
The enclave is a foreign land in its territory

The enclave is a foreign word, previously borrowed from the Latin language. Many have heard it, but not everyone knows what exactly this concept means. It makes sense to understand the terminology and clarify the features of its use.

The enclave is

Meaning of the word “enclave”

Allegedly derived from the Latin term inclavatus ("closed"). The similar French sound enclave ("enclave") can be translated as "lock with a key." From English, this same spelling variant also defines the concept of a closed group (ethnic and other grounds) or a narrow circle.

What does enclave mean in a professional environment? This is a special term applied to an officially recognized state or part of it, which is geographically located inside another. The main defining feature is the absence of adjacent borders with other countries. This, in turn, makes it possible to access it by land only through the territory of the "absorbing" state.

The situation involves the fulfillment of mutual obligations and compliance with rules and norms. On the one hand, the existence of sovereignty for the separated territory is an undoubted plus, but on the other hand, there is a need to arrange borders, observe customs control during transit of goods and the movement of passenger traffic. Insoluble issues lead to the complication of relationships, restrictions at various levels, blockade, sanctions.What is an enclave

Features of the use of the term

In other words (simplified), one can say that the enclave is a small country completely surrounded by the territory of another state (but only one). This situation is possible with a significant difference in size. There are only three absolute enclaves in the world: Vatican, San Marino, Lesotho.

This definition does not apply to landlocked territories. Under international law, the approach of (fleets) cannot be blocked to such states, even if the neighboring part of the water area belongs to the interested party. Unofficially, such territories are called semi-enclaves. At the same time, any country surrounded by foreign territory on all sides, but having an adjacent land border with a third state (or several), cannot be an enclave.Meaning of the word enclave

What is exclave

To a certain extent, this concept can be regarded as the opposite of an enclave. If we compare the statuses of these two adjacent territories from the point of view of the inhabitants living in them, it is obvious that they will be different. So it turns out: what an enclave means for some will be an exclave for others.

The term antipode comes from the Latin exclavis. They have a common root, but different prefixes that change the meaning of concepts. In Latin, exclavis literally means “exclusion” and is often translated as “non-sovereign region”.

Residents of a larger state, having a separate territory on their land, consider it an enclave. At the same time, its population should define its land as an exclave. This term is not widely used in everyday life, it is more common in the professional environment: in international law and in official relations between states.

Vatican: root cause

What is an enclave in terms of law? Why did some manage to self-determination, while others lost the fight? The most famous enclave is the Vatican. Officially how sovereign state it has existed since 1929, when the Lutheran Agreements were signed, which made it possible to resolve disputes between the Holy See and the Italian authorities and determine the existing borders.

The root cause of everything, according to many researchers, was the emergence in Christianity of the concept of "divine property." All donations and gifts destined for the church became God's property. And by definition, no state can, except by the papal state, claim to possess and manage such property.What does an enclave mean?

Features of the emergence of the enclaves of San Marino and Lesotho

Another example is the Italian enclave of San Marino. The history of the emergence of the community on Mount Titano is associated with the persecution of Christians. An adherent of this religion, the mason Marin, hiding from the Roman authorities at the end of the 3rd century, moved to the indicated area, received permission to work, became a deacon, and later built a church there.

The landowner gave them to the settlers for eternal use. Marine became a priest of the community, which after his death did not break up, but only strengthened. Documentary evidence of the recognition of the independence of the territory and the desire of its inhabitants to lead a separate lifestyle with the right to self-determination are preserved in historical chronicles.

What is an African enclave, or how should independence be fought? The emergence of the Lesotho enclave on the territory of the present South African Republic was connected with the wars of the indigenous tribes and their conquerors in the 1940s. Then the leader and ruler of the people of Basuto Moshe, realizing that he could lose the war, asked the British authorities for protection. As a result of negotiations, they signed an agreement according to which the leader was recognized as a "friend of the British" and their military ally. Opponents of Moshesh did not dare to oppose the great empire.

A protectorate was established over the disputed territories. For the most part, he acted only formally. The British authorities intervened in the affairs of Basutoland only to repay clan clashes. Since 1966, the enclave gained independence, became Lesotho, joined the UN and became a member of the Organization of African Unity.

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