
Tax refund when buying a property in a mortgage: size, conditions, documents and reviews

Today we will be interested in tax refunds when buying a property. When buying, two options are possible - a regular transaction and a mortgage. There are no significant differences in these processes, but nevertheless, some features still occur. You need to know about them in order to quickly and easily implement tax deduction in a given transaction. In addition, if presented in tax authorities incomplete list of all necessary documents, you will be refused a refund. We'll have to start all over from the very beginning. So how does a tax refund occur when buying a property? In what sizes? What is required of a citizen for this? About all this - further.tax refund when buying a property

For whom

So, the first thing you need to pay attention to is who exactly has the right to receive a tax deduction. As already noted, all taxpayers have such an opportunity. That is, if you are an adult citizen who has completed a real estate transaction, you can calculate the deduction. True, with some limitations.

The main thing is that you and the owner and payer are indicated. Tax refund when buying a property is possible only in this situation. Indeed, otherwise, the homeowner is another citizen. And it is he who has the right to claim a deduction.

how many

Of course, there are some restrictions on the amount that will be returned to you. Do not think that the state will reimburse all costs. Even half of the funds will not be returned to you. The maximum amount of tax refunded when buying a property is 13% of its value. In this case, an amount of 2,000,000 rubles is taken into account. That is, about 260,000 can be recovered after the transaction.

If you purchase housing at a lower cost, you can additionally get the missing funds with the help of other real estate transactions. It is these rules that are currently in force in Russia.

So not too much will return to you. Refund of tax paid when buying a property is a process that many are familiar with. And as the reviews say, if you prepare for it correctly, you will not have any problems. It is enough to submit a complete list of documents that are mandatory collected by taxpayers. Let us get to know them as soon as possible. In fact, not everything is as difficult as it seems.tax refund when buying a property in a mortgage


It all starts, as you might guess, with the presentation of the most important and mandatory document - identity card. In our case, this is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Tax refund when buying real estate in a mortgage (or without it) is not possible with other certificates. That’s exactly what the tax authorities say.

Nevertheless, you can try to replace your passport with some other identity card. Not the fact that you will be accepted, but you can try. Especially if you are replacing a document, but you have not been given a special certificate in the passport office. This is an exceptional case, which can still be considered individually.

A copy of the document (all pages) is submitted to the tax authorities. Certification is not required. Problems, as a rule, do not arise. The main thing is that at the time the package is submitted, the passport is valid and not expired. Otherwise, your documents will not be accepted.

Upon request

What else is needed? Of course, the tax refund when buying real estate documents provides for different.But without fail, regardless of how the transaction was proceeding (with or without a mortgage), you are required to submit a special application. That is, property and tax deductions take place only at the request of a citizen. It is logical - no one will just give you money. Especially return if you do not express a desire.real estate purchase income tax refund

A statement is made in almost free form. A sample is available, but only as a support for writing. It is necessary to indicate the reason for applying to the tax minus, as well as all information about you and the transaction. There is nothing special about this. Do not forget to indicate the value of the purchased property, as well as the form of purchase - with or without a mortgage.


Did you buy a property? Income tax refund only takes place with the appropriate tax return. This is a required document that is needed for any deduction, not necessarily for a real estate transaction. You will have to fill out a report of the established form and present it to the tax authorities without fail.

We will need 3-personal income tax. There is nothing special or difficult to fill in. Simply write there information about you, the seller, as well as about the property that you purchased. It is best to use special programs for preparing the declaration. They quickly and without problems help you solve the problem. All items required to fill out are signed. And if you need to insert some kind of operation code, pay attention to the detailed comments. They also contribute to a quick solution to the problem. When 3-PIT is completed, print and sign it. You can collect other important documents, and then carry out a deduction.

Income and taxes

For example, another rather important reference is also useful. It is called 2-PIT. Either you fill it out yourself (if you work for yourself), or you contact the employer to get one. She declares your income, as well as taxes that you give back from the funds received.tax refund upon purchase of real estate documents

By the way, this certificate is also needed for any deduction. And no matter what is at stake. The fact remains. You must present only the original thereof. No copies, not even certified ones. The tax authorities are entitled to refuse your deduction if 2-NDFL is not attached in the original.


Go ahead. Tax refund when buying a property is a process that many have become accustomed to. Moreover, it is considered easy to implement. Only here you can’t bring the idea to life without presenting a certain list of documents. Regardless of how you bought the apartment or real estate, you will have to submit the contract of sale of this to the appropriate tax authorities.

It is advisable to have the original. But if you do not have an additional copy, a certified copy of the document will do. Please note that in the contract you must be a party to the transaction. That is the buyer. Otherwise, you will be denied a deduction. Indeed, in this situation, as already mentioned, only the participant in the transaction has the right to a refund.

Usually there are no problems with this document. And making a copy is easy, and attach the original too. So do not worry. The sales contract must always be kept. It serves as a confirmation of the transaction.tax refund upon purchase of real estate to a pensioner


Did you buy a property? Refund of income tax is not possible without confirmation of ownership of it. That is, you must present the relevant evidence to the tax authorities. In our case, a certificate of ownership of a property is suitable. It is presented again, regardless of the form of acquisition - in a mortgage or without it.

The original is not needed. It is enough to attach a copy of the certificate to the package of documents. It is advisable to assure her. But even without this, tax authorities, as a rule, do not refuse a deduction.Nevertheless, many taxpayers advise to be safe and reassure. This is not so difficult. Especially when you consider that if the deduction is denied, the whole process will have to start from the very beginning.

Receipts and checks

Next, you will need to prove your expenses. They are confirmed using special receipts from the former homeowner (seller), as well as your receipts for payment. Make sure that your data is on receipts. In the same way as in all other documents.

Originals are not required. You can make copies of documents, and then attach them to the application and tax return. It is advisable to reassure them again. This technique can save you a lot of problems. Nevertheless, in practice, citizens simply make copies of documents and send them to the appropriate authorities.

Without checks and receipts you will certainly be denied a deduction. After all, you need to somehow confirm your spending. And it doesn’t matter whether it is a mortgage or not. The fact remains that everything should be fixed and confirmed on paper. tax refund on property purchase

For seniors

The tax refund for a retired person is slightly different. After all, this category of citizens is, as a rule, beneficiaries. And they are entitled to some bonuses. To receive a deduction for the acquired property, pensioners must attach some list of documents that will help them confirm their rights.

We are talking about health certificates (if a citizen has a disability), as well as a military ticket (for military pensioners) and a pension certificate (for everyone). It is advisable to present medical documents in the original, but everything else - in the form of copies. You can even uncertified. This does not play a big role, you still will not be denied a deduction.

Other papers

Among other things, it is necessary in some cases to present certain copies of documents that are necessary for any deduction. Optional on a mortgage or deductible for real estate transactions. What is this about?

Mandatory photocopies of birth certificates of minor children, as well as marriage and divorce, if any. TIN and SNILS are also applied by citizens for tax deduction.

Reviews indicate that most often such documents are not required, but it is better to attach them. Especially when it comes to mortgages. In addition, it may turn out that the absence thereof will affect the decision of the tax authorities regarding the issue of deduction. I don’t really want to start the whole process from the very beginning. So it’s worth it to be safe.

For mortgage

In principle, tax refunds can already occur when buying property without a mortgage. After all, the listed documents are enough to receive. What else is required of you? If we are talking about real estate and a mortgage, you will have to report some additional securities to the list, and then send the entire package for processing.tax refund for the purchase of real estate terms

What is necessary? Just attach the mortgage agreement (its copy, certified without fail), as well as receipts and receipts on payment of interest. You can also take both originals and photocopies (the second option is common among citizens). And that's it, now it’s clear how it goes personal income tax return when buying an apartment in a mortgage. There is nothing supernatural in this.

The timing

What is the deadline? And how much will this or that application be considered? The tax refund when buying a property is quite flexible. An appropriate request should be submitted to the tax authorities before the end of the tax reporting period - until April 30 in each year.

The reviews indicate that the application is being considered for about a month and a half. Also, people who filed documents for a tax deduction recommend compiling a declaration in duplicate; on one of them, the tax officer must stamp, sign and date. This will be a confirmation that you have accepted the declaration. After you receive a message with the result.Either you are deducted, or indicate the reason for the refusal of the operation. On average, the whole process (after collecting documents) lasts about six months. So try to get to the task as soon as possible. Tax refund when buying a property in a mortgage is not so problematic in fact.

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