
Age is not a hindrance to work, or How many years can you work at McDonald's and other organizations?

Modern children grow and mature very quickly. And very often teenagers of 14-15 years of age turn to relatives, friends and employers with a request to help them find a job. They ask questions, for example, how many years can you work at McDonald's? What jobs are there for teens?

The answers to these and similar questions will be considered in the article.

General Provisions

The first thing, of course, is to turn to the law and find out if work is legal for teenagers from 14 years old. And if it is legal, then under what conditions and by whom children can work at this age.

Based on the Labor Code, which just regulates all the nuances of labor activity, we can draw the following conclusions.

According to the 20th article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, young people who have reached 16 years of age are hired. Officially, legally, in compliance with all the rules prescribed by law.

But it is not forbidden to hire teenagers at an earlier age and to conclude agreements with them. In this case, some rules must be observed:

  • A minor who has not reached the age of 14 may be engaged in labor activities only with the written consent of one of the parents or guardians.
  • The work that the child plans to do should not cause psychological and physical damage to health.
  • It is possible to work only without breaking away from the school curriculum and the learning process.
  • A medical certificate of the child’s health status is required.

Working conditions for teenagers

For minors working under the law, a special work regime is mandatory.

At the age from 14 to 16 years, the working week should be no more than 12 working hours, thereby a working day - no more than 2.5 hours.

At the age of 16 to 18 years, the working week should be no more than 17.5 hours, thereby the working day - no more than 4 hours.

Jobs for adolescents can be provided both part-time and part-time work week.

There are also categorical prohibitions on certain forms of activity:

  • Night shifts.
  • Recycling.
  • Business trips.
  • Work on weekends and holidays.

how many years you can work at mcdonalds

McDonald's for teens

Work in a large fast food chain seems quite attractive to young people. Therefore, young people have a fair question: “How many years can you work at McDonald's?”

McDonald's employers, like many of their colleagues, do not favor minors too much. First of all, due to double responsibility for very young members of the labor collective. And plus with young employees there are many legally complex nuances that not every employer agrees to observe and fulfill. This applies to the mode of work, and the positions held by 14-year-olds who are given jobs at McDonald's.

If from 16 years old you can get work at the cash register and at extradition, then for people under 16 years of age only work in the hall is shining, namely, mopping and garbage collection. Well, plus “bring-serve” to senior colleagues. If this option suits you, then you can safely try to get a job in the institution of Ronald MacDonald.

work at mcdonalds

How to get a McDonald's: tips

Having affirmed with the choice, it is necessary to prepare for an interview (conversation) with a staff recruiter. Following some tips, it is possible to get a positive decision and get a job.

  • The personnel officer will first determine whether the applicant knows how many years you can work at McDonald's. And specify the age of the interlocutor. No need to dissemble - honestly say how old you are. Indeed, in any case, when applying for a job, documents will be checked.
  • When talking with a personnel officer, it is necessary to show maximum confidence in yourself and in your desire to get a position right here and now.
  • At the interview, they often ask provocative questions and put them in unusual situations. It is necessary to be prepared for this and with dignity to address emerging issues.
  • It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the structure of McDonald's in advance, to remember important points and to emphasize your knowledge in a conversation.

work mcdonald's age

Work for applicants 14-16 years old

Although working at McDonalds seems like an attractive and optimal option, there are other opportunities for minors 14-16 years old besides it.

  • Remote work.

With the help of Internet access and two to three hours a day of free time, you can get even a small but stable income. The only thing you need to withdraw money is to register an electronic wallet with one of the parents.

You can write messages on forums (marked 12+), run a VKontakte group, click on links, perform advertisers' tasks - post ads, write reviews.

  • Work as promoters.

Many large organizations and individual entrepreneurs are happy to hire 14-16-year-old young people to distribute promotional materials. This plan of work for adolescents just does not take much time and is fully consistent with the TC.

work for teens

Work for applicants under 14

Often very young guys and girls who are under 14 years old are eager to earn their first money.

For such applicants, various hard work - McDonald's (the age of employees is limited), courier service, advertising campaigns - will not work. But seasonal side jobs in summer cafes and recreation parks you can try to search.

Young people will also be happy in the creative field. Indeed, not only adult actors play and act in theaters and cinema, children's roles are always in price. This also includes concert associations and promotions.

work for teens from 14

The main thing that should be remembered: for workers under 14 years of age, parental consent is required for the labor activity of their offspring.

Knowing how many years you can work at McDonald's and in other organizations and companies, and also based on the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, you should decide on the necessity and rationality of work at an early age.

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