
Child allowance up to 3 years: amount of payments and conditions for receiving

Pregnancy is a wonderful and exciting time for a future mother. But after it comes another exciting period, during which you will have to take care of issues such as the design of benefits. Usually a child allowance of up to 3 years is paid (but sometimes women go to work earlier, and they cease to accrue it at all).

Newly made mothers have a lot of questions regarding this issue.

Monthly allowance up to 3 years

Benefit up to 3 years: law

In our country, there is a separate law that regulates the accuracy of accrual and the size of payments to young mothers of benefits for their children. True, not everything is so smooth. And, despite the fact that there are legal documents, many receive and the whole process does not suit.

Payment of benefits up to 3 years

By law, a woman has the right to receive a monthly payment if she is sitting at home with her child and does not work (at least she is not officially registered). True, the allowance up to 3 years is not so big.

To make a payment, you need to collect documents and provide them either at the place of work or at the social welfare department. Otherwise, no one will ever charge anything.

And even if this whole issue is regulated by law, in fact, the payments received are barely enough for the purchase of diapers, cereals and other little things necessary for the baby.

Allowance amount

The entire period of maternity leave can be divided into two stages: from the birth of the baby to one and a half years and from one and a half to three years. Of course, there is no significant difference for young mothers, but the size of the allowance is up to 3 years.

allowance up to 3 years

Until the child is one and a half years old, the mother (or the person for whom the allowance is issued) will receive 40 percent of the official salary (no more than this value) or as much as is established in each region for unemployed people or students universities.

Officially, after the child is one and a half years old, the amount of benefits up to 3 years will be equal to 50 rubles of the Russian Federation. This amount can only increase due to regional coefficients or due to additional payments from the organization in which the mother is officially registered.

Children's allowance: types

As mentioned above, conditionally all maternity leave can be divided into two stages. So the allowance will be paid in the same way.

There are several types of payments that a mother (or another family member who cares for the baby) can make:

  1. A one-time allowance, which is paid to each mother who gives birth to a child. To do this, you must contact either your place of work or the place of work of your father. In this case, it will be necessary to provide a certificate stating that the second parent did not receive such a benefit. As for the unemployed, in order to receive payment, they should contact the social security authorities.
  2. Additional one-time allowance. It is paid after the birth of a child only if the funds are included in the regional budget. Its size also depends on the funds available in the treasury. In order to make a payment, you must contact the departments of social protection of the population.
  3. Care allowance for up to one and a half years. The amount of this payment depends on what official salary a woman had. In the event that it was fully official, then the amount of payment will be quite decent. But if the part was issued “in an envelope”, that is, unofficially, then the allowance will be calculated only for the official part. If the woman did not work, then it will be necessary to contact the department of social protection of the population and apply for the allowance there.
  4. The allowance for the care of the baby from one and a half to three years.Working mothers can also issue it at the place of employment, and the unemployed in social welfare departments.

Allowance up to 3 years

Who can apply for benefits?

Based on our legislation, it is safe to say that not only mothers can apply for the above benefits for their child. There are still categories of citizens who have every right to do so.

Children allowance up to 3 years can apply for:

  1. Mother or father of the child, the main thing is that they are not deprived of parental rights.
  2. Grandparents in the event that the mother of the child did not go on appropriate leave.
  3. The adoptive parent in the event that there are all documents confirming this fact.

In addition to these groups of people, any other relative who directly cares for the baby can apply for benefits.

How to make out

In order to arrange all of the above payments, you need to collect a certain package of documents.

If a mother worked before leaving on maternity leave, it will only be necessary to provide documents for the child, since all the others in the personnel department are available.

If the matter concerns non-working mothers, then before you go to the departments of social protection of the population, you need to prepare.

Extension of benefits up to 3 years

General list of documents

Separately, it must be said about what documents may be required for a person who will be engaged in the preparation of the allowance.

The full package of documents will include:

  1. All documents for the child. It is advisable to take care of this in advance, as some organizations require SNILS, which is done more than one day.
  2. Certificate from the work of the second parent, if a one-time allowance is drawn up (in case one of the parents works).
  3. A document from the employment center in the event that a woman does not work and is going to draw up a payment in social protection bodies.
  4. Details of the account to which the money will be transferred. If the allowance is issued at work, then no details need to be provided. In the event that this happens in social protection authorities, you must either have a savings book, which is issued immediately in your hands (you just need to put a small amount on it - about 50 or 100 rubles), or a bank card of Sberbank.

Documents to be collected for non-working mothers

There is a list of documents that will need to be provided to non-working mothers in order to draw up a monthly allowance of up to 3 years:

  • first of all, this is the birth certificate of the baby;
  • copy of marriage certificate (if formalized);
  • certificate of employment the second parent that he is not on maternity leave and does not receive appropriate payments;
  • copy of the work book.

Benefit up to 3 years old law

Extension of benefits up to 3 years

The law provides for cash payments to mothers who remain on maternity leave until the child reaches the age of three. The amount is actually ridiculous, it is 50 rubles. But in order to teach her, you also need to collect a package of documents (if issued by the social protection authorities) or come to the place of work and write a statement.

Termination of Payments

There are a number of cases when a child allowance of up to 3 years old ceases to be paid:

  1. A woman goes to work before the child is three years old. This happens when a place in a kindergarten was obtained earlier or another member of the family sits with the child.
  2. If a woman goes on maternity leave again.
  3. If mom is assigned unemployment benefits (this happens rarely and only when the payout is greater).
  4. If a woman writes a letter of resignation from her workplace of her own free will.
  5. If, according to some circumstances, the child has been transferred to full state maintenance.
  6. If the person who was caring for the child (mom or dad) was deprived of parental rights.

True, in each of these cases, the person for whom the allowance is issued must himself warn about the changed circumstances.In fact, this is done infrequently, especially when the parent loses his rights to the child.

Benefit increase

Separately, it should be said about the categories of citizens who are entitled to some increase in the amount of the allowance paid. These include:

  1. Children of the military, especially if the parent is on conscription. It does not matter if the parents are married or divorced. The main thing is that the father acknowledges paternity and is officially in the service.
  2. Children whose parents shy away from paying legal support. To increase the size, you need a court decision.
  3. Children without a father. This refers to the situation when the mother has the official status of a “loner”.
  4. Disabled children. The allowance in this case will be increased to 8700 rubles.

The nuances of this issue

Despite the fact that both in the antenatal clinic and at work, the expectant mother is advised on all matters relating to future payments, she has a lot of questions related either to the process of registration, or, as they say, “with common points”.

One of the most common misconceptions is that after the birth of a child, you do not need to write any statement and the manual itself will be issued. No one will ever do this for you.

Benefit up to 3 years

To start receiving monthly payments, you need to go to the place of work and write an appropriate application (they will help in the personnel department), or contact the social security departments of the population. This is best done a week before the sick leave issued during maternity leave expires.

Many people think that a clear payment of benefits is the employer's business. Yes, there are times when he delays payments, but by law he is obliged to do this every month. And the size of the payment is not taken "from the ceiling." There are special formulas by which the chief accountant calculates.

Recently, information appeared on the Internet that the amount of payments to women who are on maternity leave and their children will already be one and a half years old will be increased. It was said that children's allowance up to 3 years (its amount) will increase from 50 rubles to almost 5000. In fact, these are only plans, and this law has not yet been approved.

The payment of benefits up to 3 years is one of the most exciting issues, having many nuances that every expectant mother should know about, since her material well-being and security of at least some means during her vacation depend on it.

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