
What is the difference between a prison and a colony: a brief description

A prison is a correctional institution intended for people who have committed unlawful acts. In such institutions, they are isolated from society. Their rights and freedoms are significantly limited compared to ordinary citizens.

Many prison facilities have cells designed for prisoners. However, there are not so many jobs that make most prisoners "sit idle."

what is the difference between a prison and a colony

The main differences between the prison and the colony

What is the difference between a prison and a colony? It has a difference in that it restricts the freedom of movement in the institution itself. All prisoners are in a special building or several buildings. These buildings have a common line of defense and access mode high rigor.

The main thing that distinguishes a prison from a colony is that the movement of people in the prison is minimized. Often it consists in a short walk. The only entertainment in prison is a meeting with a lawyer.

Unauthorized movement is prohibited. The territory is under constant surveillance. Repeat offenders and people who have committed crimes of special gravity are sent to prison. Children and seriously ill go to the colony.

What is the difference between a prison and a colony? The colony has several buildings with different purposes. This is a kind of village for convicts. There can be barracks, work areas, a boiler room, an administration building and even a store. The life of a prisoner in a colony resembles a former life in freedom.

The purpose of the colony is to correct a stumbled person, to return him to the fold of society. This is its main distinguishing criterion. Repeat offenders are sent to jail, on whose correction no one is already hoping.

what is the difference between a prison and a maximum security colony

Colony Modes

In terms of movement within the territory, a colony often has a freer regime than a prison. However, there are different options for imprisonment in colonies, each has its own regime:
- a strict regime colony;
- a special regime colony;
- colony of general regime;
- high security colony.

Features of the strict regime colony

What is the difference between a prison and a maximum security colony? Only men enter this colony. Their crime must be especially grave and perfect for the first time. Sometimes people are sent to such a colony, in whose actions a dangerous relapse of a crime. Persons who have violated the order in the colony-settlement are also sent to this colony, if such is the court order.

The living conditions in this place are very harsh, prisoners are not allowed to move around without handcuffs. They live in buildings reserved for this - dormitories. Residents of the colony are allowed to use personal funds from their account, the amount is limited.

There can be 2-4 short-term and 2 long-term dates per year. It is allowed to receive 6 parcels and parcels per year. In case of violation of the rules of order, the convict may end up in special lockable cells. Movement within the territory is very limited.

what is the difference between a prison and a penal colony

What is the difference between a prison and a general regime colony

General mode is intended for the following categories of people:
- Persons who have committed a serious illegal act intentionally, but for the first time;
- adults with an order to conduct their detention in a penal colony;
- minors convicted of especially serious crimes and having reached the age of majority at the time the verdict was announced;
- women who have committed illegal acts (this includes relapse) in a particularly serious form;
- Persons committing criminal acts of minor gravity is not the first time;
- Persons over twenty years of age and transferred from educational colony.

Persons held in penal colonies live in dormitories. They can use a certain amount of money from their personal account. 2 to 6 dates per year are allowed. In the process of such visits, a telephone is used. Meetings can be long or short - it depends on the court ruling and the behavior of the prisoner. Parcels allowed.

what is the difference between a prison and a special regime colony

What is the difference between a prison and a special regime colony

Correctional colonies of this type exist for those sentenced to life imprisonment or those whose death penalty has been replaced by life imprisonment.

A prisoner can spend from his personal account from 700 to 2000 rubles. in year. The frequency of visits is 2-3 per year. In certain circumstances, the convicted person may be completely deprived of the right to visit. For a year a prisoner receives an average of 3-4 parcels, at best 6, at worst - 1.

Features of the enhanced regime colony

What is the difference between a prison and a penal colony? Five visits during the year, it is allowed to use money from a personal account to purchase basic necessities. In total, the prisoner will receive 2 parcels and 2 parcels per year. For good behavior, an additional 3 parcels and 1 parcel are allowed.

Subject to all the norms and rules of the institution, the prisoner has the right to rely on additional features:
- increase the amount that can be spent on products or hygiene products;
- receive a larger number of parcels and parcels.

how a prison differs from a general regime colony

It is important to know

What is the difference between a prison and a colony? Unlike a colony, a prison is not intended to correct convicts. Prisoners in prison do not have freedom of movement. They rarely have the opportunity to work. Colonies provide more freedom for prisoners. Depending on the regime, a convict in a colony can lead a life similar to an ordinary person. And most importantly, have a great desire to fix something in your life.

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