
Refund of income tax when buying an apartment, for training or treatment

Many people say that taxes in Russia are exorbitant. They pay personal income tax, insurance premiums, VAT, excise taxes and much more. At the same time, not everyone suspects that they have the right to income tax return. But getting it is not difficult at all.

What is a tax deduction?

All Russians are obliged to pay 13% of their income to the budget. This is the tax system. But most do not encounter this, since this obligation is assumed by a special agent - the employer. Individual income tax is charged on wages, it is reflected in the statement, but the employee simply does not receive it. Instead, the accounting department transfers it to the state account.

However, you will return part of this money by receiving a deduction (refund) of income tax. You can do this if you have any serious expenses, for example, buying a car, apartment or land. In addition, paying for treatment or education for yourself or your next of kin, you can also get such a benefit. Not everyone does this, deciding that it takes too much time and effort, and the amount received is not worth it. But the matter is often not in finances, but in principle, moreover, sometimes serious money can be returned.

income tax refund

Required documents

For each specific case, you need your own package, but it is compiled according to certain principles. Firstly, it is necessary to provide evidence of the transfer to the budget of the requested amount of taxes. As a rule, for this purpose, a 2-NDFL certificate is used, which can be obtained from the accounting department of your employer. In addition, you need a tax return.

In another way, this document is called the form of 3-personal income tax. Evidence of the expenses incurred is still required. This may be checks or other fiscal documents, as well as a contract concluded in the name of the applicant. If the income tax is refunded for expenses committed in the interests of the child, you must also confirm this. Do not forget to bring your ID, TIN, account details. And in general, in each case there are subtleties, which should be discussed separately.

How to get a deduction

In order to use your right to reduce costs, all documents for income tax refunds must be submitted to the inspection at the place of residence. You can claim the expenses made over the past 3 years, so the end of January is traditionally quite a busy time in public places.

After the documents are submitted within 3 months, the tax office carries out a desk (non-travel) check of all documents, and then informs the payer of the decision. Thus, the deduction is extended for a long time. Often errors are found in documents, so it’s better to count on income tax return in about six months.

treatment income tax refund

Property deduction

The purchase of an apartment is a whole event that is unlikely to happen more often than once in a lifetime. Therefore, the opportunity to return taxes on these expenses is provided only once. You can recover a pretty impressive amount. By the way, deduction sharing is allowed, for example, with a spouse. The maximum possible payment is 260 thousand rubles.

Refund of income tax on a home purchase may also include interest on a mortgage. From January 1, 2015, up to 390 thousand rubles are reimbursed in this way, and before that the amount was unlimited.

There is one feature: even if expenses have already been actually incurred, that is, a loan has been started or other financial transactions have been made, a deduction can only be made when the ownership is officially registered. In addition, if, for example, maternity capital was used in the purchase, this amount is also not declared. Keep in mind that the deal between related parties will not be the basis for tax refunds.

In addition to 2- and 3-NDFL, copies of all documents confirming ownership are also required, and if there is a loan - paper and it. Still need to prepare bank statements, credit orders and everything that confirms the amount of expenses. As a rule, in this case the tax inspectorate acts differently: it does not return taxes, but notifies the employer that they should not be deducted from the applicant’s earnings. Given the large expenses, these amounts are worth declaring an income tax refund.

When buying a land

For such an acquisition, the same rules apply as in the case of an apartment. Unfortunately, property deduction does not imply division into different categories, that is, 2 million can be used to buy one or the other or both objects at once, but the limit is the same. By the way, until 2015, it was possible to recover taxes using the deduction in question with only one acquisition. Now, this money is divided into several real estate objects.

Property sale

Another way to return part of hard-earned money is to use the right to deduction after the transfer of certain assets. If the property was in possession of the applicant for less than three years before the sale, he can take advantage of a deduction of up to one million.

If the term is longer, then the amount is unlimited. But here the rule with the ability to pull for a long time with the design no longer applies. In order to avoid fines and penalties, all documents must be collected and transferred until May 1 of the year following the transaction. So you can initiate a tax return on the purchase of real estate, as well as its sale. This will save a lot of money.

As for other property, for example, a car, with an amount of up to 250 thousand rubles, the seller is exempted from the obligation to pay personal income tax. By the way, despite the fact that the costs of acquiring an “iron horse” are in some ways comparable in value to the cost of an apartment, income tax is not yet paid when buying a car. Perhaps he will still appear, but for the time being he cannot claim such a deduction.

income tax refund when buying a car

Treatment deduction

Often there is a need to use medical services and buy some medicines. Such expenses can also be claimed for a refund, but there are some important subtleties here. Firstly, there are two categories of medical services in terms of taxes: conventional and expensive. A complete list of both is in Government Decision No. 201 of March 19, 2001. In the first case, the deduction amount is limited to 120 thousand rubles, and in the second - only by the expenses themselves.

A special certificate will be required, which must be taken at a medical institution. All payment documents and the contract must be executed on the applicant, even if he was not a patient. If everything is framed correctly, it is not difficult to receive an income tax refund for treatment.

For education

Kindergarten, school, full-time higher education and other paid services may also be the basis for receiving income tax refunds. You can reimburse part of the expenses for yourself, as well as for children, brothers and sisters under the age of 24 years, studying in full-time. In addition to the standard package of documents for obtaining this deduction, it is necessary to provide proof of expenses and an agreement drawn up in the name of the applicant.

For each child, you can get a refund at the rate of 50 thousand tax per year, that is, 6500 rubles.Up to 15,600 rubles can be returned for brothers and sisters, as well as expenses for their own education. By the way, it is worth considering that this amount is the maximum for all social deductions.

income tax refund on property purchase

Other deductions

In some cases, a tax refund may not be noticeable, since it is the responsibility of the employer accounting. For example, this is a standard deduction for children in the amount of 1,400 rubles. on the first and second, as well as 3000 rubles. on the third. In addition, there are professional reimbursements that can be received by individual entrepreneurs, people practicing private practice, or engaged in creativity. In this case, you already have to deal with it yourself.

Another deduction is not always mentioned in connection with the small popularity of charity. Nevertheless, the state encourages its citizens to help their neighbors, however, to a reasonable extent. You can return 13% of expenses that make up no more than a quarter of the total revenue received for the year. In addition, there are deductions for those who work with securities. True, they are applied only in case of incurred losses.

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