Although there is a decline in the number of believers throughout the world, with the exception of the Muslim East, there are currently several countries with this principle of government.

In practice, theocratic monarchies are led by individuals who are seen as emissaries of God. Moreover, one of the main characteristics of this type of government is the combination of the functions of the head of the country and a religious institution.

theocratic monarchies

Theocratic monarchies in Europe

As you know, for many centuries Catholicism was the state religion in most countries of the Old World.

During the Middle Ages, many European monarchies, at least to some extent, were theocratic. Decisions of rulers in such states were often rejected if the Pontiff did not agree with them. In addition, religious leaders advised kings and dukes on issues not only of religion, but also of economics and politics. The situation began to change when the position of Protestantism and other non-Catholic religions strengthened in some states.


When examining examples of a theocratic monarchy, it is most often told of a dwarf state led by the Holy See and possessing all the characteristics of this form of government. It is known as the Vatican, and its sovereign is the Pope.

In accordance with this position, he exercises executive, legislative and judicial power not only in the state, but throughout the Roman Catholic Church. In addition, the Vatican has a Roman Curia, an administrative structure whose members are appointed directly by the Pope. It consists of:

  • Secretary of State of the Holy See, consisting of two sections;
  • nine congregations, which include 4 commissions;
  • Vatican Secretariat of Economic Affairs;
  • 3 tribunals;
  • 5 interdepartmental commissions;
  • 9 commissions;
  • 12 papal councils.

The Pope himself, after the death of the previous Pontiff, is elected by the conclave, which consists only of cardinals.

examples of theocratic monarchy


The autocratic monastic state of the Holy Mountain is also a theocratic monarchy, since it possesses all the characteristics of such a form of government. The charter of Athos was approved by Emperor John Tzimiskes in 972. Until the 17th century, control there was monarchical, and power was exercised by Prot. In 1924, the Statute of Charter was adopted on the island. According to her, executive power is exercised by Kinot, consisting of representatives of all monasteries. The highest judicial and legislative body of the monastic administration of the Holy Mountain is the Extraordinary 20-member Assembly. As for the administrative power, it is in the hands of a separate committee of Epistasia, consisting of 4 observers. Its senior member is called nazir and has a casting vote.

absolute theocratic monarchy

Theocratic monarchies of the Muslim world

For centuries, in countries where Islam was adopted as the dominant religion, this form of government was the only possible one.

In particular, when historical theocratic monarchies are considered, the list is headed by the Arab caliphate in the era of “Righteous Successors”.He replaced the community of the prophet Muhammad, which was an analogue of the first such associations of Christians. The first Caliphate was a city-state, where rule was carried out according to religious laws.

Later, other states appeared, living according to Sharia law. Their rulers justified their decrees with prescriptions taken from the Koran, which allows them to be characterized as theocratic monarchies.

Of course, the leaders of the caliphates did not have direct instructions from Allah. However, like the Prophet, they did not make decisions that were contrary to Divine commands and prohibitions. Thus, the caliphs demonstrated that Allah is the only and ultimate authority.

theocratic monarchy is


The US CIA Handbook looks at Iran as a country with a theocratic government. However, it should be recognized that the Islamic Republic of Iran cannot be called a monarchy, although in the period 1979-1989, when Khomeini was its leader, religion became an important element of its political state structure. According to the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic ideology should determine the political, economic and social policies of this country. Moreover, the head of state is its religious leader and affirms the powers of the president. Moreover, he decides which candidates for this post can be admitted to the elections.

Saudi Arabia

This country is also a theocratic monarchy. More precisely, the king rules in Saudi Arabia, but his power is based on the principles of Islam. At the same time, the monarch combines the posts of the head of state and government, makes most decisions as a result of consultations with religious organizations, and the Koran is considered the Constitution of the country.

theocratic monarchies list

Monarchy of tibet

This independent state, which lasted from 1912 to 1951, was ruled by the Dalai Lama, the head of one of the areas of Buddhism. The Tibetan government also consisted of the Cabinet of Ministers (Kashag), the National Assembly (Tsogdu) and an elected bureaucracy. In the event of the death of the Dalai Lama and until the moment when his reincarnation was found, the state was led by the regent. The country was divided into 53 districts, each of which was controlled by Buddhist and secular zonpen. In Tibet there were also semi-independent principalities, which were directly subordinate to Kashag.

Now you know what famous theocratic monarchies existed in the old days or rule today. How viable is this form of government in the modern world, time must show. However, at the moment, the countries described above are not in decline and quite successfully compete with many democracies.

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