
Visa to China: step-by-step registration instructions

For some reason, many still believe that organizing a trip is impossible without a travel agency. This is an absolute lie, it will be much easier and faster to do everything yourself. You just need to set aside time for this and prepare the documents correctly, then a visa to China will appear in your passport. In Moscow, this can be done both at the consulate and through a special center.

Russia and China

Since the creation of the Russian Federation, official relations have been established between the two countries. For about a decade, in fact, they were just normal, but in 2001, China and Russia jointly initiated the creation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). This was a turning point and a sign that relations have become much warmer.

In 2006-2007, the years of Russia were held in China and vice versa, as well as large-scale joint exercises of anti-terrorist units. Further events only confirm that both countries are aimed at long-term and fruitful cooperation. 2009 was the year of the Russian language in China, and 2010 is the opposite. In 2012, Russian tourism was encouraged in China, and 2013 was the occasion for reciprocal courtesy of the Russian Federation. During this period, the flow of Chinese who have visited the largest country in the world on the territory increased by 47%.

visa to china

Upon taking office, CPC Chairman Xi Jinping made his first official visit to Russia specifically as head of state, which speaks a lot about China’s intentions to establish warm partnerships. The behavior of the PRC representatives in resolving some issues of international politics clearly speaks of the same.

Tourism in China

China has previously been quite popular with travelers, especially those who live beyond the Urals, but in recent years Russians have begun to come here from all over the country. Not all tourists are frightened off by the cost and duration of the flight, these minuses outweigh the mystery of the East in combination with modern megacities and just a completely different culture.

visa to china

Harbin, Hong Kong, Beijing, Hainan, Macau, Shanghai, Yunnan, Sichuan - all these cities and provinces are popular and attractive in their own way, they annually receive hundreds of thousands of tourists, especially during festivals and holidays. In the PRC there are unique historical and natural monuments: the Terracotta Army, the Forbidden City, Mount Huangshan, the Great Wall of China, the Wulingyuan Region, the Temple of Heaven and much more. So it is not even surprising that the Celestial Empire ranks third in the world in the number of tourists. And, of course, many Russians are coming here. And for this you need a visa to China. 2015 has just begun, so it’s still quite possible to plan a trip, for example, to the May holidays.

Visa to China in Moscow

Visa Issues

Obviously, China favors Russian tourists. Nevertheless, there is a visa regime between countries, although it does not apply to owners diplomatic passports. Depending on their goals, travelers are mainly given one of three types of entry permits:

  • Tourist visa to China (L). It involves single or multiple entry. In the first case, 90 days are valid, 30 of which can be spent on the territory of the PRC. The maximum validity of a multivisa is one year. It can be individual or group if 5 or more people travel together.
  • Business visa (F). It is issued to people who are going to China in connection with work or study. The application may also be group or individual.
  • Transit (G). It assumes a fairly short stay (up to 72 hours) inside the country only with the purpose of traveling to other states.Nevertheless, those who are not going to leave the airport can stay in China for up to 24-72 hours (depending on the city) in visa-free regime.

There are other types of entry permits for those who want to visit relatives or for participants in cultural exchanges who wish to work in the country and carry out commercial activities. But to get them, you must provide the relevant documents.

visa to china for Russians

Special Visas

There are several categories of citizens for whom a special regime for obtaining permits to enter the PRC has been introduced:

  • Residents of the border area. Citizens residing in neighboring regions of the Celestial Empire, use the facilitated entry conditions. At some checkpoints (Heihe, Hongchun, Manzhouli, Sufen), a visa to China takes place right at the border and costs $ 100.
  • Tourists on the island of Hainan. Those who fly by direct international flight are eligible for a visa at the airport. It is valid for 15 days and costs $ 65.
  • Tibet Travelers. To visit this mountainous country, you need a Chinese visa, you also need to obtain official permission from the authorities of this area. This can be done at the tourist office of Tibet, which are in some cities of China and Nepal.
  • Visitors to Macau (Hong Kong). Since this is a special economic zone, its own rules apply. At the end of 2012, the need for visas was canceled for residents of Russia if the estimated length of stay in Macau does not exceed 30 days.

If you need a simple tourist visa to China, it is easy to get it yourself. Of course, you can contact the agency, but is it worth overpaying several thousand for simple mediation?

visa to china yourself

List of documents

There is nothing unusual in the list of papers required to be submitted in a visa application. On the contrary, the list is extremely short and clear:

  • Application form, filled in manually or using a computer in English, Russian or Chinese (4 pages);
  • foreign passport + copy of the main page;
  • 1 color photo on a light 3x4 background;
  • copies of previous Chinese visas (if any);
  • documents confirming the reservation of air tickets and hotel, or an invitation from a person or organization in the territory of China;
  • copy of the passport of the Russian Federation (main page and registration).

Despite the fact that these documents do not appear in the list of documents on the official website of the consulate, it is also better to bring along valid medical insurance in the amount of more than 15 thousand US dollars, as well as a certificate of employment indicating income, position and length of service. This package should be enough to get a visa to China without any problems.

apply for a visa to china

Instructions for receipt

There are several ways you can use to achieve this. The most expensive and conditionally the easiest - contact a travel agency. Looking a little more complicated, but cheaper is to visit the visa center. The most troublesome of all is to apply for a visa to China through the consulate.

There is nothing to even talk about the first method; it is simpler than simple, although it can turn into unexpected problems. It is best to independently control the entire process, that is, collect and submit documents personally. Visa center located at Moscow, st. 1st Kadashevsky per., D. 13, p. 1, not far from the metro station "Tretyakovskaya", will do the rest. It works from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays, no prior registration is required, you can order delivery of a finished passport.

visa to china 2015

The third method is a bit more complicated than the two previous ones, since the consulate is located quite far from the main traffic flows, and the reception time is limited to weekdays from 9 to 12 hours, which is not very convenient for working people. An appointment is also not necessary, but it’s better to come and take turns in advance, there are many who wish, because everyone needs a visa to China. In Moscow, it is located at 6 Pravdy Street (Universitet metro station).

Dates and Rates

In general, the application processing time is 5 working days. However, in some cases, for a fee, you can get an answer in 1-2 days. A visa to China is quite democratic: at the consulate you will have to pay 1,500 rubles for a single entry application. If necessary, urgent consideration is charged an additional fee of 900 and 2100 rubles. for reducing the time to 2 and 1 working day, respectively. A two-time cost will cost 3000 rubles, and a multi-visa for 6 months or a year - 4500. The additional tariffs for urgency are similar.

A visa to China in the center on Kadashevsky Lane will cost 1000 rubles more for each type, if we are talking about the usual consideration. And the extra 1,500 or 3,000 will have to be paid if an answer is needed urgently.

Important Features

It is worth remembering some things when collecting a package of documents. Firstly, the questionnaire should not contain corrections and blots, otherwise it simply will not be accepted. And secondly, despite the lack of a visa to Macau, planning a trip to China, you need to get permission. Also, one should not forget about the features associated with Tibet and Hainan. In addition, if you plan to visit the special economic zone of Macau, but the entrance will be through China, it is better to request a double or multi-visa to China. Do not forget about it, otherwise there will be unpleasant surprises at the border.

Cancellation of visas in the future - will it be?

Globalization dictates its conditions and erases borders. But despite the gradual strengthening of relations between China and the Russian Federation, there is no reason to think that in the near future a visa to China will no longer be necessary for Russians. However, even now obtaining a permit is not such a troublesome procedure. And for opponents of even a minimal restriction on freedom of movement, there is an extensive list of countries with visa-free entry for Russians.

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