
Conditions for obtaining US citizenship. How to obtain US citizenship: step-by-step instructions

Today, a lot of people want to obtain citizenship of another country in order to reside there permanently and enjoy all the rights. However, for this you should go through a whole procedure, which can not be called simple and easy. This is especially true for obtaining US citizenship.

usa citizenship

Advantages and disadvantages

Before deciding whether to do this, you need to understand all the pros and cons of this procedure. So, the main advantages of obtaining US citizenship are:

  1. The ability to freely cross the state border.
  2. Receiving social benefits, stable work, benefits, pensions.
  3. US citizens cannot be deported. They do not need to check in at the migration service.
  4. You have the opportunity to receive high-quality medical care.
  5. A citizen of the country has the right to invite his relatives for permanent residence.
  6. You can travel to most countries of the world without a visa.
  7. There is an opportunity to get a good education. At the same time, you have access to high-paying jobs that only Americans can occupy.

As for the shortcomings, US citizenship has few. First of all, keep in mind that the Americans have a completely different mentality. Therefore, you will have to get used to life in this country, but not everyone succeeds. The procedure for obtaining citizenship is quite complicated, it is not allowed for everyone and will require certain financial costs.

If the flaws do not scare you, and you are determined to leave, then you will find out what options are offered to you.

Rights and obligations of a citizen

Now we should consider the question of what a person who has moved to the USA can do and what he should.

how to obtain citizenship in the usa

So, if you obtain United States citizenship, you are granted the following rights:

  • Participate in the presidential election or political life in general (except in cases where a person has committed a serious crime and has been convicted of it, as well as if citizenship was obtained through naturalization).
  • Enjoy all the rights and freedoms of Native Americans.
  • Learn, work, and in prestigious positions.
  • Living in the state without fulfilling immigration requirements. Moreover, after obtaining US citizenship a person can not be deported.
  • In any case, you will be protected by the embassy of this state, in whatever country you are located.

Naturally, you will have to perform certain duties. For example, you must protect the laws and the Constitution of the United States. You agree to pay taxes on all of your earnings, no matter what it is. In addition, men who have reached 18 years of age must register with the special organization SSS, so that the authorities have the opportunity, if necessary, to call them up for military service.

What are the options for obtaining citizenship?

usa citizenship benefits

There are some ways in which you can get the coveted passport:

  • By marriage. US citizenship, you already know its advantages, in this case it is granted after 3 years of residence of the newlyweds by one family. Unless, of course, they are divorced before that time.
  • Military service. Within a year, the employee can file a request for the beginning of the procedure in question. At the same time, he can take the oath at any place where his part is located.
  • Naturalization.
  • Acquisition of citizenship through investment in the state economy (not less than half a million dollars).
  • By birthright. In this case, parents do not have to be citizens of the United States. However, diplomats do not have this right.

What documents are needed?

US citizenship

Before obtaining citizenship in the USA, it is necessary to collect a certain package of papers:

  • Documents proving your identity.
  • Copy of green card.
  • A receipt that confirms the payment of state tax.
  • Photo.
  • Completed form 400, which is mandatory for citizenship.

Other papers may be required. A complete list is best found at the United States Consulate.


citizenship of Russia and the USA

Since you still have to try to get citizenship in the USA, remember the registration procedure. So, you have to go through the following steps:

  1. Filing an application (form 400) together with other documents specified in the previous paragraph.
  2. Fingerprinting at the FBI. Here, your past is carefully checked to find out if you have been judged, whether you have connections with the criminal world.
  3. Passing an oral and written exam in English. Naturally, here you can be asked about the history of the country and its geography.
  4. Taking the oath. Her date is assigned individually.
  5. Obtaining a special certificate that proves your right to become an American.
  6. Passport and citizenship. This can happen in a few months.

Thus, obtaining US citizenship is not so quick.

What is naturalization?

This procedure is one way to officially obtain American status. It allows you to apply for citizenship after 5 years of permanent residence in the country. Naturalization is also carried out in the case of the marriage of Americans with people from other countries. If you have not lived in the United States permanently, you must be here at least half of the indicated period. If an applicant for an American passport has lived outside the state for at least six months and has not submitted any good reason, then he may be denied naturalization.

dual citizenship of Russia and the United States

US citizenship, the benefits of which we have already determined, in this way can only get those who have come of age. To do this, they must fill out form M-476. In the state where the person will submit the application, he must be at least 3 months old. The applicant must sincerely want to become a citizen of the United States, be law-abiding, moral, and responsible.

Features of passing the exam

Citizenship Acquisition The USA is not an easy process, but you are quite capable of overcoming all difficulties. The exam is one of the stages of obtaining American status. It should be well prepared. You must know the structure of the state and its history, be fluent in both written and spoken English.

The procedure involves an interview, at which you will be asked 10 questions. The exam is considered passed if you were able to correctly answer 6 of them. If the interview was not possible the first time, then you have another second attempt. However, after another failure, you will have to start the procedure for obtaining citizenship again.

After successful completion of the exam, you will be indicated the place and time of taking the oath. You can bring it on the same day.


It should be noted that dual citizenship is not prohibited in the United States, so you do not have to give up your previous passport. The oath is the last condition that allows you to fulfill your dream of becoming an American citizen.

US citizenship

A person who has expressed a desire to become a citizen of the United States and has passed the exam must swear allegiance to the state. He is obliged in English to repeat the words of oath for an authorized person.The oath provides for the renunciation of fidelity to another country, however, this is not a factor that forces one to abandon second citizenship.

By repeating the oath, you agree to abide by and protect the US Constitution, its laws, territorial integrity, and to serve in the army when necessary.

Features of dual US citizenship

In principle, such a provision does not prohibit US law. In the Russian Federation, too, there is no law that would not permit citizenship of Russia and the United States at the same time. This has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages, the following can be distinguished:

  • The ability to serve in the US Army, while a person may refuse to serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  • The right to participate in US political life.
  • Getting a prestigious education.
  • Protecting the rights of Americans around the world (consulates, embassies).
  • Upon reaching the age of 21, a person can apply for family reunion. That is, if a child has lived in the USA all the previous time, he is given the opportunity to call his parents to him.
  • Visa-free travel and accommodation in almost any country. Moreover, specific dates are not set.

There are also disadvantages:

  • In the Russian Federation, dual citizenship of Russia and the United States blocks a person’s path to service in state or military bodies.
  • American citizens pay taxes wherever they are.

When can I get a refusal?

Sometimes you can’t get United States citizenship. The following reasons for rejection exist:

  • Providing false information about yourself. First of all, it concerns any illegal actions.
  • Commission of an offense and a serious crime, which is associated with the loss of life, alcohol use or drug trafficking.
  • Ignorance of the political system and US history. Naturally, you can pass such an exam again. There are two attempts in total. Otherwise, you will have to apply again.

There are also situations in which citizenship may be terminated. For example, if a person acquired it in another country by naturalization or took an oath of allegiance to another state. Citizenship is terminated if a person enters military service in another country without the permission of the American governing body, as well as for trying to overthrow the government or commit treason. In addition, you can independently terminate your citizenship by renouncing it.

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