
Investing for profit: rules and recommendations of investors

What would be done to earn a lot of money and relax? Probably, this question torments all representatives of the planet’s population of working age. Therefore, I want to make an investment in order to make a profit. But how to do that? Trust financial companies? Do you want to trade on your own or go into the gambling sphere and play in a casino? Let's try to figure out and determine the safest ways of enrichment.

investment for profit

Urgent problem

All financial companies in their advertising activities expose the image of an abstract person, who is hunchbacked day and night by his superiors in order to earn miserable pennies. In contrast, he is a competent financial analyst who works when it is convenient for him, but at the same time earns a lot and always smiles. Of course, this is an advertising image, and only a completely desperate person can blindly believe it, but often some companies also use it. Investing in order to make a profit should be made rationally and with full awareness of the possible risks. Otherwise, the situation is no different from going to the casino when real money is at stake and an ephemeral opportunity to win is looming ahead.

Commodity-money relations are now present in all areas, and without the risk of investing money in order to make a profit is very problematic. Therefore, it is better to leave aside dreams of life without worries. Easy money gets all the same sweat and blood, albeit in a figurative sense, but all this is associated with mental, emotional and nervous stresses on the body. In any case, it is impossible to invest in order to profit without initial capital.

where you can invest to earn money

We will agree immediately

No expert will give a 100% guarantee of earnings in a particular business. And no one will insure the investor from the loss of all invested funds. Therefore, the search for the option where it is possible is so relevant and dangerous. To invest money, to earn. The maximum that can be obtained before a final decision is made is the recommendations of specialists and data on their earnings. Be sure to consider the balance of supply and demand in this area and the liquidity of the selected business. Some people have a natural flair for bread ideas, but for those who are not among them, the World Wide Web will always come to the rescue.

So where can you invest to earn money? In recent years, various financial pyramids, trading on the stock exchange and on binary options. Can you really make money from them? The answer is yes, but subject to a number of conditions. First, trading on the exchange for a long time should not be the only source of profit. Secondly, trading should not begin with the complete nullification of their assets, obtaining a loan or other monetary obligations. Even if golden mountains, hundreds of cars are promised, then you can’t risk everything! Thirdly, trading should not be conducted by an amateur. Even if it seems to you that all this is done simply and easily, then remember: you are mistaken. A person with a cold mind should trade on the exchange, and this quality does not always characterize even experienced people.

investing for profit; rules and recommendations of investors

Latest trend

Startups are a fashionable investment of money for profit. The rules and recommendations of investors help to determine only at the initial stage, and then provided that you have ideas for development and work.Startups are projects that are innovative and progressive in relation to already implemented ones. The idea itself must be fresh and original, so that consumers are interested in it. Even in its raw form, being just a schematic sketch on paper, such projects can be valued at thousands of US dollars, and with the implementation you can become a millionaire.

For a successful start, you need to have a sober mind and great potential. It is impossible to develop an idea out of a single desire for quick money, but this desire can lead to new progressive thoughts. Perhaps you will come up with a new sport? Gymnastic apparatus? Set up production of cans with special caps? Any little thing that you do not pay attention can bring income. It is enough to recall the author of the "emoticon" who received only $ 5 for his immortal creation. After all, he was sure that he had come up with absolute nonsense and on this missed a fortune.

investing for profit

How to start a startup?

This is not such a simple matter - investing money in order to make a profit. The instruction is worth a lot, but today's billionaires share the secrets of skill just like that. First, you need to find the brain center - that person who will generate ideas that are potentially useful for society. Secondly, there should be people in the startup team who are able to phase out the idea. Thirdly, a team can’t live without initial capital, even if it’s modest, but it must be correctly allocated to the entire implementation of the idea before it is put into production. The final stage of a startup is selling the result through stocks to potential investors. There are no crazy ideas. Properly designed, they can all bring returns and make life easier for hundreds and thousands of people. You can look for inspiration in everyday routine, in your own problems, in conversations with friends. A whole “bank” of such projects is operating in Russia, some of which go under the care of Skolkovo, and some are taken by large corporations.

Right and reasonable

Let's think about what is characterized by a profitable investment with high investment efficiency. To do this, remember what is the right investment. Common sense will tell us that the right investments are investments that should be profitable! This is the main task of the investor - to ensure that his money worked, and not lay dead weight and depreciated over the years. Profit can be large, but one-time or regular. Everyone decides which option is best for him. But for both options, one rule applies - you cannot enter into business without being sure at least of its partial implementation. You can finance in yourself or in others. A competent investor controls all possible areas in order to know for himself the ways of investing. If you are asked for sponsorship, then consider all the options for the development of affairs. Will your investment justify itself? Would this project be too risky? Business on the side is better to check "from" and "to", so as not to be left with nothing. It is easier to exercise control with your business, as the main levers of government are known.

put money on profitable bank deposits

What to foresee?

The monetary gain from more profitable investment properties should be approximately known in advance if the business is completely transparent. Roughly speaking, an investor should count on a certain income from each invested penny. After each stage of the implementation of the business, the investor himself decides whether his number of zeros in terms of profitability and profitability of the business suits him, whether the payback period corresponds to his expectations, and what is the probability of a loss-making outcome. How can losses affect the general condition of the investor? If you plan to invest your money in a business, be sure to check the reliability of the partners and the legality of the proposed sphere of investment.Finally, it is worth saying that a good investor never discounts intuition, even if everything around speaks of its fallacy.

In a crisis period

I must admit that few people decide to open a business during a crisis, but there is one industry that is always in price, no matter what. This is real estate. Invest in business or real estate? You decide, but both of these areas are good in their own way. In 2015-2016, perhaps this is the only correct behavior scenario - to acquire real estate as a reserve for the future. Investors who live solely on the "cream" from their investments, closely monitor the state of the country's economy and the rate of inflation. Who wants to keep on hand the rapidly cheaper money? Better turn them into something reliable and eternal!

Buying equipment is the last century! Do you still think that you can sell TVs at prices higher than market prices ?! Come to your senses! Choose one of the major categories for investment. If not real estate, then production or services. It is safest to opt for what has always been and always will be. And such areas, fortunately or unfortunately, are not very many. Although innovation has not been canceled, and sometimes the risk brings a substantial fee for uniqueness and courage.

invest in precious metals

Universal answer

I do not want to take risks, and the knowledge in banking loopholes is still damp? What to do? You can go the path of least resistance and put money on profitable bank deposits! Here you have a great choice. The bank can be selected by its status, capital, offered interest, terms and capitalization of deposits. Some deposits allow you to withdraw partial profits, but deposits without withdrawal promise more pleasant accruals. I must say that ruble deposits offer more interest, but putting currency into a bank is now almost completely unprofitable.

This is because the course "jumps" and no one can predict its behavior. No bank will take risks and offer the client a large percentage of such an unstable investment. Unless it’s a commercial structure, but if reliability is an important factor in choosing, then it is better to refuse this option. At least experts advise so. To invest money in a bank deposit, not only reputable investors can afford it, but ordinary people who, for example, have received an inheritance or want to postpone money from the sale of real estate.

On shares

Investing in mutual funds is an interesting option for those who have a substantial amount of money and a desire to receive passive income. The investor determines for himself the desired investment period and the fund, the form of which determines the profitability. In essence, a mutual fund is a stock market player who can trade stocks, bonds or mixed investments. All activities are carried out at the expense of the shareholders, so there is a certain risk, in addition, the shareholder deducts certain percentages of his income in favor of the management company. Investors of this kind can be both individuals and legal entities. This investment option is good for long-term plans, at least for 5 years or more. Only for such a risk, the investment risks and the percentage of deductions will be justified.

profitable investment with high investment efficiency

On jewels

Finally, there is an option - invest in precious metals. This is perhaps the most romantic option, since stones and gold have always been considered a sign of power and influence. There are several ways to make such an investment. Firstly, you can buy full bullion from precious metals. Available for purchase: gold, silver, platinum. There is a trick - according to the law, an ingot is considered property, therefore it is taxed. When selling it, the bank will have to pay another 13% tax. It turns out that it is necessary for the ingot to rise in price by a third, just to cover the costs.Also, the tax will have to be paid when buying coins, but they have their own course and, again, they may not be able to cover expenses. An investor can open a “metal” bank account by transferring metals to him for storage. There will be no interest accrual, but only a simple preservation.

Secondly, another option would be to buy securities and shares. Quotations will directly depend on world prices for precious metals and, of course, on the main indicators of shareholder companies. The presence of shares on hand guarantees the receipt of dividends, which will be additional passive income from the investment process. How to evaluate the profitability of such an investment? Is the game worth the candle? Compared to all of the above methods, this one is the most favorable and safe.

Gold is a valuable material and always popular. It will never completely depreciate and will always have weight in the market. If you have in your hands a certain free amount of money that you have, regardless of wages and monthly expenses, then a contribution to precious metals will help to save your cash and even slightly increase it. But this, again, is a long-term investment. It’s not worth exchanging for trifles and investing in metals in order to count on breaking a big jackpot in a month.

It should be added that the precious metals market has a number of advantages compared to others. Firstly, it is more stable than others. Secondly, he perfectly saves funds from inflation. Thirdly, precious metals are in demand during the crisis, as they allow you to earn income and reduce the risks of acquiring assets.

These are the recommendations that experienced investors give, and you should decide what to do.

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