
Types of law. What are the types of law?

Types of law - this is a certain system of classifications of legal norms. Social, and, in principle, family life is so diverse that it is impossible to enter certain rules of conduct into one general order.

Types of law

In general terms, I would like to make a summary description of the types of jurisprudence, because citizens who do not encounter any problem points in life do not really understand these issues.

types of law

So, let's start with criminal law. In this area, the law regulates relations in terms of the fight against crime. It is criminal law that establishes all aspects of each crime, the motives and possible types of punishment for the perpetrators.

Civil law is used in the field of material and non-material relationships between citizens. Also, legal entities are considered as subjects of civil legal relations.

If we are talking about administrative law, then a citizen also acts as one of the parties to the relationship, but, unlike the civilian, the state body will be the second party.

Also distinguish family, labor, financial, banking and other types of law. All of the above are material types of law. In addition, procedural issues (criminal procedure and civil procedural law) are distinguished in the theory of legal science. Here, it is not some kind of issue requiring solution that comes to the fore, but the process itself, namely how to observe the correct form of the decision and not violate the norms generally accepted in the world legal practice.

Civil law as an important branch of jurisprudence

First of all, it should be said that civil law is a system of norms that regulates property and non-property personal relations between individuals as well as legal entities. The following types of civil law are distinguished:

  • property law and private property law;
  • intellectual property;
  • contractual obligations;
  • family law relations (some aspects of family law are the subject of this branch of relations);
  • hereditary relations.

types of civil law

Private property law governs the acquisition, legal use and sale of private property. WITH intellectual property hope everything is clear. If we talk about the third type of SOEs, it is worth noting the presence of a huge number of contracts, the main features of each of them are listed in the articles of the Civil Code. Probably, the most relevant part of the Civil Code for many is the law of succession, because the subject of this industry is the regulation of the process of transfer of ownership from the testator to the testator.

Punishment for crimes

As we have already said, criminal law is an area that regulates relations in the field of the appointment and execution of penalties for misconduct. As such, the types of criminal law are probably difficult to isolate, but there are some important points. The Criminal Code considers specific possible offenses and penalties for them. The procedural part of the UP regulates the procedure for the investigation and judicial review of criminal cases.

types of criminal law

Types of Labor Law

Labor standards are also a fairly comprehensive branch of legal knowledge. The concept itself is quite broad. Labor law regulates a fairly wide range of issues:

  • types of labor relations;
  • classification of employment contracts;
  • salary;
  • a question of working days and days off;
  • liability for material damage;
  • the procedure for appealing the dismissal and other undesirable consequences for the employee.

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of the tasks of labor law. But still the main of them we have considered.

types of forms of law

Rights and human freedom and citizen

In the theory of state and law, the following types of citizen rights are distinguished:

  • economic;
  • civilians;
  • political;
  • social.

Let's consider each of them separately.

What is most important for each person in a crisis? That's right, make as much money as possible. Economic rights provide such an opportunity, because this group of rights enshrined in law includes the following:

  • the ability to use their abilities for any activity permitted in the state;
  • the right to choose a profession;
  • no one can use human labor forcibly;
  • the ability to inherit private property.

The concept and types of civil rights - what is it? In the theory of law, it is generally accepted that these are basic inalienable rights that, in principle, distinguish a free person from at least a slave. First of all, this is the right to life, freedom, dignity and personal inviolability. Everything is logical here. After all, if the state or other people can take life away from a person with impunity, then why then other rights? In addition, civil rights include such opportunities:

  • determine your nationality and use your native language;
  • the inviolability of housing and the guarantee of privacy;
  • the right to free movement around the city, state and the world.

After the collapse of the USSR, the political system of our state underwent significant changes. Many new games have appeared. The state guarantees pluralism in the political views of people. The main political law is the ability to elect others and to be elected for elected office in government.

Social rights designed to meet human needs in social terms. This is the right to work, to protection against unemployment, to free choice of religion, to medical care. In fact, they are all very important.

concept and types of civil rights

How are human rights legally enforced?

To legalize the common right of people to something or legislatively consolidate some other norms, such types of forms of law are used as a normative legal act, contract, legal precedent and legal custom. All of these species are in writing. NLA is a document adopted by a state body in which the rules of law are enshrined.


In this article we talked about the most important types of legal law. Even people completely ignorant of jurisprudence could understand the essence and basic principles of each kind.

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