
Czech currency: profitable exchange. Czech crown rate

The Czech Republic has long become a part of the European Union, adopting its rules of a political, economic and international nature. And only the monetary unit is the only thing that the country is in no hurry to change. Therefore, the Czech currency - the krona - is still in free and wide circulation on the territory of the state. Yes, and how can I exchange beautiful old coins and solid banknotes for brand new euros, on which the entire history of the formation of this ancient power is displayed.

Money story

The Czech currency has a very long history. It is known that the first money in the territory of Bohemia appeared back in 120 BC. It was then that a tribe of battles lived on these lands, which began to mint gold coins. They were replaced by the so-called pennies. Then dinars, ducats, florins, and the predecessors of the modern American currency, tolars, were introduced into circulation. As for the crown, it appeared in the Czech Republic only at the end of the 19th century.

Czech currencyThe Czechoslovak Republic was formed after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. For some time after gaining independence, the money of the state that disappeared from the world maps remained in use: they simply glued the stamp of Czechoslovakia in manual mode. Only in February 1919 did the Minister of Finance issue a law according to which the Czech koruna became the official currency. Since the name of the money was borrowed from the former empire, at first they wanted to change it: francs, hryvnias, and falcons were offered. And only in 1924 the passions calmed down and it was decided to leave everyone's favorite crown.

Modern crown

The Czech currency is represented by banknotes of six denominations. The design for all monetary units was developed by Ondzhih Kulganek, a well-known illustrator. He tried to depict on banknotes the most popular and significant figures of the country: politicians, sociologists, philosophers, scientists, historians and writers. In addition, tribute was paid to cultural monuments, national symbols and the patriotic spirit of the state. So, King Charles IV appeared on a banknote of 100 kroons. Two hundred were decorated with the image of the humanist, innovator, teacher Jan Amos Komensky and the symbolic drawing of the hands of an adult and a child that stretch to each other.

czech korunaOn the obverse is 500 kroons - a portrait of the famous Czech poetess and the founder of modern prose in the literature of Bozena Nemtsova, on the reverse - the face of a woman whose flowers are woven into ringlets. A banknote of 1 thousand crowns was marked by the face of a politician, historian Frantisek Palacki, two thousand - by the opera diva Emma Distinova. The leader of the country Tomas Masaryk and the ancient cathedral in the Gothic style are painted on 5 thousand crowns. As for the coins, their design is standard. The face value is shown on the front side, on the back of the currency unit there is a drawing of a lion and the year of coinage.

Profitable exchange

At first glance, this is not such a simple procedure. Czech koruna can be received by you at the exchange office. It would seem that everything is simple: you approach any object, and there are a lot of them in the country, and you perform the necessary operation. But it was not there! The exchange conditions at such points are often disadvantageous, and losses for a tourist are measured by draconian figures. Therefore, be very careful and read everything that is written on the scoreboard of the exchange cantor. Do not believe the tempting offers of No commission - very often the inscription is an outright swindle. Of course, they can later explain to you that, they say, the commission is not provided only for those who buy dollars. And there are not many such people, especially among tourists.

In addition, a practice unpleasant for foreigners is popular in Czech exchange offices - varying the course, focusing on the amount offered by the client. In this case, the difference can significantly hit the pocket. If you add a commission to this, then you remain in specific disadvantages. Therefore, remember: the more dollars or rubles you change, the less you lose.

Exchange at the bank

This is an ideal option. The course there is stable and normal, it does not change depending on the amount of money being exchanged. The only negative is the large commission, which is calculated as a percentage of the amount. Despite this, tourists remain satisfied, since they do not have the feeling that they were brazenly deceived. Unlike exchange offices, where it is profitable to sell and buy a lot of money, it is better to make a transaction with a small amount in banks.

czech koruna to rubleThe Czech currency can be obtained by you back in Russia: it is quite simple to exchange rubles for crowns. But if for some reason you did not do this, then it is better to take euros or dollars abroad. Or a credit card. It is best to exchange money in financial institutions located not on the central highways, but on the outskirts - the exchange rate there is more profitable. If the cashier really likes you, especially at the exchange offices, you may even be given an extra 100 crowns. This rule works smoothly when a smiling blonde commits an operation. By the way, check the amount on the spot: for the sake of sports interest or your own entertainment, you can easily be cheated.


Czech koruna to the ruble is exchanged in the following ratio: 1: 3.20. That is, one monetary unit of a foreign state is equal to three rubles and 20 kopecks. Instead, one Russian ruble is 0.31 kroons. For American and European currency you will receive a much larger amount. So, for the sale of one dollar will be able to gain 24.76 kroons. It is even more beneficial to exchange the EU currency. Czech koruna to euros is sold in the following ratio: 1: 0.04. It turns out that for one European bill you can buy 27.03 kroons.

czech koruna to euroRemember the basic rule of exchange: you will save time, nerves and, most importantly, money, if you concretize the figures before making the operation, check the prices at the cashier. Knowing the language for this is optional: a piece of paper and a pencil to help you. It is better to change money in the morning. Toward evening, financial institutions are closing. It is even better to carry out all these manipulations in your own country - here the most attractive and profitable course of the Czech crown is set for you.

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