
Types of correctional facilities. Penal Code of the Russian Federation

Deprivation of liberty, which is the isolation of a convicted person in correctional facilities, is at the same time one of the most common and most severe types of criminal punishments.


What are correctional facilities? These are specialized places where people are sentenced to forced imprisonment by court. This measure can be appointed on the basis of articles of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation for acts of varying severity. Offenses carry a different degree of danger to others.

types of correctional facilities

In addition, convicted for various types of crimes from the lightest to the most severe, they also differ from each other in their moral and psychological qualities. In this regard, there is a need to separate the perpetrators on various grounds that reflect the antisocial sentiment of the offender.

Types of PS: the system of correctional institutions

In the penal colony there are convicts who have reached full age, who are charged with committing an act of varying severity. Types of correctional institutions: educational and infrastructural institutions of general, strict and special treatment, settlements, prisons, treatment facilities. They differ in terms of stay. As a rule, convicts in one or another institution of such a plan turn out to depend on how dangerous the offense was to society. But when sentencing, there are certain specific nuances that can also affect the preventive measure for those guilty of one or another crime.

Settlement colonies

In the settlements, those guilty who have been convicted of reckless crimes, as well as for acts that have the intention of at least moderate severity, are serving their sentences. In addition, sometimes colony settlements may contain prisoners who were originally in colonies of general and special regimes. This means that positively characterized convicts from other institutions can be transferred here.

General regime penal colony

In these institutions are those who have committed serious crimes, but have not previously been convicted. In addition, those who were convicted of less serious atrocities may also be in such infrared prisons if the court found it impossible to correct such perpetrators in milder conditions. General mode is the most common. It applies to both women and men.

settlement colonies

It should also be noted that the colonies of both general and strict regime inside also have a certain division, so the convicted person can serve his sentence in different conditions.

Special regime penal colony

In these correctional institutions, male repeat offenders who previously committed serious and especially serious crimes, as well as those sentenced to life imprisonment, and those guilty who have been assigned this measure of punishment instead of the death penalty, are serving sentences.


In prisons are those who have been sentenced to a term of 5 years, as well as in the case of especially dangerous relapse. In addition, convicts from correctional colonies who are systematic violators of the established order are transferred here.

Strict regime

Such detention centers contain convicts who have committed particularly grave deeds, while previously they were not charged with such crimes. In addition, among them may be those who have a relapse upon departure earlier for such violations.correctional system

Pretrial detention facilities

They take on the role of correctional institutions in relation to certain categories of citizens, for example, for the first time sentenced to a term of not more than 5 years in the colonies of general regime and with their consent left in jail. In addition, they are those who have been deprived of their liberty for a term of not more than six months and left with their consent in the remand prison. Also here may be those who were transferred here from the colonies (educational and correctional) or from prison to participate in investigative actions as a victim, witness and suspect.

We looked at the types of correctional facilities for men. It should be noted that the appointment of a colony regime also depends on the sex of the perpetrator. The types of correctional facilities in which women stay are settlements, as well as general regime colonies. They are responsible for all types of crimes.

general regime penal colony

Educational Colonies contain juvenile offenders, as well as those who were left in such institutions until they reached the age of 19. They may contain separate sections where convicted persons who have reached the age of 18 years while serving their sentences are placed.

Therapeutic Yiwu

People with an open form of tuberculosis, suffering from drug addiction and alcoholism, are held in medical correctional facilities. Moreover, there they undergo outpatient therapy. Persons with the same diagnoses, as well as those suffering from mental disorders, are placed in health facilities. They carry out the functions of correctional facilities in relation to convicts, but in addition to this, prisoners undergo treatment. Note that isolated plots in the form of settlement colonies can also be created in them in a certain way.

What is the difference between colonies of different regimes?

The difference can be seen, first of all, in the contingent that inhabits the colony. A more stringent regime is imposed on those who, as a rule, pose a great danger to society. There is also a limitation on monthly spending. So, for example, in a penal colony, convicts are allowed to spend a month in the amount of 3 minimum wages (for necessary items and food), in a strict regime institution (under normal conditions) - 2 minimum wages. In addition, there is a difference in the permission for a certain number of visits. Under the general regime, it is possible to receive six short meetings or four long meetings per year. In the case of a strict regime, three appointments of one and another kind are prescribed. The number of programs per year also varies: in the first case - parcels and parcels of 6 each, and in the second - already 4.

special regime penal colony

Here we examined in detail what the colonies are, the types of correctional facilities and their purpose. They all differ in terms of detention. Convicts are sent to them to serve a term. The regime in which the perpetrators will be located depends, as a rule, on the gravity of the crime committed.

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