
Social human rights. Socio-economic rights

Every person in the world has their own social rights. In all countries they are diverse, but at the same time similar to each other. And therefore, today we have to study what social and economic rights citizens of the Russian Federation are endowed with. The Constitution reliably assigns them to all people. Often the rights and freedoms of the individual are violated. To prevent this from happening, it’s enough just to understand what your interests can be legally. And now we will get to know what the social rights of the state and society are.social rights

What is right

But for starters: what is generally right? What will it be about? In general, law is a way of regulating relations between society and the state. The system of generally accepted and approved rules and norms of behavior.

In other words, law is what a person can do. A kind of freedom of society, but controlled and regulated by the state. Where the rights of one person end, the rights of another usually begin. But law is not permissiveness and impunity at all. Keep this in mind. Rights have their own hallmarks. And now they will be discussed.

Signs of Rights

Social human rights, just like economic ones, have a number of signs. In general, it has already been said that this moment concerns all types of “freedom” in the state. What are the characteristics of law? This includes:

  • state guarantees;
  • regulatory nature;
  • obligatory performance and presence;
  • certainty (formal);
  • systematization;
  • strong-willed and intellectual character.

It is for these particularities that rights can be distinguished. In general, different scientists identify a huge variety of signs. But the above are most common. Therefore, it is customary to indicate them under the guise of signs of rights. Nothing complicated, right? But what socio-economic rights do citizens have? Where are they registered?socio-economic rights

Constitution of the Russian Federation

As already mentioned, the Constitution of the Russian Federation contains a set of rules and freedoms that are guaranteed to a citizen. It turns out that this document is the main guarantor of human rights in Russia.

To be honest, for each type of "freedom" there is a section here. And many are interested in social human rights. After all, it is they who are very often either not known at all, or in every way violated. You can’t do that. You must always be aware of violations, as well as have an idea of ​​how you can and should protect yourself. More about this later.

Social law

What are the social rights of citizens? In general, first you need to get acquainted with the concept itself. Indeed, the "right" in itself may be different. How to distinguish it is no longer a secret. But what kind of type are we going to talk about today?

Social rights are rights that are granted to a citizen of a state by the Constitution. They give a person the opportunity to receive some kind of wealth from the government. For example, pensions and insurance payments, training and so on. In other words, social law is an opportunity for citizens to develop and receive something (support and guarantees) from the state.

Pretty hard to understand, isn't it? Not everyone is able to understand the essence of the matter just like that. Therefore, it is worth knowing specifically what social human rights are in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. After that, it will become clear what is at stake.social human rights

Right to property

So, let's start with the most interesting. The thing is that the social rights of the Russian Federation are diverse.And for them in the Constitution an entire chapter is reserved. Not too big, but it has a place to be.

The first thing a person has the right to is property. A citizen has the opportunity to own, use and dispose of his property and other property. This applies to both personal use and joint use.

This also includes the right of inheritance. It is guaranteed by law and takes effect upon entry into the inheritance of a person. Nothing special, right? But that is not all. From this moment, the social rights and freedoms of citizens in the Russian Federation begin.


Next is the right to conduct business. Everyone can apply for documents as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, as well as conduct their own business (business). No one can forbid him to do this. Unless in the form of exceptions - in violation of the law and the onset of legal incapacity of a person.social rights of citizens

There is one important point. Entrepreneurial activity must be documented, and its nature must fit into the restrictions of the government. That is, it is impossible to engage in illegal "tricks", to hide from the state, being an individual entrepreneur - too. Yes, at your own peril and risk, you can carry out entrepreneurial activity, but if you are "caught", there will be not only a lot of problems, but also appropriate punishment will follow.


Social human rights also regulate that everyone can have housing. And the Constitution of the Russian Federation secures the right to housing for citizens. Nobody can deprive you of a roof over your head. Especially arbitrarily.

True, there is a small "but." The government itself can deprive property (not housing) for violation of rights and obligations. But no one will leave you without a home. In addition, the needy state must provide it free of charge or on preferential terms. Practice shows that, in principle, this right is realized. But not for everyone, but in the order of the queue (which is logical) and not fully.


What else? For example, socio-economic rights mean that every citizen has the opportunity to work. Moreover, the decision should be voluntary. Everyone chooses the type of activity and profession independently. Of course, everything is within the law. No one has the right to force you to work, as well as to choose a specialty for further work.social rights of the state

Speaking directly about the process, then everyone has the right to observe safety, hygiene and wages at the workplace. This point is often violated by employers. In addition, you can count on wages, the value of which should be no less than the minimum. The minimum is determined annually by government agencies.

Among other things, citizens have the right to protection against unemployment. In each city there are employment centers in which everyone in need will be offered a particular vacancy. Yes, the proposals are often not very attractive, but the state still helps its citizens to find the opportunity to work.

Please note - the social rights of every citizen to work here do not end there. Another important point in this topic is coercion. No one has the right to make you work. Nevertheless, as practice shows, in Russia this item is far from always respected. Yes, it’s unlikely that they will make a slave out of you in the open, but here they can mentally “crush” in every way, for the sake of coercion, they can.

Rest and safety

Do not forget that everyone has the right to rest. This applies to both unemployed and diverse employees. The second type of citizen can also count on paid leave, business trips and holidays. During these periods you should be given a day off.

Free medical care is another human right in a particular state.If you have the relevant documents, you must be admitted to the municipal medical institution and provide appropriate assistance. If you were refused for some reason, you should know that your rights have been violated.social rights and freedoms

In addition, the concealment of actions that threaten health is prosecuted by law. In the same way as the creation / concealment of circumstances of a similar nature. True, everything will have to be proved.


Among other things, disabled citizens have the right to help and support the state, as well as relatives and friends. In addition, a variety of state payments (pensions, benefits, and so on) should provide a person with an adequate standard of living. More precisely, no less than the cost of living. It is established annually by the government and recounted.

The creation of public and charitable foundations in Russia is encouraged. This is spelled out in the Constitution, eyes 3, article 18. Charity itself is also welcome.


Social and Cultural Human Rights also include the right to education. Moreover, free and publicly available. It should be within the limits of certain norms that are established by the relevant authorities. That is, meet the standards.

In addition, education in Russia is compulsory. True, this applies only to the average. In other words, everyone is required to finish school. But what to do after it - the citizen decides for himself.

Culture and State

What else can be attributed here? For example, the right to protection of motherhood, children deprived of care, incompetent, disabled and mentally retarded. If such people need support, they have the right to receive it from the state. True, practice shows that it is extremely difficult to achieve it. All this is because in recent years there are a lot of people in need. And it is simply impossible to ensure all of them properly.social rights are rights

In addition, social rights in the Russian Federation allow counting on freedom of choice of faith and religion. Everyone can also participate in cultural life and attend relevant institutions. True, it is worth noting - sectarianism is prohibited. You can be a sectarian, but this is not welcome.

Intellectual property, works of art, scientific activity and its result are protected by the state. Everyone has the right to self-expression and creativity. It is clear that activity should not violate the rights and freedoms of other people.

In principle, that’s all. As you can see, the socio-economic and cultural aspects of life in Russia are quite diverse. It is also worth noting that everyone can choose their own circle of friends and communicate with relatives. Children, for example, have the right to communicate with parents and close relatives. It can only be prohibited by a court of law. So let's not violate our rights and freedoms. If it is impossible to resolve issues peacefully, you will have to turn to the appropriate authorities for help.

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